
I have an empire in marvel and dc

[Synopsis] Eric Alejandro's adventure, being an emperor in DC and MARVEL, crosses the realities and dimensions of anime, comics, movies, and novels. The story will focus more on DC and Marvel. While the trips to different realities are to help him gain strength, materials, technology, women, and subordinates to be on top of all of dc and marvel. In the combined dc and marvel universe, there will also be other stories to give it more life and challenges, like Godzilla, terminator, the boys, predator etc. Eric will be reincarnated before the start of Captain América, so not all the history will be done quickly. [Minor Spoiler] what chaos will it cause when.  Godzilla from the main universe (DC and Marvel) faces a titan (Pacific Rim). [Note] I don't own dc, marvel, the boys etc. I only own my protagonist, it's my first time writing, so I appreciate advice and opinions, I'm not very good at grammar, so be patient I can improve as the story progresses. This story will have a big harem, the mc will not be totally op, obviously he will grow little by little.

Yisus88 · Filme
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13 Chs


Note: there will be different tokens for dimensional travel.

The symbol (+) will be clicked to see all the information and not take up much space in the status.

Random token: this will take you to a world that I know or that I don't know, as the name says it will be random.

Free Token: You can go to any world you know of or have memory of such a world, and you can decide the date you want to arrive.

Fixed Token: You can only travel to the world that such token dictates.

Surprise token: It is a world with different stories merged like the main world.

'Status' I wonder what my status will look like.



[Name: Eric Alexander Hydreigon

[Harem: none

[Trusted Subordinates: ???

[Worlds Conquered: None

[Age: 9 years old

[Occupation: Prince of the Ghidorah Kingdom

[Bloodline: Ghidorah, ???


[spiritual library (+)

[learning (+)

[mental immunity (+)

[perfect body (+)

[Infinite storage space (+)

[Current World: Main World

[Traveled World: none

[Available token:

[Free token: 1 (+)

[Free token: 0 (+)

[Fixed token: 0 (+)

[Surprise token: 0 (+)


"Ready was better that way, the good thing is that I can configure the state" I say while congratulating me for configuring it that way, it makes it easier for me to use it that way

'What I have to worry about the most right now is. gaining easy strength with the free token I have right now, since I currently have, many problems I have to face, the problem of the kingdom, the future world war. Hydra and more difficulties that I don't know' puff difficulties and more difficulties, although first it is the kingdom, since it is my strongest support at the moment.

[Time limit time reached, host, the time to pause the time is over, if you occupy something or have more questions, just think of the system so that you can answer your questions.]

[A piece of advice, keep in mind that you are in a reality with different possible futures that you can change at any time with your intervention]

"Thanks for the advice system" I thank the system as I watch how everything returns to normal, while looking out the window,

"Only firstly I have to eliminate the traitors and take over the kingdom, it is 1935, about 4 years before the 2 world war begins. I have to prepare myself, the good thing is that I always liked to investigate ancient events, in my life passed" as I begin to remember, I hear a knock on the door.

"Who" I ask while I get nervous, to know who it is.

"It's me Carla, can I come in prince" Carla, behind the door, asks more calmly after hearing the prince speak.

"Go ahead" I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that it is Carla, my personal maid, I always take care of myself since I can remember in this body of mine.

"Good morning, prince, I hope you're better, I've come to bring you your breakfast, it's already 8 in the morning, I think maybe you're already hungry" Carla says as she enters the room.

"Sure, finish doing that and leave me alone" I say as I watch Carla, arrange the cutlery and food on the table, before she finishes and leaves the room, leaving me alone, although I see her worried eyes.

"If you need something just talk to me prince I'll be outside the door" says Carla as she bows a little and leaves the room, closing the room.

Ugh, what a headache, so many problems to fix, well first you have to eat, then I think about the problems facing the kingdom, I say as I sit on the chair to be able to eat quietly,

'system you can check if the food is poisonous' I ask the system if it can help me, since I still haven't forgotten that recently they wanted to kill me, I swear I'll make the one who wants to kill me pay.

[Currently, your food is clean with nothing harmful to the host, you can eat in peace]

'Thank you' I thank him as I start to devour the food, I admit that I assumed I would not like the food, although it is delicious, I suppose that being a prince has its good things, although I miss my previous food, the good thing that I learned cooking.

While I'm eating I think about possible candidates who would like me dead, I must say that I thought that perhaps Hydra or the Nazis wanted to assassinate me, but thinking that the kingdom where I live is scarce in resources, and I am a continent away, I discarded the idea, apparently this world is 3 times bigger than the earth.

And yes, my kingdom is between the American and Asian continents, it could be said that it replaces the island of Hawaii, since it does not exist, only a super large island or almost a complete continent, which is my kingdom.

Although it is divided between many families and nobles, ugh more problems, although I suppose that is why we have not faced almost any invasions, due to the fact that the kingdom is almost in chaos, even for my previous father, since he did not even know very well how to administer the kingdom and only gave away land.

Though I guess that helped give the royal family more time to live, if we hadn't been replaced.

Although it is also thanks to the commander of the imperial army, who is very loyal to the royal family, he gathered his 500,000 men of the royal guard.

"Wow so many, what the fuck" I say out loud when I realize that I have half a million soldiers at my disposal.

"Are you alright, prince?" Carla asks when she hears the prince yell, and runs into the room with 4 royal guards.

"Yes, I'm fine, leave me alone" I say after seeing what entered my room.

After Carla realizes that everything is fine, she leaves the room, if not before giving her one last look that everything is fine.

"With your permission, prince" Carla says as she leaves the room, returning to silence in the room.

As I watch them leave, it puts me at ease, and I begin to think of more trouble coming, realizing that each family and noble have their own armies.

Even having up to the same number as the royal guard, ***** my father didn't know that letting them have numerous private armies was dangerous for the royal family.

Another thing is that I don't even take care of the citizens and there is also chaos throughout the kingdom, another problem to attend to.

The bad thing about him is that he was very greedy for money and kept as much money as he could in the royal treasury, even better giving land rewards than giving gold.

The good thing about it is that there is a lot of gold and material in the royal treasury, which could be used to lift people out of poverty and hunger, while gaining people's support.

It would only be to see how to deal with some great families and nobles, to have all the control of the kingdom and not attack me from behind at a critical moment, I have to see who is loyal and who is not, in order to make a good plan.

Well, I have never governed or given orders, I hope I am doing well, well first I must hold a council meeting, to get to know the people better and learn more about the kingdom's problem in order to solve it.

"Guards" as I shout out loud to the guards.

"Yes, prince, what do you want" ask the 4 guards kneeling once they enter the room.

"Tell the council members that as a prince and future king of the realm. He ordered a council meeting at 12 noon today, David and Michael, you two go break the news, the other two stays on guard" while I give my first order, I feel a bit nervous and excited, although I managed to maintain a calm appearance, and from the surprised look of the guards I must say that I did well.

"Yes, prince as you order" say the guards who are going to do what the prince asked them, although a little surprised, but they did not show it.

Once they left, I turned to see my personal maid or rather my dear Carla, since to say that she had a surprised face was an understatement, due to the fact that she saw me when I was little, and we trusted each other. To say that she is more than surprised is an understatement, since she knows me as quiet, shy, and silent.

"How surprised" I ask as I watch her snap out of her stupor.

"Well prince, I must say that I was surprised by this facet that you showed right now" he smiles a little awkwardly, while he looks at me with obvious surprise still on his face.

"I said that you can call me Eric or Alex when you're alone, you don't have to call me a prince, after all we almost grew up together, the only difference is that he's 14 years old, and I'm 9 years old" I tell him while I smile at him and tell him to sit down.

"Thank you, although I don't think you should do that, you are going to become king after all. It wouldn't be good to gossip with a maid like me, it may be fine for now, but later when you are older, you prince, you can." affect his reputation for having such trust with a maid like me" Carla speaks with concern for me, more now that I just lost my parents, and she doesn't want to see me sad.