
His Dear Devilish Angel

------------------ After witnessing the cruel reality of the world at a very young age, she matured early. However, despite giving her everything, she couldn't save her family from myriads of schemes. she got used to the darkness so much to the point of subconsciously running away from light. Having been forced to wear his name since her 18th birthday, she was angered at the mere thought of him. yet knowing that it was his territory, she willingly walked in. ------------------- "I remember telling you my little fox, if you came back, your escape chances will be zero to none." he said as he gently outlined her jawline down to her neck and her clavicle with his jade like fingers. "Oh, and what makes you think you can control my life?" her eyes had the very same indifference she carried when she entered the room. seeing those eyes, his lips curved in amusement, he took hold of her right wrist and showed her the bracelet she was wearing. "Well, you already have my stamp on you, so... from your mind to your heart and from your body to soul, everything is under my ownership,.... all of you are mine, baby girl." her indifferent eyes instantly filled with anger and irritation. She glared at him and forcefully pulled her hand out of his grip. he chuckled dotingly at her reaction as he held her face in his palms and said, " Now that's my little fox with those bright eyes." -------------------

Amoureuse · Urban
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10 Chs

"His mark"

After mourning for few seconds, Li Yushen comes into the office and directly sits in front of Han Li. He is a young man in twenties with a clean look and hint of elegance, even when he was annoying Ling Yi he still had a tinge of charm in his movements. A white shirt and black casual pants add additional points to his easy-going persona.

"Boss look! I am almost becoming the most annoying person in her life" he said with a hint of pride.

"You should give her some peace" smiled Han Li, making dimples appear on her both cheeks. Only Li Yushen out of her all subordinates would talk to her so freely. Having known each other for almost 11 years, it was given that they would let go off the formalities. 

Being the closest and knowing everything about her, he has helped her a lot and was there for every difficult moment of her life.

Everybody would have thought he had feelings for Han Li if it was not obvious that he was interested in a lady who doesn't even know spellings of love.

"If I let her have some peace, she will get face paralysis from keeping that straight face" he replied with a shrug, slight smile appeared in his eyes.

"Well, why were you late?" Knowing him, he hardly ever gets late, even if he is late, there must be something important delaying him.

Hearing that, Li Yushen sat a bit straight and turned serious. "It was Qi chumian, the young master of Qi family, he got to know that the IG CEO is a mainland woman. So he called me asking for your appointment. Heh! Does he think any Tom, Dick and Harry can meet with IG CEO? But I don't know from where did he found out that IG CEO is from mainland."

IG corporation was established by Han Li's Grandfather who registered it under her grandmother's name because she was native of France and had full nationality. Except the insiders, ever since group was established, everyone has misconceptions that corporation is under French government. 

Her Grandfather registered it under French national identity to reduce the impact that government has on foreign enterprises. However, now that IG has grown to the extent that government can no longer suppress it, it doesn't matter whether it is known that its roots are foreign. 

But the tallest branch faces the strongest wind, and Han Li doesn't want to face unnecessary danger. Therefore, it is Li Yushen who represents IG on important occasions, so except for close people, no one knows the identity of IG CEO.

Han Li thought about it for a moment before getting up and walked toward Li Yushen, sitting on single chair she leaned back and revealed a cold smirk.

"He is acquainted with Su Yan. The Su family must have let it out somehow. Well now that we are going to move, it will be known sooner or later that IG founder is from mainland. Just make sure to not let anything more spread, especially at this juncture. I don't have time for those so-called aristocratic politics and their patriotic dramas."

Li Yushen agreed. He has also had his full share of headaches from those aristocratic families due to the fact Han family is one of them.

Water runs deep in mainland and calling it filthy is an understatement. The struggle between families and their forces in underworld are extremely messy. It's not that they can't afford to offend them, those forces are piece of cake for them, but if one of those forces is destroyed, the power balance will be damaged and they would have to fill the gap.

Controlling the whole underworld power in China is not a war that Han Li can afford currently, just like a single loin cannot become the king of 2 jungles, likewise 2 Kings can't rule same kingdom. It is better for her identity to remain unknown as Han Li is not oblivious to hidden danger even when no one knows of her identity. Then if her identity is made public, they all fear she will not be able to take a step outside.

"I have already taken measures to that and warned Su Yan about it, but this Qi Chumian is too stupid, he made a fuss and now probably whole world is aware that IG is not only rooted in france." Li Yushen's eyes turned cold and it made him look totally different from previous Happy go luck look.

Han Li replied simply after closing her eyes, "Nothing worth worrying about, it's not like everyone knows its me. Just focus on the transfer, no mishap shall happen there, everything should be well and fully equipped. "

Having said that, they both fell silent as they thought about things they have to do after returning, from digging to cleaning.

Thinking so, Li Yushen suddenly smiled as he said warmly, "We will have to work hard after all cleaning humans requires quite a lot of energy."

Han Li also smiled as she thought about returning, "Mmm... We gotta finish every untouched work."

"I was thinking, now that we are transferring there, wouldn't there be conflicts with the Zeus group? There can't be two tigers on a single mountain, right? However...if you become the tigress it would be more convenient." Said Li Yushen with a wide grin.

Hearing his words, Han Li's eyes shot straight to him like laser, "Do you want me to wash your mouth for you?

"Hey! Come on! You already have his mark on you, your words doesn't seem that convincing though" he teased, pointing at the silver bracelet hidden under her watch.

Hello little faires,

It's my first time writing so I wish you all can be forgivable. And if you guys have any thoughts let me know in the comments.

Lots of love lovelies...

Amoureusecreators' thoughts