
House of the Rising Sun

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What is House of the Rising Sun

Lesen Sie den Roman House of the Rising Sun des Autors Vargr_the_Skald, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity be...


You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* The rest of Volume 3 will be released on the 11th of July

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"Siapa yang mengambil gambarku ini?" Dua gadis itu terdiam, "Bagus, Aku suka." Safa tersenyum, hatinya bungah mendengarkan jawaban Bio--Cowok idaman pujaan hatinya. "Aku-" "Aku ... aku yang memotret kamu ketika bermain basket." Safa menoleh ke gadis di sebelahnya, Anita Saputri--anak dari pamannya mengakui gambar miliknya. "Wah bagus sekali, boleh aku minta foto ini?" "Boleh, kontakmu mana?" tanya Anita langsung beranjak berdiri di samping Bio--kapten basket di sekolah kedua wanita itu. Safa hanya bisa diam, ia tidak bisa menyangkal. Sebab tatapan tajam Anita sudah mengancamnya. Padahal Safalah yang memotret secara diam-diam. Hanya kali ini ia ketahuan dan kamera miliknya langsung direbut oleh Bio. Sedangkan Safa, playgirl yang terus tertarik dengan pria tampan padahal ia sendiri sudah memiliki kekasih. "Anita, seharusnya kamu sekarang bantu Bio." "Ah, males. Aku lagi pergi sama cowokku." Safa yang tidak tega menggantikan Anita. Ia menghampiri Bio yang sudah menunggu, "Maaf ya, aku gantiin Anita gak papa kan?" Bio mengangguk setuju. "Bagus ya, hasil gambarnya persis kayak Anita di lapangan. Tapi setelah itu entah kenapa hasilnya tidak sebagus ini." "Kamu emang gak bisa lihat perbedaannya?" Bagaimana Safa yang sudah ingin mengakui itu miliknya, tetapi teringat Anita yang akan mempersulit hidupnya. Sedangkan tanpa Safa sadar ada sosok pria yang sangat mengerti dia. "Hasil pengambilan gambarmu bagus, aku suka. Mari kita kolab untuk perlombaan. Pasti kamu menang." "Ka-kamu kok bisa tahu ini gambarku?" "Mataku masih bisa melihat jelas ... perkenalkan namaku Rey." Tangan pria itu maju mengajak bersalaman. Safa menatap tangan lalu wajah pria di hadapannya. "

LaaVela · Urban
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1 Chs

The Infinite Cosmos

Hello Readers Author here, just letting you know this is my first Fan-Fic and it will be like if I was reincarnated so don't get your hopes up for an incredible Fan-Fic. MC will have insane luck and a system that will help him along his way. Fan-Fic will probably be pretty Cliché. I'm not the best at writing so do expect some mistakes. If you find any mistakes feel free to let me know, oh and by the way please give constructive criticism no bullshit, please. Thanks, Enjoy. Disclaimer: I do not own the worlds the MC will travel to, I only own the MC and some Original Powers. The names of some abilities shown in this Fan-Fic might already be used. ********************* MC gets hit by Truck-Kun meets god and gets three wishes he chooses to go to the world of My Hero Academia and then travels the Multiverse. ********************* Just in case you want to know the wishes beforehand here they are. 1. Infinite Luck with the ability to control exactly how high or low it goes with absolutely no drawbacks whatsoever where he can also gain whatever he wants with just a thought, such as if he wants a bloodline or skill, it gives him a system interface asking are you sure Yes/No. It cannot be stolen, copied, or suppressed. 2. A super system with a shop, status, inventory, lottery, Multiverse Travel, and quests, this system has unlimited system/shop points for the shop so he can buy anything, it has no drawbacks whatsoever and no quest penalties it has an AI helping him along his journey, the quests also give very high-quality rewards, and it cannot be stolen, copied or suppressed, the AI can gain a personality if named unless it already has a name and will be loyal to him no matter what. The shop has bloodlines, skills/abilities, items/equipment, and information on all sorts of things, the bloodlines, skills/abilities, and items/equipment come from all sorts of Fiction and Non-Fictional worlds. The Multiverse Travel function will have no drawback except for him not being able to go to the main timeline but an exact replica that doesn't have any big differences except for any differences that his Infinite Luck allows such as his desires for a character to be removed or gender-bent or something else entirely. 3. The ability to choose any and all of the innate abilities/skills he gains from being in any Fiction or Non-Fictional world such as Quirks from My Hero Academia or STANDS from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure even before he goes to those worlds. This ability cannot be stolen, copied, or suppressed.

AtreidesMoonShadow · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs


A girl is tied with a rope in a chair in a dark room . She is shivering in a fear . She didn't know what is happening to her , why she is kept in a dark room , who kidnapped her . What they will do to her . These are the questions in her mind but she is a brave girl . So she bravely waiting for the person who is kidnapping her . A sound of door opening is heard . She compose herself to speak to the person . Her face is covered with black cloth and her eyes are blindfolded . She feels the person is coming near her . That person is removing her blindfold . She is shocked to see the person . That person is the world's most dangerous mafia gang SHARK 's don Ryan Milton. She is panicking to see him . He is not known by everyone . He is far away from media but he is a celebrity . His CEO personality is known by everyone but his underworld ruled by him . No one dare to mess with him . She didn't know , why he is kidnapping her . She knows him very well as a mafia don because she is a journalist and secret agent for helping Intelligence bureau but she believes that he didn't know about her . She asked innocently ," Wh....Who are you ? Why are you bringing me here ?" He smiles at her intelligence . He closely observe her . Her hazel eyes are glittering . Her soft plump lips urges him to kiss her . Her sweats are like pearl fall on the floor . He told her ," Smart move Miss Myra Rana , an aspiring journalist and fiance of a famous reporter Aryan " Her world shattered . She knows he would definitely kill her but she wanted to save Aryan . Her thoughts interupted by a rough slap on her cheeks which was given by Ryan. " How dare you Miss.Myra ? . How can you think that you can escape once enter into my mansion . How dare you to mess with me ?" He then repeatedly slaps her . Atlast she loses her consicious and when she about to fall he wraps his arm around her hip to make steady and then he asked his guards to bring cold water . He splashes the water on her face to get her waking up " Ms Myra get up you fuck . How dare you ?" She opened her eyes . Her cheeks are turned to red and her lips are swollen and bleeding . She saw the man who is tied in a chain who is bleeding heavily . She clearly observe the person who is none other than her fiance Aryan . Her heart shattered . She is crying continuously She begged Ryan to leave Aryan . He devilishly smiled at her and take a gun out and point out Aryan's head .Her heart stops . Then he press the trigger , the shooting sound thunder her ear . She shouts and closed the eyes . Ryan told her ," Open your eyes miss myra " She opened but Aryan was not dead . Then she look at Ryan . Who stare at her " Ms Myra , how can you think I simply kill him . My punishment for both of you is begging for your death but the death is not arrive till my revenge is over " I can give you two option .Choose one First kill him , I leave you Second marry me , I leave him The option is yours . Time starts now . Within 10 mins you should answer me .

Arthi_S_6992 · Urban
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30 Chs
Latest Update
Volumen 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volumen 1 :Part 1
Volumen 2 :Part 2
Volumen 3 :Vol 3 Part 3


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MC gets turned into an Immortal and immediately tries to kill himself. After that doesn't work he sleeps for 800 years. The guy is a brainless Muppet. Probably one of the most baffling starts of any stories I have read. Why not just transfer him over directly to the 1800s if you dont want to write about an Immortal living through history?




one of the most entertaining fanfics I have ever read I hope this continues to the very end of the story


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