
Chapter 10: Crescent Moon Blood Eyes

Grandowl: T-That is-

Echo: The Crescent Moon Blood Eyes!!

Siren eyes color change from black to red like a blood red moon. And her iris appear crescent moon shape. After a few seconds, her eyes color change back to black, same for her iris, the crescent moon shape disappear. Siren blood veins stop popping out and her body back to normal and after that she's fainted.

Echo: Grandowl,..she is-

Grandowl: Yes. There is no mistake. She is the Crescent Moon Blood Necromancers. It is very rare for us to meet one nowadays. Last time, it was hundred thousand years ago.

Echo: (smile) It must be my lucky day.

Grandowl: (nod and smile) Yes, indeed.

Echo: Okay, let me bring her to the tree house.

Grandowl: Okay sure.

Echo bring Siren to the tree house. When Siren awake, she sees Echo is standing in front of her smiling. Echo approaching Siren.

Echo: Are you awake?

Siren: (rustle and sit up) erm..W-Where am-I?

Echo: You are in the tree house.

Siren: Tree-house..?

Siren suddenly remember the incident where her blood veins popping out creeping to the whole of her body which she feels like having a very bad nightmare. Then, Siren push Echo away from her. There's a lot of emotions Siren feels at that time. She is feeling panic, scared, trembling and tears dropping from her eyes.

Siren: Y-You?!...My-My body..?! What have you done to me?!!!

Echo hug her trembling body even though she is trying to push him away. Echo pat her head lightly trying to calm her down. After Siren calm down, Echo release her from the hug.

Echo: Are you feeling okay?

Siren: (sobbing)

Echo wipe her tears.

Echo: Firstly, I know you are scared about what just happen at the Tree of Life. I am so sorry about that. It won't happen again.

Siren listen quietly.

Echo: Secondly, I may need your help but, this is require you to stay here a bit longer, is it okay?

Siren: (teary eyes) If-I don't want to,..you will (looking at Echo) KILL me?

Siren is not sure if she's able to coming out from the Hooting Forest alive and safely but, she's still ask Echo anyway.

Echo: Nope. I will return you back.

Siren jolt a little like she did not expect that answer from Echo after what happen to her. Siren ask more question.

Siren: Can I-..trust you?

Echo: Yes. (smile)

Siren: o-okay (Is he telling the truth)

Siren still having doubts towards Echo. Siren know that she cannot fully trust Echo.

Echo: Okay, let's go (offer his hand)

At first Siren afraid to take his hand, but on second thought she just grab his hand. And then, she's got a vision of the six owl tombstone located in the Hooting Forest and the Tree of Life. Shock by the vision, Siren immediately let go of Echo hand and the vision disappear.

Siren: eh- (What was that?)

Echo: Are you okay, Siren?

Siren: Y-Yes. I'm okay.

Echo offer his hand again. Siren still feeling scared but, she grab Echo hand anyway but this time nothing's happen. Siren, Echo and Eliot walking out from Forestatia heading towards the entrance of the Hooting Forest. None of them are talking before reach the entrance but, Siren keep on thinking about the vision she had just now. They almost reach the entrance of Hooting Forest.

Echo: (Let go of Siren hand) Okay, you just need to walk a little bit until you reach the entrance.

Siren: Okay sure.

Echo: Just one thing I want to tell you, when you are walking out from the Hooting Forest don't you ever looking back, okay?

Siren: O-kay. erm..What will happen if I'm looking back?

Echo: (serious) You cannot get out from the Hooting Forest, forever.

Siren: Forever?!!

Echo: (chuckle) I'm just kidding. You just cannot get out from the Hooting Forest until the next full moon.

Siren: I-I see 😅

Echo: Well, looks like your journey in the Hooting Forest will end now,..farewell, my uninvited guest (smile)

Siren: Goodbye,..Echo and..thank you (smile)

Siren walking towards the entrance without looking back.

Eliot: Is it okay to let her go, Master Echo?

Echo: (smile) Well,..maybe.

Echo just watching Siren back walking towards the entrance. Once Siren reached the entrance of the Hooting Forest she stop walking. Another one more step she'll be getting out from the Hooting Forest but, suddenly she-