
I can improve every night in an alternate dimension.

Altair suddenly woke up in a classroom, only a few moments ago he was in front of his computer working late on a project due the next day. "What's going on?" he thought to himself. He realized that he was in another world and that the human race was an inferior race on the verge of extinction since the Earth was taken from them by other races. The humans vowed to take revenge one day. Altair finally found the opportunity to fulfill his dream of becoming the most powerful warrior, especially when one night... [Beep...Welcome to the pocket dimension]

Le_Merwen · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Chapter 8 :

Altaïr let the ant rest in his tattoo, she played a big role against the wolf, without her Altaïr would probably have lost.

He continued his walk in the plain and executed the blue cats that presented themselves to him with a quick and efficient saber cut. He didn't even bother to pick up the white orbs, on the rare occasion when a purple one appeared he eagerly picked it up.

After a long time searching in the plain, he finally came across the dogs. Altaïr released all his killing intent and his icy blue eyes glared at them.

The red-eyed dogs took a step back. If at the beginning he could easily kill Altaïr, this was no longer the case now. The four black dogs turned and fled without asking for their rest.

"Do you think you can escape me?? AHAHA TODAY IS THE DAY YOU DIE" he yelled

Altaïr ran after the dogs with all his physical might. He caught up with a late dog and cut off his head without him even being able to defend himself. He didn't even look at the orbs and continued his revenge.

As he was about to catch up with the rest of the group, he heard a deafening roar.

"Oh no not him! »

The dogs ran to hide behind the gigantic body of the flaming lion, squealing. The Flame Lord looked smugly at Altaïr.

"System at what level is it? »

[Beep…Analyzing…Level 1 Gene Warrior]

"I don't have a chance," Altaïr then said as a demented smile crossed his face.

Red lightning covered his saber and he lunged at the lion.

The lion did not even display its fire power. He swung his claws so fast that Altaïr didn't even have time to react before his head was ripped from his neck. His vision instantly went black.

"A dignified death before an opponent too strong. laughed Altaïr back to his apartment as the tears welled up, the pain of death was so terrible.

Altaïr took his shower and went to sleep. Tomorrow he was leaving the city to go to the wild lands, he was getting up early, he had twenty kilometers to run.

The day after :

Altaïr put on a hoodie and black pants, put some cans in his bag. His sword was stored in the system inventory.

"Too bad the inventory only works for pocket dimension items, wondering if I could store the orbs. Altaïr thought to himself.

He traversed the city quickly and arrived at the rampart strongly guarded by the soldiers. These devices were necessary in case an enemy attack or a tide of beast took place.

Altaïr headed for the entrance and joined the queue. After half an hour of waiting it was finally his turn.

"ID please" asked the soldier.

Altaïr pulled out his official papers and handed them to the soldier.

"Well everything is in order. Go to scan behind me" he said after checking them.

Altaïr picked up his papers and walked into a blue circle that scanned his entire body. The soldiers always applied his two methods to check whether the one who enters or leaves the city is not a criminal or if he is indeed human.

"Well, it took me longer than expected. »

Altaïr slung his pack tightly on his back before starting to run towards the wild lands.

The wild land was a place where no human civilization is present and the deeper you go there the more powerful the beasts become. On the other side of these lands lies the beginning of elven territory. So even if a human managed to cross the wild lands, the elves did not want any other race to tread on their territory or risk being annihilated.

Altaïr didn't want to cross the lands but just sink very slightly there to kill the monsters there and see if he could shoot orbs otherwise he would just sell the corpses to make some money. In any case, he will not lose by going there.

Finally after two hours of running on the roads, he arrived at a human base just in front of the beginning of the human bases. This base was a bit like a small town, but we only found what was necessary inside, such as survival rations, weapons, etc. at a good price.

Altaïr didn't buy anything, he didn't have the necessary money. He just crossed the base and went into the wild lands without anyone stopping him.

From there, the landscape changed radically and he entered a forest, bordering a jungle so dense it was.

He ran inside and for about twenty minutes he did not meet any presence.

"Am I in the right place at least? he wondered

He hesitated to sink deeper and when he made his decision a luminous butterfly landed on his nose.

" What is ?? he jumped

The butterfly then flew away, it circled around Altaïr's head before going away into the depths of the forest.

"Should I follow him? Altaïr hesitated before deciding to go.

He didn't meet a monster, so he might as well follow his instinct which told him to follow this butterfly.

The butterfly led him to a part of the forest where the trees grew darker and taller. Finally when Altaïr was wondering if this was a good idea or not, he then came to a clearing where a red tree stood lonely in the center.

"This situation reminds me of the fruit of purification in the pocket dimension," he says, amazed by the spectacle.

The luminous butterfly suddenly accelerated and landed in the center of the trunk in a slot that had exactly its shape.

A magical mechanism kicked in and the tree split open and inside there was a teleportation portal.

And voila, here's another chapter !

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Le_Merwencreators' thoughts