
I hate you Mr handsome

##warning-mature content ## what happens when hate turns to love ? "Mom please, I can't marry him ,besides am too young for that. Help me change Dad 's mind ,am ready for any other punishment except marriage". Hazel cried out. "common quite being such a brat and take responsibility for your actions. You should have thought of that before putting us in this situation."Melissa said. Hazel Marino- is a very beautiful and curvy woman who is seen to be a spoiled brat ,cause her dad Maxwell Marino who is one of the richest men in the country literally spoils her with everything a lady will ever wish for. What happens when the spoiled princess is forced to marry her sworn enemy , Alexander Markwill , who is known to be a very rich and powerful tycoon with a very strong background.

DaoistdceqEg · Urban
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18 Chs


~At the Marino's Mansion.

"Where is that brat? Maxwell screamed ."He was in Australia with his lovely wife Melissa for an important event , when the news of his daughter's scandalous behavior reached him.He was perplexed by her actions and couldn't bring himself to believe that his daughter was ruining his reputation by appearing wasted on the screen and still causing a scene.

He knew she started the whole drama just by taking a look at the video and that infuriated him.

Melissa couldn't defend her daughter anymore cause what she saw left her speechless. She just needed to calm her husband down cause he wasn't in his right state of mind with that aura he emitted.

"Honey ,we just came back and you look exhausted from the flight so why don't you go upstairs and rest." Melissa suggested with a smile . "You are asking me to rest while my image and reputation is gradually getting destroyed because of your daughter's actions?" Maxwell Fired back with more sarcasm.

"Tsk , all I ever showed her was love , I gave her freedom, spoiled her with all she demanded, gave her money yet she did that to me without thinking twice. " Maxwell added feeling disappointed in his daughter.

"Honey please don't say that, you know that our daughter isn't like that ,though she seems reckless and hot headed,she's just naive .Let's give her some time to change , am sure she would come around and realise the gravity of her actions.

" Oh please stop spouting nonsense. So you expect me to smile and embrace her like a queen while all what I struggled build for years gradually reduces to nothing. Your daughter simply needs to be taught manners cause upon having an empty brain, she also lacks that .Which is something you should have taught her since childhood ."Maxwell said feeling annoyed at his wife's attempt to make him forgive Hazel.

"Speaking of the devil , here she comes .The Queen of Scandals , I salute you." Maxwell sarcastically said while clapping his hands to welcome his daughter.

"Dad youuu are bac...kkk." Hazel stuttered upon arrival. How on earth could she be able to guess about her Parents arrival moreover she hasn't formed a convincing story to tell yet and her dad's sudden appearance only means he is aware of everything.

Gema was stunned cause base on her calculations, her uncle was to return next month so why did he come back earlier than expected? Well that was a question even a kid could answer cause he obviously came back to teach them a lesson and she wasn't ready for that.

"A cat cut your tongue? you suddenly became dumb right? well that's such a loss cause you are getting married and your sudden disability will affect everything but don't worry your groom to be won't complain , do you want to know why? Cause he is well acquainted with that sharp tongue of yours and would be pleased to have you for a bride . Guess that unlucky man ? Well he is the one and only Alexander Markwill. " Maxwell said earning a gasped from his wife and niece .Hazel was so stunned by her father's words that she was left speechless.

Immediately Maxwell said those words , he turned around and left for his room leaving the trio astonished by the turn of events.

When Hazel finally found her voice , she rushed to her mom's side."Mom please I can't marry that man ,am too young for that besides he will kill me for the humiliation I made him go through. "Hazel wept."So now you admit you crossed the line? You should have thought about the consequences of your actions before starting trouble now you left your father with no other choice than that." Melissa yelled already feeling dizzy with the whole situation.

"Mom please I just turned 21 , you can't do that to me . You can't take my freedom away from me like this besides we live in the 21st century where people have the right to choose their future spouse and that can never be that arrogant man ."Hazel cried.

"Well that arrogant man is going to be your husband whether you like it or not and that freedom you seem to be fussing about , you snatched it away when you overstepped your boundaries cause playing with fire always burns us at the end. "Melissa murmured before heading upstairs.

"Mom please I would take any punishment but not this one. Remember am your only child please don't do this to me." Melissa screamed at her mom as she gradually disappeared from her view.

Gema rushed to her cousin who was on the floor weeping like an abandoned kid."Hush sis everything will be fine." Gema said feeling sad for her cousin who was always anything but a cry baby.

"I hate you Alexander Markwill from the bottom of my heart." Hazel screamed feeling light headed from too much crying. "It's okay your parents will come around don't cry anymore." Gema added while lifting her cousin up for her to go freshen up.

"Is there not another way Maxwell? Cause we can't obviously give away our only child just because of her mistake. " Melissa said approaching her husband.

"I wish there was but my hands are tied . Mr Albert Markwill called me today and that was his proposal. I couldn't refuse cause it was the only way I saw to fix this mess your daughter made. Remember in the business world our rivals always look for such opportunities to strike and I can't let what I struggled to build for years go down to drain just because of our daughter." Maxwell said facing the family paintings.

"Honey I know it's hard for you but please reconsider your decision. You know how Hazel is and she can't possibly handle marriage at her age."Melissa tried reasoning.

"You were forced to get married at her age and you proved to pull it off what more of her? She will have to learn inorder to grow so stop behaving as if she was a 12 year old kid."

Maxwell scolded already annoyed with his wife.

"But she isn't me".Melissa tried saying but was cut off by her husband. "Enough! am not in the mood to entertain any of your whinings any longer.My decision is final. " Maxwell yelled before going to bed.

He needed rest cause today was just so tiring.He loved his daughter dearly and it hurt him knowing he contributed to her scandalous behavior. If he had spoiled her less maybe this wouldn't have happened. He was just helpless ,his beautiful princess had to learn the hard way .Maybe he gave her everything cause he couldn't have another child.

When Melissa gave birth to baby Hazel, she almost died ,So she was advised not to give birth again as it was detrimental to her health. Maxwell decided to cherish the only princess God permitted them to have till date .

He kept on recalling the old days and how baby Hazel looked at him for the first time , her first word everything kept playing like a film in his mind and that was enough to put him in a dilemma.

Earlier he got a phone call from the big boss which is the one and only Albert Markwill and his proposal was like heaven to him .He couldn't stop himself from being selfish for once hence he accepted without a single complain. This alliance would be great benefit to not only his reputation but his business. His rank in the business world would upgrade and his status too. His daughter would live the life of a queen that she has always been and would be the most respected and envied lady in the country.

Eventhough it was a tough decision, he still had to look at the good side of things. This was for the best for both his business and daughter.

She would have to accept her fate cause there was no turning back he thought with a sigh.

The wedding was to take place in 2 weeks time, so alot was to be taken care of, beginning from his daughter's opinion which was certainly not needed. With that in mind Maxwell slept with a smile on his lips.