
Chapter 692: The Drill Ends

Bing Gao, comforted by Jiao Jiao's gentle reassurance, felt less afraid.

However, a more complex emotion surged within her.

Mom has always comforted and protected me since I was little, but now I'm a big tiger. When danger arises, I should protect Mom too!

She took a step forward, mustering her courage to continue watching.

Jiao Jiao glanced at Bing Gao, noticing she seemed different!

Lin Ying, in the van, saw Xiao Nie staggering and collapsing and laughed, "Haha, his acting is quite convincing!"

After shooting the tranquilizer dart, to prevent the lion from retaliating in anger, she immediately rolled up the window.

She reported via walkie-talkie, "The lion has been successfully tranquilized! Observing the situation, over!"

After patiently waiting a few minutes, the van drove up to the "lion." The window rolled down a bit, and a long pole was extended to gently poke it.

They wanted to check if it was truly unconscious and prevent any sudden attacks!

After several pokes, the "lion" remained motionless except for a slight reaction when poked on the butt.

"The lion is unconscious! Over!"

Fang Ye responded, "Great, thank you for your hard work!"

Once confirmed tranquilized, the van door opened, and several veterinarians got out.

Meng Shi and others ran over, helping to lift the "lion" onto a stretcher and into the van.

Next, they would take it back to the lion exhibit's den for recovery.

Visitors watched with great interest!

"Haha, this lion's collapse was too fake! At least run another 200 meters, it barely took a few steps before going down."

"I think the acting was great, better than those pretty-boy actors! Especially that soulful scream, it made me feel the pain."

"This was so fun, totally worth the trip today!"

"Look at the tiger's expression, it's hilarious!"

"Bing Gao is completely stunned."

"Jiao Jiao looks a bit disappointed, like there's no more show."

"Jiao Jiao is probably thinking, 'These foolish humans, I'm speechless!'"

"Actually, these drills are quite necessary. Did you see the news the other day about a visitor jumping out of their car to provoke the tigers?"

"Yeah, I heard they got detained. Such low behavior."

"I think the zoo's drill not only familiarizes the staff with the procedures but also serves as a warning to the animals? They might be less likely to try escaping."

"Escape? No way, not in this lifetime. Being in the zoo feels like being in the forest, but better! We get food delivered daily and have people entertaining us. Love it here!"

As the "lion" was taken away, the broadcast announced, "Dear visitors, the drill has ended. Please continue to enjoy your visit."

Bing Gao, still in a daze, slowly returned to the slope and lay on the fallen leaves, unable to sleep.

The events of today had left a significant impact on her!

After filming the process of the lion being tranquilized and taken away, Mi Jin, still laughing, felt it wasn't enough.

She waved to the cameraman, "Let's go, let's do some interviews."

She started interviewing nearby onlookers.

She first chose a child who had been scared to tears for an interview.

Mi Jin squatted down and gently asked, "Hello little one, can I interview you? What did you think of the zoo's drill?"

The child, with tear stains still on his cheeks, had calmed down by now.

He thought for a moment and said, "I saw the lion knock someone down, and people screamed. I was very scared!"

"Are you still scared now?"

"No, the zoo is amazing. They have tranquilizer darts, and the uncles are very brave. If a real lion escapes, they can catch it."

She then interviewed the couple who had been showing affection: "How do you feel about it?"

The girl laughed, "Seeing this drill, knowing the zoo can handle such situations, makes us feel safer visiting."

The boy said, "Don't worry, darling, I'll protect you!"

A single guy nearby rolled his eyes!

A man in a black shirt chuckled, "I hope they do more of these drills. I'd like to bring my daughter next time to enhance her safety awareness.

After all, there are many dangers in life, and you never know when they'll happen. The more prepared we are, the safer we'll be."

"Thank you for your response!"

After interviewing the visitors, Mi Jin called Fang Ye and headed to the lion exhibit.

Fang Ye and the staff, including Xiao Nie, were there.

Xiao Nie had taken off his headpiece and was grimacing in pain, rubbing his butt.

"Sister Lin, couldn't you have shot it on the ground beside me? My butt is definitely red and swollen now."

Lin Ying laughed, "Don't blame me; the director asked us to be serious."

Fang Ye encouraged, "You did well today. Here's a reward! Everyone, give him a round of applause!"

Clap clap clap!

The staff applauded.

Xiao Nie beamed, then winced, "Thanks, Director!"

Lei Zhi thought to himself, I put in a lot of effort today too! Can I get a reward too?

But he didn't say it out loud.

Fang Ye said, "Xiao Xin, get him a can of external injury spray! Use it when you get home."

The predator exhibit always had a supply of system-provided external injury spray. For minor scratches, bumps, and bruises, spraying it would quickly heal them, with excellent results.

Mi Jin came over for an interview!

"Director Fang, can you explain the details of the drill?"

Fang Ye smiled, "Our zoo has an intelligent monitoring system. If a predator escapes, the monitoring staff will broadcast a notification throughout the park immediately.

Staff will then guide visitors to evacuate promptly, set up protective nets, and restrict the animal's movement.

Animals usually flee in a panic, and staff can report their real-time location via walkie-talkie to respond flexibly."

He explained some safety knowledge about predators and the emergency drill plan.

Mi Jin then interviewed Xiao Nie, "How was the lion role decided? How did it feel to play the lion?"

Xiao Nie said, "I have a lively personality and thought it would be fun, so I volunteered to be the lion.

The director asked me to act realistically!

It felt okay. Luckily, it's already autumn, so it wasn't too hot, though it was still a bit stuffy in the costume, and I sweated a lot. Breathing was also a bit difficult.

I didn't have to walk on all fours, which was good. The tranquilizer dart didn't have a needle, but it still hurt a lot when it hit my butt! Ouch~"