
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs

Freya II

Amelie chose to leave for New York again the following week, with her newfound powers she didn't have to worry about much anymore. She promised to come visit during her holiday breaks.

Winking, she told me that she would enjoy having some alone time with me. I still fought the urge to kick myself everytime I shared a kiss with her. Freya looked at our display of affection questioningly and shrugged.

I helped Amelie pack the few things I had gotten for her in her brief stay in New Orleans. Soon I was watching her leave on the train with Freya standing next to me. 


"I thought you had a talk with her." 


"I did."


"That kiss, that was a bit more than a fatherly kiss goodbye." 


"I admit it was a little heated." 


"Heated? I could see your tongues. I could practically hear you two swapping spit from where I was standing. Nearly twenty feet away. I thought you had a talk with her about seeing her as your daughter."


"Is this about that kiss you gave me a few days ago?" 


"Yes! What about 'I don't have to fight for your attention' didn't cause the thought to dawn on you that I was interested in you?"


"Freya, I-"


"Save it, we're drawing a crowd, we'll talk when we get home." 


We made our way over to the car and made our way back. She occasionally looked over to me on the drive there. I parked the car and opened her door for her. She was quiet up until the doors to the house closed behind us. 


"Seth, you are really dense, has anyone ever told you that?"


"Once or twice." 


"Rhetorical question! Gods I can even smell her on you. What? You couldn't wait so you had to fuck her before she left?" 




"Don't even answer that, I knew you were too good to be true."


"What do you even mean by that?"


"You're too good to be true Seth. Every man that I've ever fallen for was either killed or in your case way too good to be a reality." 


"You, you had someone before all this?" 


'I didn't remember any mention of this in the show, then again I hadn't paid much attention to the spin offs and only skimmed through the spin off of the spin off. Where had she even found the time to fall in love with someone with the year she's awake for?'


"Mathias, I met him while I was awake for a year. We quickly fell in love, I tried to escape from Dahlia. A naïve part of me thought that if I could just get away from my aunt, that I could avoid going back to sleep. I wanted to live my life with Mathias. Dahlia found us hiding, she killed Mathias in front of me. Not wanting to live without him I drank the poison that I had been carrying."

She took a break before continuing her story.

"I- I didn't know that the spell Dahlia had put on me prevented death as well. I woke up moments later but… at the time I was already carrying Mathias' child. I lost the child and Mathias that day." 


I was quiet while she told me a story about herself that I had never known. She took a deep breath and looked at me before frowning. 


"There were some others after Mathias, mostly people who wanted me as a trophy, or other people that Dahlia killed before I had gotten too close to them. So who will you be Seth? The one who wishes to make a trophy out of me? Or the one who will die? 


"Well I'm not dying, and I sure as hell don't see you as a trophy, no offense. If it's a relationship you want, well. I have never given the polyamory thing a shot, but I'll try it if you're willing." 


Freya sways on the spot while gaping at me. She blinks a few time before tilting her head as if she didn't hear me properly. 


"You want to be with both me and Amelie?"


"Yeah? I've decided that if I was going to live forever and try to rule the world that I might as well enjoy things." 


"Wait, you're trying to take over the world?"


"Originally, yeah, I wanted to take over the world. I don't have a problem with courting both you and Amelie though. It's already weird enough that she was my daughter till about a week ago. So what if you look like my dead girlfriend." 


"I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you wanted to take over the world." 


"At the moment I really don't, it seems much more trouble than it's worth."


"You're really something else. You know that?"


"Thanks? I think?" 


"So you're willing to try being with me and your da- Amelie, at the same time?"


"Yeah, like I said. I haven't even thought about polyamory before, but since I have all the time in the world I might as well try everything." 


"So you're sure this isn't some fantasy of yours?"


"Oh don't get me wrong, having two women is very much a fantasy of most men. I personally have been more of a one woman for life kind of guy."


"Okay, let's say I go along with this. How will your attention be split amongst us?"


"Evenly, I will cherish you both equally and show the same amount of affection to one as I would to the other."


"It's a tempting offer, very well Seth. I will accept your offer of a polyamorous relationship. Don't go thinking you can bring in other women though. It's hard enough accepting that you'll be sharing your bed with Amelie." 


"Can we just get back to tracking down your power hungry aunt?"


Freya sighs, "I have a plan but you might not like it."


"What is it? I'm sure it can't be that bad."


"We'll need to go see the rest of my family."




"See, I told you that you wouldn't like it." 


"What do we even need to see them for?" 


"I'm sure that one of my siblings kept mementos of my mother. By using it I can channel the trace amount of magic left on whatever it is and draw Dahlia here." 


"Is there no other way?" 


"We could bring my mother back from the grave, necromancy is dark but not something I'm afraid to tap into."


"Freya, your mother was just as bad as your father." 


"Say what you want about my mother, but Mikael was a very different man to me." 


"How can you even know that, you were like what? Seven years old when Dahlia took you?"


"I was five, and we're getting off topic." 


"Okay, is there any way we can draw Dahlia here without bringing back your mother or going to your siblings?"


"Not unless one of them miraculously had a child." 


"Fine, when will we be going over to the compound?" 


"Give me a few days to find a suitable spell." 


I conceded and gave her space while she worked. Retiring to my bedroom after pouring myself a drink I sat in the corner of my bed and thought about my life at the moment. 

It felt like a few weeks ago that I was on spring break in New Orleans.

Now I was a vampire, I fought through WW1, lived through the eighteenth century before that, found out that Freya Mikaelsdottir or Mikaelson looks terrifyingly like Nicole, I was now in a relationship with a girl I had raised as my own, not to mention the beginnings of a relationship with Freya.

There was also the whole Vampire Diaries universe I had to deal with. Countless villains and supernatural creatures I'd probably have to fight. Silas was dead and gone, but Amara was still out there. 


Not to mention even if I hadn't paid close attention to the Originals show, I still watched all the fight scenes on YouTube. So I knew that the 'Original Family' had a lot of enemies.

There was that cult that Elijah started, then there were the first vampires they each made, then there was that Hallow thing.

I only remembered that character specifically because Blu, a classmate of Nicole and I from back in high school had gotten the part. I wondered if the timeline was intact enough so that I'd see her.

Even though I knew it wouldn't be her, it would be nice to see another familiar face. There was a knock on my door and I got up to answer it.