
I hate you Mr handsome

##warning-mature content ## what happens when hate turns to love ? "Mom please, I can't marry him ,besides am too young for that. Help me change Dad 's mind ,am ready for any other punishment except marriage". Hazel cried out. "common quite being such a brat and take responsibility for your actions. You should have thought of that before putting us in this situation."Melissa said. Hazel Marino- is a very beautiful and curvy woman who is seen to be a spoiled brat ,cause her dad Maxwell Marino who is one of the richest men in the country literally spoils her with everything a lady will ever wish for. What happens when the spoiled princess is forced to marry her sworn enemy , Alexander Markwill , who is known to be a very rich and powerful tycoon with a very strong background.

DaoistdceqEg · Urban
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18 Chs


~At Marino's Mansion

"Good morning dad, Goodmorning mom and Good morning Gemy " Hazel greeted while sitting along with the family for breakfast.

"Good morning princess. May I know the cause of that beautiful smile on your face darling? Melissa asked feeling elated by her daughter's good mood this morning.

"Well let's just say that I woke up on the right side of the bed with a new determination," Hazel said enthusiastically .

"If you are planning on eloping on your wedding day ,then just forget that thought cause you would never be successful. Since today is a good day ,why don't we start it with some good news," Maxwell said smiling at his daughter.

"Uncle what's the good news? We are eager to hear the news so spill the beans ," Gema said smiling.

" Well since you are all in a haste and hungry for informations , I shall comply." Maxwell said beaming.

"Dad something tells me that you are up to no good cause that smile of yours is not friendly, Hazel said not liking where their conversation was heading to.

" Well you are right to trust your instinct atleast your brain has a function," Maxwell mocked while drinking his tea.

" Honey ! What's the matter with you ?You don't need to say such mean words," Melissa reprimanded her husband for such a behavior.

"Mom let it be , besides dad has alot to say so why not let it out." Hazel muttered shooting daggers at her dad.

" Well My dear Daughter, your husband to be is coming along with his family tonight to our humble home so as to know more about you as per our traditions.So I expect you to be at your best behavior tonight. Make yourself pretty as usual. Don't worry about the money for your Shopping cause this is a credit card which permits you to spend more that a billion dollars but it's just for today ok ,because you won't be elligeable to it tomorrow so spend Well and make yourself dashing for tonight,"Maxwell said earning a gasp from everyone including the servants in the dining room who were serving them tea.

" Honey! How can you take such a step without consulting Hazel and I? We do have a say here ,cause you are making it look like Hazel is about to be bought." Melissa muttered already pissed off with her husband's attitude lately.

"Your opinions do not matter here . All what you need to do is to make yourselves pretty and the men will do the rest. I don't want any tricks to be played today or else you would all feel my wrath.

I won't be so mercyful as the last time ,so don't tempt me . I suppose ,you wouldn't want to be wedded the next day right ? So be a good girl and do things right. "Maxwell said gazing at his daughter who was shooting daggers at him.

Hazel left the dining room with alot anger ,cursing her dad and her fate. She didn't feel as to eat anymore because her father succeeded in spoiling her mood and making her lose her appetite this morning.

She couldn't believe how horrible her dad could be towards her. I mean she was his princess. Though her father was never the chatting type,he still showered her with money ,attention and love.Thus his new behavior of his is really exasperating to her.

Hazel decided to spend billions today as her revenge for what her dad did to her this morning.

"He said I should spend the money ,so why not spend it accordingly ?Besides am simply following his instructions by doing that right?"Hazel said gazing at the golden card her dad gave to her.

" Are you aware of the fact that, this card belongs to the Markwills ?, So don't squander it cause I know you too well shopping freak," Gema said relaxing on the bed.

" That is even better,cause I get to exact revenge on that scumbag. The card is unlimited ,so why not spend to my heart's content. I just want to see that silly face he would make when he gets an alert from his bank account. " Hazel said grinning evilly.

"Stop being petty and mean .Besides it's not like you spending billions today could affect his wealth cause that guy is rich as fuck." Gemy said smirking at her cousin.

"Yeah I know ,but it wouldn't hurt to still squander right? Hazel added chuckling.

" You have all the latest edition bags, shoes,clothes and accessories ,so what more do you want to shop for? " Gema retorted.

"Chill out, babe cause we have alot to do today," Hazel said excitingly.

"Am doing anything except going on a shopping spree with you ,that's a total No for me."Gema grumbled.

" Quit being a baby cause we need to get the best body massage today including some other things," Hazel added heading to her closet for a change of clothes.

" We do that every week , including going to beauty salons ,so No." Gema countered.

"OK suit yourself, don't blame me for meeting and having the attention of all the handsome guys to myself pervert."Hazel said laughing.

"Haha ha you are so funny dumb ass,"Gemy said humourlessly.

"So that's a Yes right Gemy Pervert?" Hazel teased.

" Yeah I guess so , let me go shower cause I know it's going to be a whole day thing,"Gema joked heading for the door.

"See you in an hour babe,"Hazel said grinning.

~At Markwill's Manor

" Hello grandson how are you doing?" Alice said beaming.

"Hello Grandma , am fine and you? " Alex said starring at his Grandma.

Alice had the hobby of catering for very rare plants ,which she found appeasing to her heart.

She loved plants alot hence growing a garden of fruits , flowers and different other species on her own. She was watering the plants when her grandson came which made her smile. She couldn't recall the last time he came to visit which saddened her.

The Markwill's Manor was like a castle with big halls ,alot of ancient and expensive paintings. It was so luxurious with everything giving off the royalty vibe. The Markwill's estate covered a large portion of the country side. They were the richest , their castle possessed so many rooms which could fit in an entire village. Yet they weren't many in the Family.

Albert Markwill and his beloved wife Alice Markwill had just two kids who were boys. Antonio Markwill who was the eldest ( Alex's late Father) and Aaron Markwill the youngest and their adopted son.

Antonio had just Alex with his beloved wife Emilia Markwill while Aaron had two kids with his wife Jiesebel Markwill. Aaron's kids where Aamen Markwill who was the oldest (26 years old) and Anastacia the youngest who was 21 years old.

Anastacia never liked her parents mean way of living so she preferred to live in the United States away from her manipulative parents. She had passion for the Arts field but her dad wanted her to study business so she could manage one their companies some day. This infuriated her because no one really understood her nor gave her the attention she always longed for.

Her mother was a gold digger who spent her time partying, shopping , traveling from one country to another and her father was power hungry same for her once innocent brother who suddenly became vicious.

Aamen was someone difficult to read and cope with,which made her wonder if he ever truly had a desire or passion in life. He followed everything their father asked him to do like a robot. He was so dead in the heart , he was a heartless soul she thought.

Contrary to his cousin who was seen as a cute charming angel, He was a walking Devil with an outstanding beauty . He had shoulder length black hair ,a chiseled jaw ,a well built physique with those striking abs of his, striking deep blue eyes like that of the sea and those sweet red lips like that of cherry which could take the breath of every woman with a single kiss.

His beauty was often compared with that of Daniel's cause they both gave off the Mafia vibe.

They were just too dashing to choose who was better looking . Aamen never had time for dating so he just fucked the women and that was all whereas Daniel was always seen with different women in every Gala he attended.

Since the true heir of the Markwill was getting married,everyone had to be present for this grand celebration as per the traditions. This made Anastacia annoyed cause she would have to meet her manipulative parents who wouldn't think twice in threatening her to stay forever in their country and follow the family's footsteps , yet excited for her cousin because he was the only one who truly supported her ,though he never expressed it with words, his actions were enough. She was shocked when she heard the news of Alex's wedding which she never dreamt or imagined to attend one day. Her brother and cousin were so alike in that aspect cause commitment was never an option in their lives yet Alex was doing just the opposite. It really made her wonder what could be the cause or his reasons for such moves. She then thought of her brother who spend his time fucking women to relieve his stress and it made her sigh cause he was a lost case when it came to marriage.

She then arranged her stuffs for home cause she would certainly be staying there for a long period of time . Her only wish was to not be tied down with some sort of stupid marriage.


" Grandma where is your husband? I was told he needed to talk to me , that's why am here," Alex said not wanting to waste a minute longer.

" But you just arrived son ,why don't you take a sit and chat with me? it's been long we saw each other and all you think of is getting away from your own family? " Alice said gazing at her grandson sorrowfully.

Alex just starred at his Grandma frustratingly.He really hated it when she gazed at him with that sad look of hers ,which made him feel a sudden guilt for not checking up her.

"It breaks my heart to see you like this my child so maybe your wedding will make you change that perception of yours."Alice said glancing meaningfully at her grandson.

" Grandma I don't know what you are trying to prove here but I will never open my heart to any woman cause I don't have one . "Alex said gazing at the beautiful flowers. They were his mother's favorite and it warmed his heart to see his Grandma growing them.

"How was your trip to Florida? I heard you had an important event to attend there ,so how did things go?" Alice said trying to change the topic.

"It went well as always. Please tell Grandfather I passed by cause it seems he isn't around. "Alex said intending to go. He didn't want to stay in a place which reminded him of the past and bring back all what he had buried. It was so painful having to watch his Grandma go into depression and having to stay where his mom and dad shared most of their memories. He was traumatized by then and felt relieved away from the Manor. He blamed himself for his parents death cause he was the one who proposed they go and have some fun. He recalled how his mother was against the idea but yet he insisted. The memories weren't clear but he knew he caused their death. They wouldn't have died if they never boarded that plane and that guilt ate him till today. No one knew he was the reason behind his parents will to seek some rest away from stress and their responsibilities hence making him more depressed.

"Wait honey , why don't you eat breakfast with us ? Besides your cousin is coming back from the States after so many years of separation. Won't you want to welcome her home? Remember she is coming back just to attend your wedding. "Alice said smiling.

" I never forced her to come so it's her business. " Alex rudely replied.

" Come on ,just do it for Granny ok. I want you to have lunch with me then ,if you can't stay for breakfast. I won't take no for an answer Alex so just shut your mouth." Alice scolded.

"OK Grandma see you soon then. I have a meeting to attend so take care. " Alex said heading to his Lamborghini. That was the least he could do as a Grandson for his beloved Grandma.