
His Dear Devilish Angel

------------------ After witnessing the cruel reality of the world at a very young age, she matured early. However, despite giving her everything, she couldn't save her family from myriads of schemes. she got used to the darkness so much to the point of subconsciously running away from light. Having been forced to wear his name since her 18th birthday, she was angered at the mere thought of him. yet knowing that it was his territory, she willingly walked in. ------------------- "I remember telling you my little fox, if you came back, your escape chances will be zero to none." he said as he gently outlined her jawline down to her neck and her clavicle with his jade like fingers. "Oh, and what makes you think you can control my life?" her eyes had the very same indifference she carried when she entered the room. seeing those eyes, his lips curved in amusement, he took hold of her right wrist and showed her the bracelet she was wearing. "Well, you already have my stamp on you, so... from your mind to your heart and from your body to soul, everything is under my ownership,.... all of you are mine, baby girl." her indifferent eyes instantly filled with anger and irritation. She glared at him and forcefully pulled her hand out of his grip. he chuckled dotingly at her reaction as he held her face in his palms and said, " Now that's my little fox with those bright eyes." -------------------

Amoureuse · Urban
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10 Chs


Looking at the bracelet on her wrist, Han Li pressed her lips into straight line "You think I don't want to remove it?"

This bracelet has been on her wrist since her 18th birthday. God knows what kind of material it is made of, no matter what method she use it doesn't get off, she even tried to melt it with fire but it didn't get any damage. Instead she ended up getting blisters. The only way for her to remove it is to cut off her hand. So instead of hurting herself because of a mere bracelet, she just let it stay there and used watches or scarfs to cover it up. But hiding it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Li Yushen's lips twitched as he tried to control his laughter. If he uttered anything more he would be told to roll out from here.

Taking a deep breath, she asked. "When is Mo Long coming?"

"He got off the plane an hour ago, and must be on the way here." Li Yushen looked at his Rolex 57 watch.

Seeing Han Li leaning against sofa he stood up "You should get some rest. I will go and get things ready. When Mo Long arrives I will inform you."

Han Li nodded as she sent Li Yushen away. Hearing the 'click' sound of door being closed, she removed her watch and looked at the bracelet. It is a silver bracelet with 9 black diamonds attached to it.

With an exquisite and delicate custom design adding a tinge of elegance and sophistication. 9 black diamonds represent its giver, King of darkness. On the hind side, an alphabetical word- "zeus" is written with black colour on silver chain, as if to fear it would not be visible clearly if written in white.

Looking at the name written on the back Han Li's eyes went deep and indifferent, no emotion could be detected in them. She stood up and walked to floor to ceiling windows, as she watched falling snowflakes and frozen lake In front of Greenberg. She thought of the days she spent here with her Grandfather. This place was once her home But now, no one was left in this home.

Thinking about her parents, her eyes got dimmer, but then another aged face came into her mind. Han Li controlled her emotions, turned to her table, and called Ling Yi to bring her coffee.


IG group front entrance,

A black Roll Royce phantom parked in the front of the building. A man around 26 years old cames out of the shotgun seat, his bright red hairs make him look even younger, but his slight feminine face was currently covered with anger and a deep frown pasted between his brows as he muttered something in low voice.

Mo Long, the current top makeup artist in France, has numerous awards in his pocket. Countless top actresses around the world try every mean to invite him just because his name is prone to make people superior.

Mo Long came from mainland and became famous 4 years ago in France. He did an amazing job in quite a lot blockbuster movies, which helped him win the 'best youngest makeup artist' award. 

Recently he started his own cosmetics brand by the name of 'Beauty'. Due to this, he had to roam around different cities in France. If not for his personal closeness with IG and Han Li he would not have come back to city A anytime soon.

A second after Mo Long got off, driver's door opened and a man about the same age as Mo Long came out.

Unlike the frustrated expression on Mo Long face, his face contained an unruly smile, with good looks and a bad boy charm which easily attracts bees and butterflies. Wearing a black leather jacket and black pants with hands in pockets, making him look like a rogue.

As Heng Yu alight the car, he casually threw keys to the guard standing at front door, who quickly took car to underground parking.

When Heng Yu turned around, he saw the man, who was sitting shotgun with him just a few seconds ago, keeping 4 feet distance from him.

Heng Yu: "...."

His lips twitched slightly, "Beauty~ if you keep such a big distance from me, others will think I have some kind of contagious disease"

Mo Long's face darkened "Heng Yu! Don't you fu*king call me that! Who the hell sent you to pick me up?! I will fight that person to death!!"

Heng Yu laughed slightly and said with a bright smile, moving his hand back and forth in front of him "No! No! Beauty~ you can't fight now. What if you break your finger or hand during a fight, then who will do my boss's makeup? So be a good boy beauty~ and stay calm."

He moved closer to Mo Long and raised his arm to put on the latter's shoulder. Mo Long immediately flared up, sensing Heng Yu's movements "You! SHUT UP!! Take your hands off me!!"

"hey! buddy! There's no need to shout like that, my ears are fine." Exclaimed Heng Yu while rubbing his ears. "I am just praising you for your good looks man! You are so beautiful!"


Looking at further darkened look on Mo Long's face Heng Yu thought if he didn't stop now, he would have to carry Mo Long inside. "Alright, don't be agitated. Let's go in now, they are waiting"

Despite hearing Heng Yu's words, Mo Long didn't move an inch and was looking at him like he was an enemy.

Early at the airport, before getting in the car Mo Long was hesitating because Heng Yu would always make fun of his feminine face and launch of his brand named 'beauty' triggered Heng Yu to call him 'beauty,' but because Heng Yu looked serious at that time, Mo Long thought maybe he would not joke around today. Thus Mo Long was tricked into getting in the car.

Whole 40 minutes were torture to him. Now that he is separated from this broken recorder, who adds 'beauty' in every single sentence, he truly wishes to stay away from him.

Heng Yu saw Mo Long was not moving an inch. He was going to swear he would not call him 'beauty' again but 'of course only for today'. Just as he opened his mouth, a voice rang between his ears


Li Yushen's voice rang out from the main entrance glass door. He just came down to look for Mo Long, when he saw two of them standing at the entrance, he called out as he walked towards them.

When Heng Yu heard Li Yushen calling Mo Long 'beauty', he could not hold back and started laughing loudly.

" Hahahaha...."

Mo Long: "...."

Mo Long looked like he was literally going to kill someone when heard Li Yushen. He just wanted to turn around and run away from these idiots who were ruining his good reputation. However, thinking about Han Li, he stopped.

With a sullen and serious face, he stated word to word. "Either you both change your way of address now or we can wait till you guys change it. I am not moving an inch here"

"Oh!! come on! Bro You know, we can just carry you inside." exclaimed Heng Yu with slight laugh and shrugged, Making a gesture towards Mo Long legs, he said "come Shen! You lift his right leg and I will lift the left"

Thinking of something funny, he continued. "We can also take pictures. It will surely add stars to his reputation.. hahaha."

As Mo Long is a foreigner in France. His social circle is small, except Li Yushen, Heng Yu and few close friends, he rarely shows his true emotions to others and is highly reserved in front of media, which earned him reputation for being cold and arrogant.

If his pictures of being carried by two young men, were to be released his whole persona will collapse. Heng Yu was tempted, but thinking about his friendship, he decided to give him some face.

Li Yushen, who just understood the whole situation, wanted to tease Mo Long as well but different circumstances demand different attitude.

"Ahem! okay! Jokes aside, Come in now we don't have much time." Having said that, he turned around and went inside followed by Heng Yu, who just stopped laughing, and displeased Mo Long

"If it wasn't for Lilian do you guys think I would have let you both off easily? Humph! Bunch of idiots!" Muttered Mo Long under his breath.

Hello little faires,

Hope you all liked the chapter

Lots of love.

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