
I Isekaid Into A Vampire World

[Completed] Dehlia, a twenty-two-year woman, and an orphan lived a mundane life - an ordinary life that had no trace of excitement. Every day was the same for her. Even when her boyfriend broke things off with her, she didn't cry nor was she disheartened, if anything, she was glad that a burden was lifted off her shoulder. She now had only herself to take care of. However, Fate seems to have other plans for her. While surfing through the internet after her break-up, she stumbles upon beta testing for an interactive game and after answering a few questions, falls asleep only to wake up in a vampire world. The world Dahlia thought she knew had changed or maybe this wasn't her world at all and her system made sure to remind her of that. Vampires are wickedly beautiful, charming, fast, strong creatures but yet unabashedly arrogant as they claim to be superior to humans. Unfortunately, this time they rule this world, and Dehlia, sadly, creates a huge scene on the 1000th birthday of the vampire king, Romulus Dominica IV. Although she managed to escape, she didn't escape the claws of Romulus who has his influence all over the vampire world. Now, Dahlia has jumped from frying pan to fire because as punishment she was chosen to compete for the king. A battle Royale where the vampire exerts their dominance and women fight against each other to emerge winner and gets to be the chosen bride of the great Romulus. But then what happens when the vampire king no longer see humans as measly creatures and Dehlia has no choice but to play along to the system's wishes? What can they do when there's danger lurking around the corner. Sometimes, love has to be fought over. Note: this is my first time writing a system novel and I might not be perfect at it. Disclaimer: cover picture doesn't belong to me.

Glimmy · Fantasy
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150 Chs

Last Time With Tobias

Tobias knew Orston was waiting for him even right before he stepped into his room. He walked in majestically, barely acknowledging Orston's presence.

"You are letting her go just like that? Then what was the use of asking me to keep an eye on her?" Orston protested. He felt his master was making a huge mistake here by promising to free her.

"And since you kept your eyes on her, what did you find out about her?" Tobias asked, finally giving him attention.

At once, Orston lowered his head, saying shamefully, "Nothing sire,"

"Then there's no use keeping her here," He concluded.

"But master -"

"If Dahlia truly has potential, then it's been wasted here. Only when she's sent to the capital can we know how special she is," Tobias already thought it over.

"Have you also forgotten my brother is after her as well?" Tobias asked with a smile that didn't touch his eyes.

And yes, Tobias and Romulus, the king of the kingdom of Acadia were blood brothers. Twins to be exact, with Tobias being the eldest. Unfortunately, the kingdom of Acadia had no interest in birth order and overrepresentation of firstborns, they all focused on power and capacity.

Although both brothers were turned by the same original vampire, Romulus was far more promising and stronger, so when the time came, it was not surprising he was crowned king instead of his older brother, Romulus.

But then, the current human population knows nothing of this history since it's been hundreds of years since Tobias left the kingdom until now. Even at that, he was not ready to show himself to his brother yet because this time, Tobias was here to take his rightful place at any cost.

"My brother must be after her for the same reason we are - he suspects she has magic. So we use him and get the information we want. Hence, begin the search for her parents immediately. There's no time to waste anymore," Tobias commanded him, taking off his waist-length jacket till he was only in his long sleeve cotton shirt that fit loosely over his body. 

"But the instant she steps into the capital, she would be captured by Romulus courtesy of general Alaska, are we still going with that?" 

"Then it's a big victory for us. Do as I say," Tobias lifted the sheet off the bed and climbed in just as Orston silently left the room as usual. If he wasn't a vampire, he would think the guard was a ghost and wouldn't be able to pick up his footsteps. 

Tobias shielded his face with the crook of his arms, lost in his thoughts. His mind couldn't help but wander about that brief moment between him and Dahlia earlier tonight.

He knew humans were quite taken by people of their kind because they were the superior race blessed with extraordinary abilities and beauty, so he didn't think much of that scene where she almost kissed him. 

But he had to admit, he did crave her as well. 

With a disturbed sigh, Tobias turned the other way. 

Unlike what people thought about vampires, they slept as humans do as well because this was their world. However, unlike humans who fall into a deep slumber and aren't aware of their surroundings, vampires did.

Just like you don't touch a lion by the tail, whether dead or alive, you don't do the same to vampires because they aren't fully asleep when they're asleep thanks to their enhanced senses and the fact they're undead. 

Two days passed after that very encounter and Dahlia had to admit that her relationship with Tobias kind of improved. The man wasn't scary and haughty as she previously thought of him, rather he was naturally reserved and aloof to people. 

He only opened up a bit to people he trusted - yeah, trust issues there - and did she forget to add that he was so damn mysterious and secretive. Thanks to the system's mission to spend more time with him, she ended up asking about the evil forest. 

"This place didn't use to be like this," He told her, "The trees, animals... there was beauty once here until the witches came,"

"The witches?" 


"So you guys are at war with the witches?" 


"For how long?" 

"A while now," 

"Whose side is winning?" 

"Our side," 

"Why haven't I met a witch?" 

"Because you'd be dead if you did so," 

"How are you so sure of that?" 

"Eat, you talk too much," 

And that was the end of their conversation. Dahlia was not satisfied with the information she received because Tobias was being vague about it. Nor could she ask any more questions. Sigh, he was so annoying. 

"You will be leaving tomorrow, I finally found your parents." Tobias suddenly announced in the middle of her breakfast. 

Dahlia froze, her spoon stopping halfway to her mouth. What did she just hear? She was leaving tomorrow? No, the most important question was, she had parents here? 

Back on earth, Dahlia had been an orphan and had never experienced the warmth of a family hence she didn't know whether to be elated or frightened by the news. What has she gotten herself into in the name of getting to the capital? 

She had used the excuse of seeing her parents - she had no clue existed in this world until now - as a means to elicit pity from Tobias so he could let her go. Now, she doesn't know what to do anymore. 

The shock on her face worked either way because Tobias didn't find her actions suspicious. She must be moved by his gesture, he thought. 

"Thank you!" Dahlia had no choice but to look happy. Well, she was happy; she would get to the capital soon - and be one step closer to fulfilling her mission and getting back to her earth. 

"You don't have to thank me, it wasn't that hard finding them," Tobias said modestly. 

"I'm still grateful nonetheless," Dahlia thanked him. 

Then it suddenly  hit Dahlia, if she would be leaving tomorrow, that means today would be the last time she would spend with Tobias. For some reason, it saddened her.