
I Isekaid Into A Vampire World

[Completed] Dehlia, a twenty-two-year woman, and an orphan lived a mundane life - an ordinary life that had no trace of excitement. Every day was the same for her. Even when her boyfriend broke things off with her, she didn't cry nor was she disheartened, if anything, she was glad that a burden was lifted off her shoulder. She now had only herself to take care of. However, Fate seems to have other plans for her. While surfing through the internet after her break-up, she stumbles upon beta testing for an interactive game and after answering a few questions, falls asleep only to wake up in a vampire world. The world Dahlia thought she knew had changed or maybe this wasn't her world at all and her system made sure to remind her of that. Vampires are wickedly beautiful, charming, fast, strong creatures but yet unabashedly arrogant as they claim to be superior to humans. Unfortunately, this time they rule this world, and Dehlia, sadly, creates a huge scene on the 1000th birthday of the vampire king, Romulus Dominica IV. Although she managed to escape, she didn't escape the claws of Romulus who has his influence all over the vampire world. Now, Dahlia has jumped from frying pan to fire because as punishment she was chosen to compete for the king. A battle Royale where the vampire exerts their dominance and women fight against each other to emerge winner and gets to be the chosen bride of the great Romulus. But then what happens when the vampire king no longer see humans as measly creatures and Dehlia has no choice but to play along to the system's wishes? What can they do when there's danger lurking around the corner. Sometimes, love has to be fought over. Note: this is my first time writing a system novel and I might not be perfect at it. Disclaimer: cover picture doesn't belong to me.

Glimmy · Fantasie
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150 Chs

A Sizzling Night With Tobias

What the hell was she doing outside his room?! Dahlia wondered for the umpteenth time as she kept pacing up and down. This was crazy!

What was she going to tell Tobias? 'Well, hello, today is the last night we are going to see each other - except when you come to collect on your favor - so I was thinking we should make the best of the night'

Yeah, make the best of the night doing what? Real smooth, Dahlia, she groaned, banging her head on the brick wall making sure not to disturb the door. What if he hears her?

If only she knew he heard everything already and it was because he was tired of her groans - it was disturbing his ears - that he marched to the door and opened it. 

"Huh?" Dahlia was startled when the door suddenly opened without her knocking. How did he - wait! Did he hear her movements? Great, this was just great! 

However, even when he opened the door, Tobias didn't say a word and just leaned against the door frame, his brows raised questioningly. 

Dahlia cleared her throat at once, "Do vampires get drunk?" She raised the jar of wine in her hand. 

"Why don't you find out then?" Tobias grinned, stepping aside for her to come in.

Although Dahlia was skeptical of this move, the challenging look in Tobias' eyes fueled her need to win and she stepped in to his surprise - well, slight surprise.

His eyes only widened for a second before his expression was back to being casual. Honestly, Dahlia didn't have high expectations for his room so she wasn't surprised by how empty it looked. His bed, a small round table, and a rack that probably serves the purpose of a wardrobe. That was all.

Dahlia always had a feeling that this wasn't his permanent residence and this just confirmed it. Nobody, vampire or not, would live in this place unless banished. That doesn't seem to be the case here.

"You should sit on the -"

Before Tobias could offer her the bed, Dahlia swept down the length of her gown with her hand and bunched it between her legs before sitting on the floor. 

"The floor is very comfortable," She smiled up at him, leaning against the bed frame.

Tobias grunted something under his breath about being a proper lady and that made her laugh hard. The vampire was really cute when he grumbled.

"That is not funny," Tobias said even as he poured out the drink for her in her own cup. The cup was made of steel, it wasn't exactly a flawless stainless, not that Dahlia was complaining since it served the purpose of drinking. 

He poured out one for himself as well and together they took a long shot.

"Wow!" Dahlia hissed when she was done. She pointed to the jar, "This is  good," she took a second drink. 

"Go easy on that, It's two hundred years old," Tobias announced when he saw the way she took the drink. 

Dahlia choked on her drink immediately, entering a coughing fit. What the hell? Two hundred years? So the wine was her ancestor? If she had known, she would have shown much respect drinking it. 

"I said you should be careful," Tobias murmured as he rubbed her back, calming her down. 

Dahlia was touched by the gesture, how could someone be so kind and loving? 

"How old are you?" It finally crossed her mind. If he could brew a wine for two hundred years, she bet he was older than that by a lot of years. 

"Why?" He teased her, leaning closer, "Did you just realize that the vampire you've been crushing on is a lot of years older than you?" 


Dahlia was stunned by that revelation, what did he just say? That was absolutely ridiculous! 

"I'm not crushing on you," Dahlia should say, defending herself against the claim and proving his proud self wrong. However, her mouth just hung open with no words coming out as she stared on like a moron. 

Instead, she gulped when his fingers grasped her chin, lifting her face. His touch was as light as a feather that it almost felt surreal. She must be in a fairy-tale. 

"You don't even deny your attraction towards me," Tobias muttered, caressing her soft skin.

That action made Dahlia gulp because she felt shivers down her spine. Wasn't this a game? She wondered because the feelings Tobias invoked in her body felt kind of super real. 

His green mesmerizing eyes bored into hers as he said, "Your behavior is kind of shameless but I like it that way," 

And that was all he said before his lips closed down on hers. 

"Holy mother of God," Dahlia said in her mind as her brain fried immediately. 

She froze, her soul flying out of her body as she felt Tobias' soft lips move against hers. She melted inwardly. 

As everyone knows, Dahlia didn't kiss a lot, her ex-boyfriend being the first to introduce that act to her - and she could count the number of times they kissed. As a kid from an orphanage, it wasn't really easy to find the "love" of your life when everyone looked at you like charity coupled with the fact she was pretty much disconnected from everyone. 

Humans were pretentious creatures, she didn't need their vile pity and relationship. However, even the kiss with James then had been to fulfill all righteousness as his girlfriend. The kiss had not moved her until now. 

But this was different. 

Even before their lips met, the attraction between her and Tobias sizzled in the air and now their lips met? They burned. 

Dahlia gasped when he deepened the kiss, both hands now caressing her face and sending forth good tingles to her body. Did he have a pair of magic hands or what? 

The next Dahlia knew she was on his lap, striding him, stunning her. How did he? But her brain couldn't keep up with the question because his hand grabbed a fistful of her hair, shoving his tongue inside of her mouth while pressing her flush against his body. 

Dahlia moaned. 

Almost immediately,  she heard a series of notifications in her head. 

[Random Quest available (optional)] 

[Spend a sizzling night with Tobias] 

[Reward - 4000 credit points] 

[Time Limit - An hour]

[Note: Choosing this option would make slight changes to the storyline]