
I’ll Start A New

.... In her past life she was an assassin though not the best she was still pretty good. After dying in an explosion she awoke in the body of a baby. How will Scarlett’s life be from now on? Will she be able to live a different life than her past life? Or maybe this life will be full of surprises waiting for her to discover. After all this is a world of cultivation. **** **** It’s my first time writing something so yeah! If you find that my story is similar to something else you read it probably is! I read a lot and take inspiration from here and there but I’ll try to make this an original. If you have any suggestions please let me know! Let me know if there’s a spelling or grammar mistake. Thanks! The cover photo isn’t mine I just edited a picture I found! Updates are random!

Snowlotus56 · Fantasie
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28 Chs

Chapter 26 - Void


Absolutely nothing.

But darkness of course.

Though Scarlett could see nothing but darkness, much like before, but she knew for sure that she was no longer lying on the forest floor, if that was even where she was.

In fact she couldn't feel her feet touching the floor as though she was floating in mid air.

There was no sound of the wind rushing against trees or the familiar chirp of the forest birds. It was absolutely silent.

Almost too silent.

In fact it was kind of creepy.

Narrowing her small eyes a bit, she noticed a tiny silver-grey string quietly resting in front of her. A bit curious she reached out her hand her small chubby hand to touch it, only to feel a suction, forcibly pulling her towards the string.

Shocked, she widened her eyes and just as she was about to open her mouth, she disappeared from the vast darkness.


Above the towering trees in Immure, in the dark starry sky a pitch black portal emerged, only for a second, before it closed. It all happened so fast, that if one was looking, they would only think it was a figment of their imagination.


A small 'object' slammed onto the ground. Dust rose all around before it drifted back down. Silence once again returned as though nothing happened.

A weak painful groan came from the 'object' on the ground.


Blood started gushing out of the objects mouth. Actually, it wasn't just the 'objects' mouth that was gushing out blood, it was from every orifice and wound on its body.

Poor Scarlett was really regretting her life choices right about now.

Next time she was leaving the house, she was DEFINITELY going to check her horoscope.

Who knows, maybe if she read it she would've been sitting at home right now reading a book.

But NO!

Instead she was lying on what she HOPED was grass on her back, probably bleeding out. As she couldn't see her body herself, she truly didn't know how badly she was actually hurt. Her right arm was bent in a way an arm was not ment to bend. Most likely broken or dislocated. Her clothes were ripped and basically torn to shreds, barely leaving anything intact on her except for the long black cloak that she was wearing, that, believe it or not, barley even had a scratch on it. As for her legs, well they were not much better than her right arm, with a plus of open wounds. On the bright side, her left arm was doing fabulous with only one scratch on her palm. But that was showing signs of healing already.

'What a pretty sky...'

'I'm just gonna take a nap here.....probably a dumb idea....'


'But who cares.....'

To numb and tired to care about her injures or even where she was and what happened, what was most important to her was to take a nap.

'Maybe when I wake up I'll realise everything was a dream and wake up in my soft bed at home.....'

As exhaustion took over, that last thing Scarlett saw was the starry sky above before she knocked out.

Just like that, the young girl fell asleep on the cold forest floor, without a care in the world to how dangerous her surroundings currently were.


All around the sad lump of the person, wisps of pitch black energy coiled up from the surroundings before coming to a halt right around said lump. It started to slither on her body and blood that was once covering the young lady from head to toe disappeared as the energy moved too and fro.

Though the blood was gone, her opened wounds still remained. That's exactly where that weird dark energy coiled around and stopped moving. Without any forewarning, that dark energy forced its way into her opened wounds, as though it was looking for something.

That energy ran rampant through her vein and meridians, before finally locating its destination. Like before, there was no warning, before it drilled straight into her core of darkness filling it to the max and when there was no more space for more, the left over energy started merging with her flesh, and bones.

This was definitely not a painless process.

It was fortunate that Scarlett was currently in a numb state from pain while she was sleeping, other wise she probably would be thrashing from the pain.



As the energy merged with her bones and flesh, it healed her injuries. So all one could hear was the shocking sound of bones popping and twisting before her arms and legs were in there right places as though she was never injured to begin with. Her skin turned, which was already pale, turned even more so. But instead of looking sickly-pale, she turned as cold as ice. So fair it was unbelievable.

As the popping subsided and the energy finally finished its merging process, a little beauty as cold as ice with fair-porcelain skin sleeping peacefully in place of the badly mangled Scarlett. If you disregarded the bloody and torn 'rags' that covered her body of course.