
Chapter 11: A Wish

Echo just watching Siren back, walking towards the entrance. Once Siren reached the entrance of the Hooting Forest, Siren stop walking. Another one more step she'll be getting out from the Hooting Forest but, suddenly she hear the same song when she enter the forest but this time she hasn't been possess.

Hoo~ Hoo~

Welcome to the depths of the deep forest

It's a rare visitor-

Siren: This song,..

Echo is singing the same song that bring her into the Hooting Forest. Siren close her eyes and listen to the song until the end. Echo has a very soothing voice which make Siren feel calm when she hear his singing. When the song ended, Siren open her eyes.

Siren: ah-the song has...ended

Disappointed looks written all over her face.

Suddenly, Siren shout out really loud calling out the name...

Siren: Echoooo!!!

And then, wind blowing towards Siren. She close her eyes while standing still.

When the wind stop, Echo suddenly appear and hug her from behind.

Echo: (whisper at Siren left ear) Why are you still here,..Siren.

Siren grab Echo forearm gently and say..

Siren: Could you..let me stay here until..the next full moon?

Echo: If that is what you wish.

Siren: (close her eyes and smile) Thank you. 😌

Forgetting about what Mayr told her before that humans lived in a different world compare to the spirits, Siren has decided to stay because deep inside her heart she has a strong feeling that somehow she need to stay.

Echo release Siren from the hug and Siren turning around. Then, Echo offering his hand to Siren..

Echo: Let's go.

Siren almost grab Echo hand but, she stop.

Siren: Before we go, can i have a wish? But you need to promise to grant me that wish.

At first Echo stare at Siren. Without blinking Siren standing firmly waiting for Echo reply.

Echo: (chuckle) Okay, I promise.

Echo close all other fingers except his pinky finger and thumb and offer to Siren as a symbol him making a promise to her. Siren do the same. Then, both Echo and Siren pinky finger and thumb touch with each other.

Echo: Now, tell me your wish.

Siren: (stare directly at Echo eyes) My wish is-...tell me everything about the Hooting Forest including-...yourself.

Echo: Why do you want to know about me? Are you taking interest in me? (smile)

Siren: (Blush) N-No! I don't. I just-...

Suddenly, Echo laughing so hard and loud. The sound of his laughing echoeing which can be heard throughout the forest.

Siren: erm..Why are you laughing?

Echo: You amuse me, Siren.

Siren: hm? How?

Echo: I already said from the start, you are one of the brightest uninvited guest i've ever met so far. So, facinating.

Siren: (blush) 😳 O-kay. A-Anyway,..will you tell me? 😣

Echo: (smile) hm..Maybe

Siren: B-But, you had promise!!

Echo: (cheeky smile) Did I?

Siren: 🤯 argh!!

Echo: hahaha

Siren: hm 😑 (piss off)

Echo: (chuckle) 🤭

Echo seems like he is teasing Siren. Siren piss off and just grab Echo hand, dragging him.

Siren: 😤 hmph..let's go, back to Forestatia.

Echo: (chuckle) Seems like you already know the way.

Siren: eh?! I-I don't-know.

Echo: (chuckle) You are so funny

Both of them stop walking.

Siren dragging Echo without realize she doesn't know the way back to the Forestatia

Siren: er-You will need to call, Eliot to light the way?

Echo: No need.

Suddenly, Echo taking out a stone. The carved stone looks like an owl.

Siren: (hm? that carved stone-...)