

(Third Person POV)


That's what Jordan (Y/N's father) felt. Every day. Every hour. Every minute. Every second.

He never felt the warmth of your loved ones embrace. Well he never loved anyone if you ask him.

Never ones he thought that someone will love him or he will love someone. Never ones he thought that he will feel the warmth. Never ones he thought that he will feel emotions.

He is a human, yes he is but never ones he felt any emotion. Or maybe he did feel them but there wasn't anyone whom he could express his emotions to.

His mother died after giving birth to him, his father became alcoholic and bankrupt so he left Jordan in front of an orphan. The orphanage accepted him and raised him, but not really. He didn't got any good food or good cloths and nor any love.

Love. Such a pure and beautiful word, isn't it? well Jordan didn't knew what it is..... how will he know when he never felt it? never experienced it?

Jordan was sure very young by age but guess bad childhood makes you mature, well he still is a child but he is mature enough to take care of himself and do his chores by himself.

He was only 4 when he made a new friend. Jeon Jung-ji. Jung-gi was 7 years old back then. Jordan was suspicious that why an korean boy is staying in an American orphanage but he let it go. They both took care for each other and became besties in a very short time.

6 years old Jordan was being bullied by some kids of 12-13 age. They were beating him. He made a run from them. He didn't even look behind to see if someone was following him or not, he just ran ran and ran till he was out of breath. He stopped at an alley hiding behind a car while catching his breath.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder, he flinched and was about to scream when he heard an familiar voice whispered in his ears saying,

"Don't worry Jo, its me. Jung hyung."

Jordan sighed in relief. And looked at his Jung hyung as the hand left his small mouth. He saw Jung-gi smiling softly at him he was about to smile back when an adult voice shouted harshly.


Both boys whipped thier heads towards the voice and saw 3 men running towards the car they were hiding behind. Both widened thier eyes and looked at each other with an horrified face.

The men caught them before the boys even tried to run. Tow men were holding both boys who were trashing around but eventually gave up after knowing that its no profit.

"We can use these kids." One of them said.

"Let's take them to boss" Another one replied receiving an nod from other two and an horrified look from the kids.

Both the males who were holding unto the kids followed the third one who lead them towards a car. Thoes two males holding Jordan and Jung-gi sat behind and blindfolded them where as the third male sat on the driver's seat and started the car.

The car reached their destination. The kids were pushed out of the car and somehow managed to balance themselves. They undid the blindfolds after knowing that their hands were free. They tried to observe thier surroundings but couldn't really catch anything because of darkness. The innocent souls were oblivious of what was happening and where they were but they definitely knew that they won't be able to escape from the place anytime soon.

Little did they know that they were never escaping the place.

The boys were already in tears but it's not like anyone cared. The boys were again being dragged, they tried to protest but the guys holding them were stronger.

They were dragged in a room where the only source of light was the dimly lit bulb hanging from the wall. They both were forced to sit on a chair. They were sacred- no they were terrified. Then suddenly another three men came in thier vision line.

The man in the centre was wearing an very elegant blue suit seeming to be rich and posh, his aura was screaming dominance and power where as the two men behind him were wearing all black cloths and were also keeping an straight face looking like if you approach them they will bury you deep below the ground.

The guys who brought the kids here bowed and one of them said, "These are the kids we found for the drug-" The posh looking man in centre raised his hand and gave a quick frikle signalling the guys to go out of the room.

The man took a step towards the boys after the guys left, "Aww you both look so innocent not a single soul will suspect you for drug dealing" both boys flinched and shivered at that man's deep husky voice. they didn't understood anything that man ment but knew that it isn't anything near pleasant.

The man turned around gracefully and looked at the tow men behind him.

"Take them to training room and make sure that they are ready in 4 months"

Saying so the man left, leaving the two men in black to deal with the kids.

The men looked down at the kids with the same straight face which hasn't changed a bit since they stepped in the room, then pulled the kids hand. Jordan wanted to protest but the look on that man's face told him otherwise. After being dragged AGAIN the they finally stopped in front of a door.

One of the men opened the door only to uncover an room, a pretty big room. The room was filled with equipments like boxing glows, punching bag, dumbbells and many more. Their eyes nearly poped out when a guy behind them said,

"You both will be trained here"

● 4 months later ●

The small 6 years old boy doing his 96th push up.

Hands wobbly, legs wobbly, body sweaty, shirt drenched in sweat and hair tied in an manbun and soft pants leaving his lips.

Jordan fell flat on the floor right after his 100th push up.

Jung-gi came running towards him still wearing his boxing glows.

"Are you ok Jo!?"

Jordan just gave a weak smile as an answer. Jung-gi removed his glows threw them somewhere randomly on ground and gave Jordan some water to drink while rubbing his back.

"Ok boys go wear the cloths we brought for you and take a shower as well coz you smell like shit."

An bluff man said.

"And don't you dare misbehave today! Boss doesn't like brats. Do you remember everything we taught you?"

Another bluff man said as both the nodded.

Today was going to be the day when the two small kids go for thier first ever mission.

After 20 minutes both the boys were all ready in thier black shirts and pants. they both had long hair, Jung-gi always kept them free where as Jordan tied them in a manbun. They never took more than 20 minutes to get ready if they do they would be told to do extra training as punishment.

They were standing near each other. They were nervous but also happy coz they can atlast go out of this room. Whole 2 months in a room is not something pleasant, not when you are just 6 and 9 years old.

The doors of the room opened and an man entered the room he was wearing an awesome black suit looking very rich. He was the same man who ordered the 'men in black' to train the kids.

The men came forward and bowed. they glared at the boys indicating them to do the same and they did. The man looked at the kids judgingly then said.

"Are you ready?"

The boys gave a single nod in unison.

They were told what to do and they knew it isn't good but did they had any option? No.

They both were taken to an busy street by car, the driver pointed at the alley to the other side of the road. The boys nodded and got off the car to do the delivery of some white powder which was packed in and pocket sized packet.

Jordan was the one who was going to do the delivery while Jung-gi will make sure that no one is around. Jung-gi didn't want Jordan to go alone but did it matter to anyone? of course none.

Jordan went deep inside the alley with his hands in his pockets and stopped in front of an man who had an mask on. He looked up at the man who chucked darkly and said,

"Get out of here kid, you don't wanna die at a young age now do you?"

Jordan tilted his head and said with an straight face,

"I love pineapple on pizzas"

Yes that's the code Jordan was supposed to say. The man's eyes widened for a spilt second before he said,

"I own pizza hut"

And yes that was the code that man was supposed to say. Jordan pulled out two packets of the white powder and gave it to the man who was still recovering from the shock. He turned around and left without looking behind. He stood besides Jung-gi and gave his back a pat indicating him that his work was done. They walked towards the car and got in without any words. They nodded towards the driver who started to drive the car.

This was thier first mission. Their first step in the world of dark. Their first step in crime.

They did many same missions of drug delivery together and many missions alone as well for 1 year or more.

When Jordan was 7 he first time took an gun in his small hands.

When Jordan was 8 he first time used the gun to muder someone.

When Jordan was 12 he started to ace in fighting skills.

When Jordan was 14 he kidnapped an six years old girl.

When Jordan was 17 he made an plan. An plan of betrayal.

Jordan and Jung-gi were still close and were living an happy life with the money they got. But Jordan was not satisfied because they clearly deserve more money for all the work they did but thier boss was an asshole so he made an plan to talk what he deserved.

He made an plan to kill their boss and take his place with Jung-gi.

Who was Jung-gi to deny?

Of course he supported Jordan in this plan. Now they weren't thoes oblivious kids but two charming men. They were hot and handsome with built bodies and tall, gigantic figure. All ladies would swoon around them but their dark aura told everyone around them to fuck off.

20 years old Jung-gi was fighting with three men all alone where as 17 years old Jordan managed to sneak in his boss's small work cabin and shot him right in his heart 2 times. He rushed out and shot the three men and made an announcement saying that they were going to handle the group from now on.

The group wasn't any big and their boss wasn't very rich he just had some 100-70 men to work for him thats all but after Jordan and Jung-gi took over the small group they made many changes.

They named the group as Red Cross and started to talk with more mafia members and groups, started to train each and everyone in Red Cross, gave them the money they deserved, only kept loyal workers, started drug smuggling all over the world and lastly they made small groups of their workers and sent them to different countries to expand their Mafia all over the world.

It was all good with Jordan and Jung-gi both leading the group. But they both were total assholes. Rude, cold, merciless and feelingless. They only smiled at each other when they were alone or they always have that resting bitch face.

They also made some more trustworthy and loyal friends. Park Hyun-sik , Kim Cheol-sung, Kim Se-jun, Min Ki-woo and Jung Jae-hyun were some of them. Kim Cheol-sung was married and Kim Se-jun was engaged. They were all korean and met when Jordan took and trip to korea for work. They all became close instantly. Blake Brooks was also and friend of thiers but he is an American and doesn't knows much of korean so he is a little formal to all the new korean friends of Jordan and Jung-gi.

When Jordan turned 23 he started to grow distant from everyone. He bought a new mansion for himself and started to stay alone. Most of the time on drugs or on missions.

Everyone was worried for him and even tried to talk to him but Jordan wouldn't speak a single word to them, he didn't even talked to Jung-gi on his wedding day.

Jung-gi married an beautiful lady named Lee Chae-woo who worked under Red cross, they both were of same age and married at the age of 27.

They all wanted Jordan to get married because everyone of them knew that Jordan needs someone. Someone to love and nourish him. But Jordan never liked to talk about it scrach that Jordan never liked to talk to talk about anything to anyone.

Life was never good to Jordan but it is said,


And so his morning came....

Jordan fell in love.... with Maria Miller....

But, was it really going to lead to morning or to an darker night...


Lil bit of past!!

2292 words of.... Angsty? is it?

I never knew writing angst is so difficult, I know this sucks but I tRiEd!

Soooo..... Happy ending?


Evil_Godesscreators' thoughts