
Here with you

I grew up rich. I grew up in a lonely home but I have the best people as friends. They beat those fake people who thought I'd give them money. But I have a big issue going on because I think I'm in love with my best friend. I don't know should I confess or not?

Penny_Perez · Teenager
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8 Chs

Someone likes me?


"Brrrrr. Brrrrr. Brrrrrr.

'Hello?' a tired voice answered.

'Hey, Noah it is I, Eliza.'

'Oh hey, Eliza. How have you been? Has anything good happened lately?' He asks me in a happier tone than before.

'Would you do me a huge favor?'

'Anything for you my dear Eliza.' "


"Noah I need you to distract Alex for a while on Saturday and also invite your group of friends we are having a small party on Saturday just for Alex."

"Anything for you my love but where is the party going to be?" Noah asks me.

"The party is going to be at my house since my sister and her family are going to Disneyland for a small vacation and business meeting."

"Oh, so you won't have anyone home?"Noah asks happily.

"No, Why do you ask Noah?" I try to question him

"No reason, just my curiosity peaking." He replies with a small laugh.

"Okay then talk to you later."

"Yes Ma'am"

After that, I hung up the phone but I'm still wondering why he asked if anyone was going to be home.


Today is Wednesday and the phone call with Noah is still bothering me. I mean he's a nice guy but what is he planning?

I know I shouldn't suspect him of anything since Alex really trusts him and I should too even if he is kinda scary or creepy.

Another thing that has been in mind is that maybe my gift to Alex might be too small. Should I do a music video for him? I do have some songs about him that I made a few years ago and all I need is to clean it up.

I'm going to record a video for him.


Here is the story

The one of a boy

A boy who saved my life

With a single sentence, he made my world complete

Till this day he still doesn't know

but that's all fine cuz it's enough for me

He made me feel happy when I thought all was gone

I was comforted, loved, and filled with so much excitement that my feelings for him will not change and will always continue to grow

My strong handsome hero, Alex

I love you!

(It probably sucks because its short and I have no audio of how I want the tune to go :3)

(honesllty idk where I was going with this too)


After finishing my video I decided to out to buy some materials, after all, it was barely 4:45 and I could be home before 8. So I went to the store I love. Dollar tree and after Walmart.

As I'm passing the electronic aisle at Walmart, I see my parents invention. You're probably wondering what made my family so "rich" eh? Well, my mom made a camera.

Not just any camera but called the emergency camera because if there is ever a time when someone is in trouble you can push a button and immediately will start recording and sending live feed to family and law enforcement. Kinda complicated but I think it's actually a good thing because this way it could save more lives and help those missing people. While my mom invented it my dad pitched in the economic and marketing materials to make it become something everyone uses in our daily life.

The camera is so small that it is concealed in my necklace as a jewel. I can activate it when something happens. Others wear it on their earring, pearcing, heck even their braces. (I personally find that weird because you have to smile for the camera to see anything but I mean not my life so I can't judge a while lot.)

After getting all I need I look at my phone and see its past 8 and instantly run to the bus stop but before I arrive I crash into someone.


The person begins to chuckle. "Eliza it's all good."

I recognize the voice to be Noah.

"Oh hey! Noah sorry about that I didn't mean to hit you in the back! I was trying to catch the bus buuut I think I just missed it. UwU"

"Its all fine but if you need a ride home I can take you." he laughs and continues "I was about to leave. You're lucky you crashed into me because if it were someone else you could have been hurt."

"Oh really? Thank you that would save me the 4 hours of walking to get home and these bags are kinda heavy. "

"Here let me take them and put them in the trunk."

I follow him to his car and get in the passenger seat and after buckling the seatbelt I ask "You have a license?"

"Yeah I just got it last week but it's ok I've been driving for 2 years"

After hearing that I don't know if I feel safe but it's better than walking so I change the topic.

"So, how has your day been?"

"hmm better after seeing you"

"interesting but I mean I'm being serious soo...."

"So am I. Eliza I'm a sucker for you!!!" Jonas brothers reference??? Whaaaaaaaaat???


"I've liked you for such a long time Eliza but right now I have to courage to tell you. You're adorable, beautiful, smart and the girl I've been dreaming about since middle school. I know it will make things awkward but just know I like you like a lot."

Literally my mind:






















After that, I froze and literally did not move until I got home. I grabbed my things and said "Thank you for the ride. I'll think about what you've said. But just know that I'm shook. Very shook and don't entirely understand my own feelings ok? Ok bye."

I ran to my room and left the stuff on my desk and threw myself on my bed and just blanked out.

I'm not ugly?

I'm not annoying?

Someone actually likes me???

Someone doesn't think I'm boring?


I think I have to talk to Olivia and Delilah about this.

I begin to call them.....