
I will Survive

In a mysterious and treacherous world, Thane finds himself thrust into a desperate struggle for survival. Awakening in an unfamiliar jungle and guided by his father's teachings, Thane must confront the dangers of the alien environment and the darkness within himself if he hopes to survive. In this gripping tale of survival and sacrifice, Thane's resilience is put to the ultimate test as he strives to emerge victorious against impossible odds.

SomethingInterest · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Whispers in the Dark

As the creatures drew nearer, Thane's senses sharpened, and his attention snapped to Bead, who had broken the silence. In a scarcely audible whisper, Bead muttered "Tikoloshe," his voice trembling with a depth of fear that seemed to hang heavy in the air, palpable even in the darkness. Thane felt a surge of urgency as he registered Bead's condition—gripped by a paralysing terror that threatened to overwhelm him. Thane moved swiftly and decisively without hesitation, his instincts guiding him to restrain Bead before the creatures could detect their presence, every action propelled by the pressing need to avoid drawing the creatures closer if it wasn't too late.

Thane swiftly clamped a hand over Bead's mouth to silence any further sounds. Yet, Bead's response was frantic, his thrashing erratic and desperate. Despite Thane's tightening grip, it was evident that Bead was too consumed by terror to be calmed.

As Thane struggled to restrain Bead, his gaze kept darting back into the darkness, his senses heightened to their fullest. In a matter of moments, the rustling of the bushes approached the markings Thane had made earlier in the day. These markers acted as reference points, confirming that the creatures were dangerously close and validating Thane's suspicions that they were indeed the targets. As the creatures drew nearer, Thane felt a chill run down his spine as he noticed something unsettling: the eerie red glows appeared to emanate from their eyes, casting an even more ominous aura over their approaching presence.

In the next moment, Bead began to relax slightly, his panicked thrashing subsiding as he seemed to snap out of his earlier panic. Sensing this shift, Thane slightly loosened his grip, allowing a momentary reprieve from the tension. Yet, as he scanned the surroundings, a sense of unease crept over him. The monsters had vanished, their presence no longer discernible in the darkness. Thane strained his ears, but the once-ominous rustling of bushes had ceased, replaced by an eerie silence that seemed almost deafening. Even more unsettling was the absence of the faint red glows that had emanated from the monsters' eyes just moments before. The only sound cutting through the stillness was Bead's gradually steadying breath, a sign that he was slowly regaining his composure.

In these tense moments, Thane's survival instincts surged, prompting him to assess the traps he had set and the makeshift weapons nearby, all while emphasising the crucial importance of maintaining composure. Contemplating the possibility of escape along the trails he had marked earlier, Thane whispered a mantra to himself, a phrase ingrained in him by his father during their rigorous training sessions: "Stay focused. Stay alert. Stay alive."

As Bead appeared to relax, Thane eased his grip, sensing that the worst of Bead's panic had subsided. For a fleeting moment, a semblance of calm settled over them. But in the stillness, a creeping unease lingered, and just as Thane began to let his guard down, a sudden instinctual awareness gripped him. Without warning, he felt a presence looming behind him. Reacting swiftly, Thane propelled Bead away from himself with a powerful shove, the force sending them both hurtling to opposite ends of the shelter.

In the blink of an eye, the tranquillity shattered as a towering colossus among monsters launched its malnourished appendage through the shelter with surprising force, contradicting its apparent fragility. The limb crashed down at the shelter's centre with a deafening impact, exactly where Thane and Bead had stood moments earlier, sending tremors through the makeshift structure. Emitting a low, guttural clicking sound akin to "Krr'ik-tak!", the creature's tone conveyed a mix of irritation and surprise, as if it had expected to uncover something hidden within the shelter.

As the monster slowly lifted its otherworldly appendage, seemingly composed of a hardened black substance with grotesquely thin and twisted fingers, it began to feel around. Thane remained silent, his spear held steadily in the direction of the creature. The limb moved methodically, as if on a quest for something elusive. Despite Bead's earlier calm, panic began to grip him once more, his voice barely audible as he uttered "Tikoloshe si ǀa-ǀam." 

As the creature's twisted appendage slowly closed in on Bead, he remained frozen in place, his eyes darting around frantically. In a fleeting moment of eye contact with Thane, a silent plea for help passed between them, conveying Bead's desperate fear. Then, before the communication could continue further, the creature's malnourished fingers enveloped his eyes, plunging him into darkness and leaving him at the mercy of the colossal monstrosity.

As the scene unfolded before him, a battle raged within Thane. On one side, his human instincts urged him to defend Bead against the monstrous creature, to intervene and protect his companion from harm. Yet, on the other side, his survival instincts screamed at him to hold back, warning him of the potential consequences of action. They whispered that any interference could lead to dire consequences, that it would be wiser to conceal his presence, to shrink into the shadows and evade the attention of the creature. Caught between these conflicting impulses, Thane grappled with the weight of his decision, torn between the desire to help and the instinct to survive.

As if sensing Thane's hesitation, the monster acted swiftly, violently tearing Bead from the shelter with brutal force. In its ferocious motion, the creature tore open a third of the shelter, instantly exposing Thane to a clearer view outside. As Bead was forcibly dragged away, the shelter splintered, with debris scattering in all directions. Amidst the chaos, Bead's head struck one of the wooden spikes Thane had strategically positioned earlier, the impact echoing loudly. A faint trail of blood trickled down Bead's face. 

As the monster started pulling Bead from the shelter, Thane had already begun silently retreating into the shadows within the remnants of his shelter, aiming to evade detection by any other potential monsters in the surroundings. From this new vantage point, he could remain concealed while still being able to view the monsters.

As Thane's eyes scanned through the narrow slits once more, a heavy weight settled in his chest at the sight of Bead, unconscious and at the mercy of the monstrous entity. The creature clutched Bead's leg with a vice-like grip, dragging him across the dirt ground with deliberate slowness, each inch a cruel testament to Bead's helplessness. Then, with a sudden, violent motion, Bead was flung away like a ragdoll, his limp form sailing through the air before landing with a sickening thud about 10 meters away.

As Thane's gaze followed Bead's trajectory, he couldn't help but notice the emergence of other creatures from the shadows. Each bore a striking resemblance to the one that had seized Bead, yet they varied in size and form, each possessing its own grotesque features. The largest among them, the one that had claimed Bead, loomed over the others like a dark sentinel, its sheer size and imposing presence casting a chilling aura. Meanwhile, smaller figures, barely half a meter in height, skulked nearby, their diminutive forms adding an unsettling element to the already eerie scene. It was a moment frozen in time, as Thane beheld the twisted menagerie of monsters before him, each one a grotesque testament to the unknown horrors lurking in the darkness.

As Bead lay on the ground, slowly regaining consciousness, a groan escaped his lips as he attempted to lift himself up. His gaze instinctively turned towards the direction of the shelter he had occupied moments earlier, as if seeking solace in its familiar presence. Though he couldn't see Thane from outside the shelter, it felt as though their eyes met once more, a silent connection amidst the chaos.

But then, a chilling sound pierced the air—an eerie symphony of clicking noises that sent a shiver down Bead's spine. With a start, he turned his head, only to be met with a horrifying sight: the lurking monsters that had been concealed in the shadows were now looming over him, their grotesque forms illuminated by the faint glow of moonlight. Their eyes gleamed with hunger, fixated on Bead as if he were nothing more than a tantalizing meal. 

With a distinctive guttural clicking noise, the largest monster seemed to signal the others, and they wasted no time in descending upon Bead with savage ferocity. In a horrifying frenzy, they tore pieces of flesh from his still-living body, each monster claiming its own gruesome prize. One creature ripped a chunk of Bead's thigh with its razor-sharp teeth, greedily devouring the morsel of flesh. Another monster seized his hair and violently scalped him, stripping away a thick layer of skin and hair from the top of his head. Bead's anguished screams echoed through the night, primal and haunting, as the monsters mercilessly feasted upon him, each bite a testament to their insatiable hunger and Bead's unimaginable agony.

All Thane could do was watch in abject horror and guilt as Bead was devoured alive, his agonized screams piercing the night air. Lost in a whirlwind of emotions, Thane could only gaze helplessly as the monsters tore into Bead's flesh, each bite sending a shiver down his spine. 

As he witnessed this chilling scene, the monsters suddenly paused, as if detecting a disturbance in their surroundings. Then, with unsettling synchrony, the largest monster seized Bead, its monstrous claws piercing his flesh. The others swiftly joined in, encircling Bead as they swiftly whisked him away into the darkness, his agonized cries fading into the night. As the creatures vanished with Bead, their speed was astonishing, a stark reminder of their predatory skill. In the dense jungle, their movements matched nearly 70% of Thane's speed, heightening the potential danger these creatures posed.

Thane, burdened by a mix of guilt and responsibility, could only offer a silent prayer for Bead. With a heavy heart, he painstakingly etched into his mind every detail of Bead's tormented form: his anguished face contorted in pain, and the haunting echo of his primal screams piercing the night. Thane recognized the weight of these memories, understanding them as poignant reminders of the relentless struggle for survival that could become a grim routine in this perilous and enigmatic place.