
Chapter 43

"Careful, you two. She does not seem as simple as she looks." Naruto spoke to his two companions without breaking eye contact with the ever-smiling Sakura before them.

"Mm. I have never sensed someone with as much chakra as hers other than Naruto in the village before. She probably has slightly more than half of your chakra reserves." During the entire walk to the place, Hinata had been worried. She was a natural sensory type and even in non-combatant mode, that is, without activating her byakugan, she could still sense a certain radius around her. Then how was it possible that she was unable to sense such a large amount of chakra when they were at Ichiraku's? It was only after they left, forcing her to properly concentrate on Sakura that she finally sensed the massive chakra reserves.

The other two became very surprised. They had been with Naruto a whole year and they had understood his large reserves of chakra. So, for Hinata to point out someone with more than half of Naruto's chakra reserves was surprising to them.

"Are we not done yet?" A voice suddenly sounded from right beside them as the person they were supposed to battle had appeared out of nowhere right beside them, as if she had been there in the beginning. They quickly separating to three different directions.

Such speed. They all had their guard up the entire time, yet none of them saw nor could they react to when she appeared beside them. Looking at her still smiling face, it was clear to them it was an effortless move.

"You don't have to be so tense. It is only a spar after all. So, are we doing this or not?" Sakura asked while looking back and forth at her three opponents.

The three looked at each other and nodded, coming to a unanimous decision. Thinking about it would not get things done. Attack. They all took their stances, preparing themselves for the battle.


'Let us see. Tank, tank, tank. None with any long or mid-range capabilities. If Naruto had control of Kurama's abilities then it would have been different. Ok then, chakra carpet, off. Let's have some fun shall we.' As if to signal the beginning of the battle, right at the end of my thoughts, the three charged at me.

This was the perfect time to test that ability of mine to the fullest. The reason I had not only been forcibly improving my physical body but also trying to make it adapt to 100% of my lightning chakra, as well as charging and improving my brain and eyes with electric currents. It boosted my brain power, allowing for vastly improved cognitive responses.

As for the eyes, it was like the first time I bumped into the tree and passed out when I was training the flicker in the forests. In order to move fast, I need to be able to see where I was going. After a year, my eyesight improved to the point where I could 'see' slight muscle movement. I say 'see' because I really do see the movement, but the improved brain predicts the pattern of movements. Like my very own Emperor's Eye or something. I doubt I would be able to use it like Akashi. As they say, 'Akashi is not frightening because he has the Emperor Eye. He is frightening because someone like him has it.

The three charged at me with Naruto and Lee in the lead and Hinata slightly behind. Naruto attacked my left and Lee, my right. They seemed to have had good combination practice. 'Konoha Seppu', Rock Lee sent a kick to my head while Naruto sent a punch to my mid. From the looks of it, his positioning made it possible to quickly follow with a kick if I tried to jump back.

'I really hope this works or I will probably look stupid as hell.' I just stood and relaxed every fiber of myself, waiting for it to kick in. Just as the attacks were about to connect, my body dodged slightly then I grabbed Naruto's outstretched arm and tossed him to Lee's kick which had almost reached my head, forcing him to kick Naruto away. The newcomer who had appeared in front of me, Hinata, sent a thinly chakra coated punch my way. Again, my body redirected her punch towards Lee, sending them both tumbling away.

My opponents looked flabbergasted. What had happened? The three of them may not be an official team, but they had practiced more than a million times and had developed a certain connection, a certain flair for their combinations. Even with Guy still able to beat them down, that had never happened before.

'HAHAHAHAH! IT WORKED! IT FUCKING WORKED!' I was beyond elated. This was the very first ability I thought of when I came to terms with me having lighting attribute. Why I had been electrocuting myself with lightning like a damned masochist to improve my body and brain. The reason why even though I knew how to perform raikiri or Chidori, I did not give a single shit about it and absolutely refused to practice it.


Shigusa Takachiho from medaka box. His Abnormality is his extraordinary reflexes. Unlike other people, who use reflexes for defense, evasion, or to retreat, Takachiho can even use his reflexes to attack and counter. He describes this skill as the "ability to put my brain on auto-pilot." Because his muscles fight without the use of his brain, this also leaves Takachiho free to strategize. Since his body moves on reflex and not reactions, feints and illusionary techniques such as Medaka's bunshin are useless against him. (if you haven't seen Medaka box, try it. Especially the season 2.)

However, Medaka was able to get past his reflexes by first throwing off his timing, then attacking him at high speed when he blinked. Also, no matter how good his reflexes are, if Takachiho's muscles cannot keep with his senses, he will still take hits. During his fight with Medaka, Takachiho learns to use judgment along with his reflexes, allowing him to dodge attacks even in a weakened condition.

Ok, we know the pros, that is the auto reflexes, counter attack and so forth. Now the cons. If the opponent is faster, the body will be unable to reacted. I deleted that weakness with my current speed. I have yet to properly compare my speed but I have still yet to meet someone other than that monster who can surpass me in speed; and that is with my current gravity seal active. That is also the reason I asked Guy to tag along. I intended of finding out.

Even if that monster was still faster, I am only restrained by my age. I can push my current age-body to the absolute limit of limits but I can never beat natural aging. That means I would get even faster and stronger as I continued to grow.

Two, if the muscles cannot keep up with the senses then I could still take hits. Haha. Constantly feeding my cells with energy, constantly improving skin and muscles with lightning and medical ninjutsu; Check. Which again would constantly improve with age. Weakness mitigated.

That IS not even the best part. When Takachiho's parents and sister died from the beams with him in the car, his body kicked into auto-pilot without him seeing the beams approach. That means even if I should close my eyes and turn off chakra carpet, Auto-pilot would/should still work without a problem. Although it seemed conflicting, it was not. Medaka was able to land hits when he blinked but she had to move at incredible speeds and timing, mixing and delaying the sound of her steps and her actual movement. Its more impressive than it sounded.

'HAHAHAH! My Beautiful OP life is coming into full bloom.'

400 stones = 2 chapter

600 stones = 3 chapters

1000 stones = 5 chapters.

current reached = 542

Chapters owed = 2