
I hate you Mr handsome

##warning-mature content ## what happens when hate turns to love ? "Mom please, I can't marry him ,besides am too young for that. Help me change Dad 's mind ,am ready for any other punishment except marriage". Hazel cried out. "common quite being such a brat and take responsibility for your actions. You should have thought of that before putting us in this situation."Melissa said. Hazel Marino- is a very beautiful and curvy woman who is seen to be a spoiled brat ,cause her dad Maxwell Marino who is one of the richest men in the country literally spoils her with everything a lady will ever wish for. What happens when the spoiled princess is forced to marry her sworn enemy , Alexander Markwill , who is known to be a very rich and powerful tycoon with a very strong background.

DaoistdceqEg · Urban
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18 Chs


~At Alex's Mansion

"Damn bro! How could you hide such a thing from me?"Daniel said feeling annoyed for the fact that his friend was getting married and he wasn't even informed nor invited.

"Quit yelling don't you see am already stressed?"Alex murmured massaging his forehead .

"Oh so you think what you did is fair?Bro you are getting married in two weeks time and you didn't bother to tell me. When did you even fall inlove?Cause we both know you are a workaholic ,who gains pleasure in nothing but work rather than enjoying the company of sexy curvy beauties. Moreover,I always knew you would die single and a Virgin so what happened?" Daniel said unable to still comprehend the turn of events.

"The last thing I need is your whinings. Am not getting married because of love .Infact, I detest my future bride for putting me in this shit ,but I ain't got a choice. " Alex said while sipping his expensive wine.

"And why do you hate her? If your Grandfather chose her for you as you claim to say then it's the best idea." Daniel said smiling. He couldn't believe the fact that ,his workaholic of a friend would be a married man in few days cause truly speaking he was beginning to question Alex's sexuality and so were the others.

Alex never showed any interest in women cause he never dated ,all his 27 years of existence was dedicated to his work. Alex lost his parents in a plane crash when he was 7 years old. Since then ,he was never thesame. He spoke less and that was only to his Grandma, Daniel and Nanny. He became rude and emotionless. The sweet and adorable baby died along with his parents. He was broken in a way that no pschychologist could fix hence earning an aloof Alex to mend his broken heart alone. All his life there was never truly a smile on his face ,rather he just smirked and it made everyone to truly wonder what could have made such a beautiful and charming person so dead in the heart and that was if he really had one. He was known to be a heartless Devil for breaking so many hearts just with his words yet an angel with his charming face.

Though he was named the beautiful Angel of the school due to his delicate and rare features, which made him unique and that gorgeous body of his like that of a superstar with all in the exact proportion, he still emitted a deadly aura. He was the most feared in school and the most intelligent. He only had Daniel as a friend cause they new each other since toddlers .Daniel's mother who is Miranda Gomez was the late Emilia Markwill's ( Alex's mother) best friend and so their kids grew up to be as brothers .

Ever since Alex lost his parents, he became cold towards everyone, he was always serious, he never joked and Daniel felt like he was friends with a robot who spoke when necessary and couldn't enjoy the good things that life has got to offer. He asked himself if Alex even had what they call sexual urge or did he masturbate cause Alex was so strange that those questions kept hunting him.

" Quit starring at me and get lost .I can't believe you came to my house at this time just to whine." Alex said already feeling bored of Daniel's blabbing.

"Excuse me! but am the one to be annoyed here not you. Am still schocked ok," Daniel said relaxing on the sofa.

"Well I guest you would really want to use that word shock when you get to know my bride to be."Alex said filling his glass once more with some wine.

"Then who is this unlucky girl if I may ask? Daniel said sipping his glass of wine.

" The one who made me look bad infront of the press",Alex casually said while glaring at his glass of wine.

"Holy shit! "Daniel gasped ,spitting his wine on the carpet. "You are not serious bro, how is that even possible?No Way man ."He added feeling really shocked .

"I should have told you that on the phone now look what you did to my carpet? You know I hate germs. Alex said glaring at his friend for the mess he made.

"Fuck the mess ! you are fucking getting married to your enemy bro and that's so uncalled for." Daniel said laughing.This whole story was damn funny and he couldn't wait to see what awaits them in the future.

"Firstly, Do not use foul language in my house .

Secondly,how can my situation be funny? Do you think we are in some sort of a novel where the enemies turn to lovers?" Daniel said glaring at his friend once more.

"wow man that's alot of words coming from the most quiet person I have ever known hahaha" Daniel said already rolling on the carpet .He couldn't contain his laughter anymore. Moreover,Alex wasn't making it less funny with that troubled face of his.

"Man you really put yourself in some deep shit .Damn !Hahahaha ."Daniel said laughing to his heart content.

"When you are done rolling like a kid and laughing like a maniac , you show yourself the way out." Alex said feeling annoyed with his friend.

"OK! I won't laugh anymore cause it isn't funny if my friend has such a priceless face pfuuu hahaha."Daniel said bursting in a fit of laughter once more.

"Seriously man , if I get your sick laughter once more, am kicking you out of my estate right now,"Alex Threatened.

"Yeah Yeah I get it ,so stop showcasing your wealth. There's no one to impress here apart from your lovely wife" Daniel teased.

"Wife to be cause we aren't married yet dumb ass. Make sure you use a hand sanitizer before touching my glass " Alex added furiously.

"Chill Mr Germophobia, I don't kill, " Daniel said giggling.

"I can't believe am friend's with a kid ," Alex muttered humourlessly.

"Stop being such a killjoy Alex .I must admit to your fiancé's beauty .Yeah she's a spoiled princess but thousands would kill to be her.I mean she has a very pretty face ,a body worth drooling for with a well loaded chest and big ass.Too bad I didn't get an opportunity to fuck her .

Dude you are getting married to a living Goddess who is sexy as fuck. She has the wealth and the reputation to boost your image so what more are you looking for ?" Daniel said grinning which made Alex cringe to that stupid face he was making.

" What you ommitted is that she is mannerless, brainless, stupid and broke cause she literally doesn't work ,all that wealth you are blabbing about is her dad's, " Alex said massaging his fore head .

" Come on, who cares about she being broke? She has all what a man desires dude and her main job is to spend her dad's money ,so what do you expect from a Goddess?," Daniel said feeling exasperated.

"In every situation there's always an exception thus me being one in this. I don't and will never desire such a lousy and lazy woman," Alex added.

" Well I shall wait for the day you chew those words of yours," Daniel said smirking.

"It shall never happen so don't waste your energy waiting in vain,"Alex said returning the smirk .

~ At the Marino's Mansion

"Fuck that Alex guy, Fuck them all . I will kill that son of a bitch. He surely connived with his family for my downfall am sure of that," Hazel yelled throwing pillows on the floor.

"Quit spouting nonsense Hazel cause you caused everything happening to us .Am so sick of your shitty behavior so grow up ," Gema said glaring at her cousin.

" Now I behave as a kid ? You fucking heard Dad or are you pretending to be deaf? "Hazel fired.

" Am just left with few days to enjoy my freedom don't you fucking get it?"Hazel said weeping bitterly.

"I know Hazy that's why it hurts seeing you like this. You might not see the bright side of things now but it shall work for the best in the long run," Gemy added.

" Am beginning to think you lost your senses. How can you say such a thing ? There's no bright side with that arrogant jerk . He is an asshole yet devishly handsome. That's just the sad part of the story," Hazel murmured trying to recall how beautiful and angelic his face looks like.

" Stop whining ,you admitted it yourself on how pretty he looks .I mean he has a gorgeous face , he is so tall and has a well built physique for that pretty face of his ,don't forget his beautiful green orbs which reminds me of the green vegetation , those full cherry lips of his which calls for attention when he speaks and that sweet baritone voice of his . Infact ,he is fine as fuck and I can't wait to find a man like him," Gema said giggling which ended her a glare from her cousin.

"Like seriously, damn why don't you just marry him instead ?Cause you are literally all over him. I can't believe you of all people is falling prey to his charm," Hazel fired mentally berating herself for accepting Gema's opinion on Alex.

"Don't give me that attitude cause we both know that Alex is the most handsome man in the whole Country with Daniel Gomez as the second. That guy is a Sex God and a typical playboy contrary to his sweet charming friend, he is more of the Mafia vibe.

That guy changes women as his pairs of socks damn and he keeps on breaking the records each year. He is so fine as wine too but I would never admit that to him even till my next life ,a No is a No .There's just No Way I would tell that arrogant playboy that fact," Gema said reminiscing on how they first met.

" Just marry the both cause you seem to love them equally virgin whore," Hazel said while heading to the bathroom.

"Hey mind your language cause I fuck guys in my mind and not physically,"Gema countered .

"Whatever ,you still are one cause you fuck them every single day in that perverse brain of yours. I wonder how you still call yourself a virgin with the number of men you have slept with in that brain of yours,"Hazel added sarcastically.

"Hmm it makes us two cause am just following you Mistress . I mean queen of Virgin Whores,"Gema said laughing.

" Just get lost . I have had enough of you for today . I need my privacy,"Hazel yelled throwing a pillow at her cousin.

"OK fine ,am going lazy pig don't do something stupid okay ,I wouldn't want to miss meeting fine beauties at your wedding because of your actions. "Gema joked while heading to the door .

"You are such a pussy Gemy," Hazel screamed shooting more pillows at her cousin.

"Only for you Mrs Markwill,"Gemy teased feeling elated .


I can't believe am going to be a married woman in few days to come. I tried pleading for my dad to change his mine but to no avail.

I don't know what awaits me with that jerk, but one thing for sure is that he won't let me off the hook.

Dad had to freeze all my credit cards and hire 8 bodyguards to watch my movements cause I tried eloping and trust me ,I would do more just to escape this sick wedding. I can't submit myself to such an asshole. He doesn't deserve me nor my beauty. Though he is damn handsome, he is still a No Way choice for me.

Because of him am penniless and need to rely on Gemy for shopping and other things . I would make his life a living hell then he wouldn't want to have me by his side anymore .


After working the whole night on some pressing issues from the company, I finally decided to close my laptop and rest. It was already 3 a.m yet I couldn't find sleep . I have to admit to the fact that no woman could ever stir me up the way Hazel Marino did . She must really be some sort of a witch to affect me to such an extend. Her red cherry lips and supple skin keeps hunting my mind with that amazing curvaceous body including that vuloptuos buttocks she posseses. Gosh how I wish I could end this absurdity . How can I fantasize about that lazy witch. She is really going to be the end of me. If only that beautiful mouth of hers could be shut and that shitty attitude of hers could be toned down ,then she might not be that bad, I thought while sipping my coffee cause I had finally accepted my fate for the night . No sleep for me ,so I might as well work on my pending projects till Sun rise.