
Chapter 691: Ice Cream Gets Terrified!

As Xiao Nie ran off, the lions lay down, utterly confused.

Their eyes reflected their puzzlement. What was going on?

Yueyue and Kaka stared blankly in the direction Xiao Nie had run, then turned to look at each other, their faces showing a "囧" expression.

This strange "lion" didn't seem very capable!

Its roar was too soft, like a mosquito's buzz, and its pouncing was weak and lacked any ferocity. Truly embarrassing for lions.

It ran slowly, without any swiftness.

Could it be that its front paws were injured, and it had to stand up to run? Is that why it was so slow?

Qiqi shook its head in disbelief, thinking if it were in that situation, it would first prank these foolish humans by peeing on them.

Young lions like Didi and Bubu watched the commotion with great interest!

They thought this "lion" was playing some kind of game with the staff.

Running around on the grass, chasing each other, pouncing and playing, they expressed their excitement.

Xiao Nie left the lion exhibit and ran towards the tiger exhibit!

Whenever he encountered a protective net, he raised his paw and shouted "Rua!" before changing direction and continuing to run.

In the tiger exhibit!

Jiao Jiao was lying quietly on a slope, her amber eyes looking out with some curiosity, her ears perked up to listen to the sounds outside, and the tip of her tail gently tapping the grass as if it had a life of its own.

In the past, she had been bored out of her mind in her concrete enclosure, developing a habit of observing visitors.

She had roughly figured out some patterns!

In the morning, there were very few visitors outside, and by the time she was ready to go back to the den in the evening, the visitors would be gone.

However, every few days, there would be a couple of days when it was very lively, with a sudden increase in visitors.

This interval was similar to the interval at which the keepers fed live food.

Some days were called "holidays" by humans, with a constant stream of visitors, and the keepers would bring extra delicious food, allowing her to have a great meal.

But too many people were also a problem, as it was too noisy and disturbed her and Ice Cream's rest.

Today was different from usual; she had never encountered such a situation before!

A serious broadcast suddenly sounded, visitors screamed and then all ran away.

Then the staff came over, setting up protective nets, looking like they were facing a great enemy.

She felt a bit uneasy.

At that moment, she saw Xiao Nie in a lion costume running over!

Jiao Jiao was shocked.


What's going on? Why is there a strange animal running around outside the exhibit?

She ran to the edge of the moat, stretched her neck to look outside, and roared, "Roar~"

She let out a deep engine-like roar, as if asking, "How did you get out?"

Xiao Nie turned his head, seeing Jiao Jiao's wide-eyed shocked expression through the slit in his headpiece, and chuckled.

Hehe, even the tiger is baffled by me!

Jiao Jiao roared again!

Ice Cream, something's happening here, come and check it out!

Ice Cream, without much thought, noticed the visitors had run away and didn't find it strange. She continued to lie down lazily to rest.

In the summer, the outside was unbearably hot. Whether playing or lying in the shade, it felt stiflingly warm, and only playing in the pond provided some relief.

After the autumn temperature dropped, lying on the soft, fragrant fallen leaves, basking in the warm, perfectly tempered sun, listening to the chirping birds, it was incredibly comfortable to nap.

Hearing Jiao Jiao calling her, she yawned widely, got up from the pile of leaves, and stretched.

Wagging her tail, she trotted over to Jiao Jiao.

She nuzzled her head against Jiao Jiao's soft cheek affectionately, acting coy.

Mommy, what's up?

Look, there's a strange animal running around!

Ice Cream's blue eyes stared curiously at Xiao Nie.

She had never seen such a strange animal before! Today was truly eye-opening!

At this moment, the van carrying the veterinary team arrived!

Xiao Nie raised his paw and shouted, "Rua!"

Facing the van that suddenly approached, he looked cautious, roaring to warn it not to come closer!

Then he turned around, preparing to run in another direction.

He carefully moved away, occasionally looking back, his acting skills on point!

"We are now three meters away from the lion! Veterinary team ready! Over!"

Fang Ye spoke into the walkie-talkie, "Proceed as planned, be careful not to get hurt by the lion! Over!"

The van's window slowly rolled down a crack.

Then, they threw a two-pound piece of raw meat!

Xiao Nie heard a "splat" and looked at the meat on the ground, momentarily conflicted.

This part wasn't detailed in the script, allowing him some freedom to improvise.

As a lion that had escaped, should he stop to eat the meat or continue running?

Thinking from a lion's perspective, seeing so many people surrounding him, he would be quite nervous and wouldn't stop to eat.

After some thought, he walked over, picked up the meat with his paw, pretended to carry it in his mouth, and dragged it to a hidden corner to enjoy later.

Just as he picked up the meat, a tranquilizer blowpipe emerged from the van window!

Lin Ying, aiming at Xiao Nie's butt, chuckled sinisterly.

Carefully aiming, she blew hard into the pipe!

The tranquilizer dart used for the drill, of course, didn't have a needle.

Even so, the accelerated dart from the blowpipe still hurt when it hit.


Xiao Nie jumped up, clutching his butt, his face under the headpiece contorted in pain, letting out a genuine scream.

This scream had no acting, it was all real emotion!

Hit by the tranquilizer dart, he ran off, his steps gradually faltering, stumbling as if drunk.

In Sichuan dialect, he was "er ma er ma"!

After a while, he collapsed to his knees, his body falling with a "thud."

He shakily extended a paw, pointing forward.

Ugh, no... don't stop!

Ice Cream, who had been watching with great interest, was suddenly startled when she saw the "lion" get hit by the tranquilizer dart and scream in pain!

Her ears drooped, her body stiffened like a statue.

Seeing the "lion" fall, her eyes showed panic, her mouth open, panting.

What's happening? Is it dead? Why did they shoot it?

Jiao Jiao remained calm.

After observing for a while, she was sure it was a two-legged beast!

From her understanding, the outer layer of a two-legged beast's fur could be changed. She just didn't know why this one was dressed so strangely.

Seeing Xiao Nie fall, she was only slightly puzzled, not panicked.

Seeing Ice Cream's terrified state, she gently licked her forehead.

She roared softly, as if saying, "Don't be afraid, I'll protect you."