
His Dear Devilish Angel

------------------ After witnessing the cruel reality of the world at a very young age, she matured early. However, despite giving her everything, she couldn't save her family from myriads of schemes. she got used to the darkness so much to the point of subconsciously running away from light. Having been forced to wear his name since her 18th birthday, she was angered at the mere thought of him. yet knowing that it was his territory, she willingly walked in. ------------------- "I remember telling you my little fox, if you came back, your escape chances will be zero to none." he said as he gently outlined her jawline down to her neck and her clavicle with his jade like fingers. "Oh, and what makes you think you can control my life?" her eyes had the very same indifference she carried when she entered the room. seeing those eyes, his lips curved in amusement, he took hold of her right wrist and showed her the bracelet she was wearing. "Well, you already have my stamp on you, so... from your mind to your heart and from your body to soul, everything is under my ownership,.... all of you are mine, baby girl." her indifferent eyes instantly filled with anger and irritation. She glared at him and forcefully pulled her hand out of his grip. he chuckled dotingly at her reaction as he held her face in his palms and said, " Now that's my little fox with those bright eyes." -------------------

Amoureuse · Urban
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10 Chs

"Staggering in beauty and brain"

France, city A.

Greenberg area.

On the periphery of the city, surrounding the chamber lake, stands the high-end Commercial area of city A. The area where every inch costs millions stands the corporation's buildings, which represent the economy of the whole country.

Greenberg Area represents not only wealth but also the power and status, a person holds within society. Owning a piece of land in this commercial area directly tells the worth of a person.

In the middle of the area, facing the front side of the chamber lake, stands the tallest skyscraper. Having a shining silver exterior, it gives off a majestic aura, which makes other neighbouring buildings pale in comparison.

IG corporation, one of the world's top five richest corporations, has annual net worth of trillions. It has been a trendsetter and a major taxpayer in the business world for over a decade.

Top floor of the IG corporation,

In the CEO office, in contrast to the luxurious exterior, the inside of the office was very simple. black cabinets, black book shelves, and white lounge area. The whole office was set in a very sleek and minimalistic way.

On the right side facing the book shelves hanged a photo frame which covers half of the wall. The lady in picture leaned against the wall with her eyes closed, in the foyer with black rose background, her blood red dress emitted cold and elegant aura. colour of dress makes her skin colour even more paler and bright.

Face of the lady was so exquisite that it could topple the nation despite it giving off a lonesome feeling. The minimalist design of the office and dark and elegant style of the picture blend perfectly.

Sitting in the middle of the office behind the reddish black office table was the very same beautiful lady. She was wearing a tight fitting knee-length black dress with a high ponytail and blood red lipstick on her slightly plump lips. The most mesmerising feature of her face is her eyes, which are grey in colour. It makes her already stunning looks even more prominent.

Her name was Han Li, the CEO of IG Corporation, Having inherited the best of her parents' genes, she was staggering in both beauty and brain. Eyes as sharp as eagle and aura of mystical beast surrounds her.

A knock made Han Li stop her pen as she raised her head, and a crisp, clear voice rang in the office.

"Come in,"

A woman in her mid twenties with a pixie hair cut entered through pivot door. She was wearing black dress pants and a simple black top, which made her look stylish.

Ling Yi entered the office, walked straight to the desk, and gave two black files to Han Li.

"These are the names and personal information about the new employees we employed in China." She said as she pointed to the first file before she continued, pointing at the second file "and these are the employees who will be staying to continue working here"

Han Li flipped through the second file and said in a low tone after looking at the number of employees "it seems there are quite a lot of people following us."

Ling Yi nodded "Yes Boss, there are a few others who also wish to go, but I made them stop. Otherwise, the work here would be messed up."

Han Li nodded as she flipped through the document and gave the first file back to Ling Yi. "Have Heng Yu check their profiles, see if there is any problem with their backgrounds, no need to be lenient." 

"I understand." She replied in serious tone. Having been under Han Li for more than 10 years, she was well aware how important loyalty is in their field of work, especially when any leakage of internal news will result in losing more than just money.

Even if employees were not in any significant position, even the smallest internal structure and business schemes of the IG group were relatively secure. Every employed person will sign a non-disclosure contract, but when someone intends to betray, a contract is just a piece of paper for them.

Freeing up the space on the desk, Han Li looked at her Rolex pearlmaster 34 watch. It was 3:45, she frowned. "Where's Shen?"

Ling Yi, who was sorting out the documents, answered seriously, "Special assistant Li should be on his way back after picking up the dress,"

Special assistant Li, Li Yushen, should have arrived by now, but he was late. If this goes on, the boss will be late for the evening banquet.

As Ling Yi thought, she made her way to the door intending to give him a call, when suddenly the door of the office flung open without prior notice and a man in his late twenties came into the view.

Having suddenly opened a door in front of her, Ling Yi almost got her nose cracked and before she could even complain, the other party beat her to that.

"Miss Ling Yi, were you trying to scare me to death here? I almost had cardiac arrest when a black shadow suddenly popped up in front of me," said Li Yushen as he patted his chest as if he was really scared.

"You should have come in after knocking Mr Special assistant. I am not a predictor who will always be aware of your next move." Ling Yi clenched her teeth.

"Huh! I see you are slacking off from training! That's why you didn't hear my footsteps. Should I tell the boss about it?" Li Yushen made an excited face as if he was aware of a top secret just waiting to spread.

"You!!" Hearing word 'slacking off' exclaimed Ling Yi as she looked at Li Yushen with red face, but suddenly remembering Han Li's presence, she calmed down.

With a standard straight face, Ling Yi said, " Mr special assessment I am also thinking of slacking off from cooking so from today onwards you should order take out"

Hearing this Li Yushen suddenly quiet down for few seconds then made a sorry face with both hand holding his ears as if asking for forgiveness but Ling Yi snorted and ignored him, taking the files left the office.

Li Yushen: "..."

Facing her cold back Li Yushen was almost in tears, his and Ling Yi's apartments are right next door so he never order take out and directly knocks on her door, now that the Great Buddha who was feeding him has been labelled as a 'slack off' he would have to sleep with empty stomach.

Hello little faires,

Its my first fairytale, so if you have some ideas let me know in the comments.

Wish you all lots of love

Amoureusecreators' thoughts