
Chapter 9: Tree of Life

Grandowl: sigh~ Come on, follow me.

Grandowl fly and cross the small bridge while Echo, Siren and Eliot are walking towards the small bridge to cross it. Siren sees a few little baby owl on the small tree branch.

Siren: aww~ that baby owl is so CUTE~ Can I touch them? can i hold them? 😍

Echo: Well, if you want to be injure by their parents, go on. 😌

Mama Owl glaring at Siren.

Siren: (gulp) err-..n-nevermind. 😥

Echo: (chuckle) haha 🤭

After they've crossed the small bridge, Siren sees-

Siren: Wow! What is that?

Grandowl: This is the Tree of Life.

Siren: Tree of Life?

Tree of Life has a huge spiral trunk with rainbow leaves. The leaves has different shapes depend on the color.

Grandowl: The Tree of Life is the bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind, allowing you to access the infinate knowledge from the subconscious mind and getting connected to the source of all creation at the same time.

Siren: O-kay? 🤔. So, what is the relation of this tree with you looking at my palm?

Grandowl: Among all living things on earth, only one that is able to access the infinate knowledge from the Tree of Life. (look at Siren) That is HUMAN!

Siren: I see. So, if I let you see my palm I'm able to access the infinite knowledge?

Grandowl: That is-

Echo: Grandowl, we have discuss about this before. Until I collect all of it, we are not going to search any more human to access the infinate knowledge from the Tree of Life!

Grandowl: I know, Master Echo. But, we don't have much time. Would you please let me looking at her palm?

Echo: sigh~ Are you really confident this time, she's the one?

Without answering Echo, Grandowl suddenly hand in a piece of crimson red thread to Echo.

Echo: (look at Grandowl) This is-

Grandowl: (nodding) It's coming from the Tree of Life.

Echo: (looking at the crimson thread) hm..Very well. Siren, could you lend your hand to Grandowl for him to look at your palm?

Siren: Everything is going to be okay, right?

Echo: Yes (smile) 🙂

Siren did not really trust Echo after what he said before that he is going to kill her. But, at the same Siren know that there is nothing she can do to get out from that place.

Siren: (So this is it. Am I going to die in this place?)

Siren shut her eyes tightly while Grandowl looking at her palm. Then, she open her eyes.

Siren: hm-nothing happen?

Grandowl: (holding Siren palm) Apologize my lady, it may sting a little.

Grandowl peck really hard at Siren palm and she is screaming painfully and pulling in her hand. Suddenly, her blood veins bulging out, starting from her palms it creeping to the whole of her body.

Siren: (scared and trembling with tear in her eyes) W-What is happening to me?

Siren falls down groaning in pain.

Siren: grr..arrghhh..-

While groaning Siren eyesight become blurry but, she still can see a little of Echo face looking at her very sadly. When Siren blood vein almost creeping near her left eye, the color of her eyes change.

Grandowl: T-That is-