
Chapter 690: Realistic Acting, Scaring Kids to Tears!

Xiao Nie began to take action!

He ran out from behind the trees, raising his paws and letting out a roar, "Rua!"

However, by this time, the visitors had already followed the keepers and evacuated!

His dramatic entrance went unnoticed.

Xiao Nie continued, raising his paws as he slowly walked out of the lion exhibit.

A lion escaping from a familiar enclosure wouldn't immediately sprint away; it would cautiously explore the unfamiliar environment first.

The keepers of various exhibits had already evacuated the visitors and were now reporting through their walkie-talkies with serious expressions.

"Bird exhibit area cleared of visitors, over!"

"Giant panda exhibit area cleared of visitors, over!"

Xiao Nie slowly walked forward and turned a corner.

By this time, the staff had already set up a protective net!

One side of the net was attached to a vehicle, and the other side was tied to a tree, blocking the pathway.

Security guards Wang Jun and Lei Zhi, along with keepers like Meng Shi, wearing safety helmets, supported the net with T-shaped poles in the middle, looking ready for action.

The lions in the exhibit were also puzzled!

Why had all the visitors suddenly disappeared while they were being observed?

Qiqi was just about to choose a lucky visitor to play a prank on by peeing on them.

Suddenly, they heard a serious announcement over the loudspeaker, and the visitors all ran away. They had no idea what was happening.

Qiqi climbed to the top of Pride Rock, occupying a spot with a good view, to observe the situation outside.

Other lions also ran to the edge of the moat, the steps near Pride Rock, either standing or lying down, watching the outside.

Yueyue and Kaka lay together, with Didi and Bubu leaning against them, looking like a family watching a movie at the cinema.

Behind the protective net was the safe zone. Visitors stood behind it, watching the excitement, and reporters were filming with their cameras.

Seeing Xiao Nie in a lion costume, turning his head left and right, and walking slowly over, they couldn't help but laugh!

The lion costume was a cute cartoon design with innocent big eyes, looking nothing like a dangerous predator that had escaped from its cage.


"This is hilarious, such a ferocious lion!"

"So cute, I even want to go up and pet it!"

"Do lions really walk on two legs?"

"Haha, even the real lions are confused!"

A couple from Xinghe University visiting the zoo, the girl pretended to be scared, holding onto the boy's arm, "So scary, so scary!"

The boy gallantly hugged her, gently patting her back, "Don't worry, I'm here to protect you!"

A single guy nearby rolled his eyes in exasperation.

If a real lion escaped, would they still have time for romance? The lion would swipe them away in one go.

Even the staff couldn't hold back their laughter.

Seeing Xiao Nie in the lion costume approaching step by step, the comical scene made Wang Jun burst out laughing.

Lei Zhi's shoulders shook slightly, "Be serious, this is a drill!"

He then forced himself to hold back his laughter.

The lions were far more innocent than humans.

Seeing this scene, they widened their eyes!

Kaka even stood up to get a clearer view.

With its mouth open, it looked utterly confused, wondering what was happening. Why was there a strange-looking companion outside? It had never seen it before!

Seeing Xiao Nie slowly approaching the protective net, looking like he might clash with people at any moment, Kaka roared nervously.


Brother, come back! The outside world is dangerous! Don't fight with the two-legged creatures!

Young lions like Didi and Bubu, not understanding the situation, watched with great interest!

They usually stayed in the lion exhibit and were curious about the outside world, wanting to go out and play.

Yueyue frowned, tilting her head in confusion.

This lion didn't seem like a normal lion. No lion walked like that.

With her paws neatly tucked under her, she carefully observed what would happen next.

Xiao Nie peeked through the mouth slit of the lion headpiece to see the outside situation!

He walked up to the protective net, pacing back and forth, pretending to be hesitant!

Then, he raised his paws, bared his teeth, and roared, "Rua!"

Children, like the lions, had simple and innocent minds.

Seeing Xiao Nie's "lion roar," they screamed in fear.

"Dee woo dee woo~"

Police cars, sirens blaring, arrived at the zoo entrance.

Visitors who hadn't entered yet were stunned, wondering what was happening.

Fang Ye asked through the walkie-talkie, "Veterinary team, are the tranquilizer darts ready?"

Lin Ying replied, "Ready!"

"Good! Veterinary team, get in the car and prepare for tranquilization!"

Since the drill was pre-announced, preparations were swift.

Xiao Nie paced in front of the protective net for a few steps, then, seemingly enraged, suddenly charged at the net!

Chest out, he jogged towards Lei Zhi, bumping into him and knocking him to the ground!

This, of course, was a pre-arranged action, considering the possibility of a predator charging at the net during the drill.

Lei Zhi fell to the ground, groaning in pain, "Ah~" Wang Jun instinctively wanted to help, but his movement caused the net to sag slightly.

Another supporting staff member ran over, shouting nervously, "Captain! Wow, are you hurt? You don't look well!"

Lei Zhi weakly said, "Help me up, I can still fight!"

The staff member, moved, said, "Captain!"

Seeing such an intense scene, the children were scared to tears!

Parents quickly comforted them, "It's okay, it's just a drill, it's all fake!"

But the children kept crying!

Wang Jun half-squatted, pulling Lei Zhi with one hand, while another staff member helped.

Lei Zhi, regaining his composure, resolutely held up the protective net!

Seeing Lei Zhi's excellent performance, Xiao Nie got into the act, planning to add some drama by bumping into someone else.

But seeing Meng Shi's burly and muscular frame, he hesitated.

If he bumped into him, he might end up flipping himself over!

If a real lion escaped, it would also be confused, wondering why there was a bear spirit here.

Xiao Nie turned and ran in another direction.

This part of the drill simulated the lion being startled after failing to breach the net and fleeing elsewhere.

Lei Zhi picked up the walkie-talkie, "The lion is heading towards the tiger exhibit! Over!"

Lin Ying: "Veterinary team received! Over!"

The minivan turned a corner, heading towards the tiger exhibit.

As the predator fled, the encircling net would move, gradually shrinking the area to eventually confine the animal in a small space, making it easier to tranquilize and capture.