
Here with you

I grew up rich. I grew up in a lonely home but I have the best people as friends. They beat those fake people who thought I'd give them money. But I have a big issue going on because I think I'm in love with my best friend. I don't know should I confess or not?

Penny_Perez · Teen
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Coming out


"Juleka would always flirt with Alex and Alex to her. I then realized he liked her. Ever since then I have hidden my feelings from him."


I sighed and took a deep breath in. "I guess what I want to tell you two is that I know I really like Alex but I'm trying to hide my feelings by forcing myself to like Simon?"

"Oh, Eliza why did you never say anything to us? I feel a little sad that you didn't tell us earlier but I do understand a bit on what you're feeling." Delilah answers "Ever since the day, I moved here I have been in love with my neighbor's friend."

"Wait are you talking about Marcus or Shawn? Because I honestly approve of both" Olivia enters the conversation.

"No its Shawn's friend Mitch you know the one that hangs out with what everyone calls 'the geeks' but they are actually pretty cool. You know how I always get detention well the first time I got it I was walking in the class and I saw them all laughing in the corner. Well since I know Shawn I went and sat with them." She starts to giggle.

"I asked him why they were in detention and then he said 'well we finished our classwork early and decided to watch Tokyo Ghoul but You can't just not sing the opening so we all got in trouble for "disrupting class" technically everyone liked our performance so whatever"

"Every time I get detention I always see Mitch and he's so funny. He always gets detention for singing his favorite songs in class like the other day, he sang the opening for Sailor Moon, Ouran High School Host Club, and Soul Eater. He also likes Kpop so in our history class he started to sing I Luv It by PSY and I ended up joining him that got us that week detention."

"Guys I fell really hard for him." Delilah sighs and stays quiet. I couldn't help but squeal because she finally told us some of her raw feelings and she's so cute.

"Aww, Delilah We're rooting for you!!" Olivia and I tell her. I think for a second and then ask Olivia a question that keeps floating through my mind.

"Hey, Olivia Do you also have someone you like or someone who has caught your eye?"

"Well, I want to tell you guys something but promise me you won't judge me."

"Promise" Delilah and I say in sync.

She sighs before saying anything "I'm bisexual and please don't think any different of me. I love you guys and I don't want to lose you but my sexuality is something I am always scared to talk about. Wait do you guys even like me? OMG, I'm such an idiot. Who would like me? I'm ugly and I'm too skinny and my hair is too dark and doesn't forget my eyes they look like poo--"



"Nothing is going to change our views on you and nothing will change our friendship," Delilah answered.

"Real Talk Delilah Real Talk. No one hates you, Olivia, we love you and you're perfect the way you look you don't need any change for anything.  You're beautiful." I smiled as I told her. 

She then burst out crying and we could hear her sobbing through the phone. 

"I was so scared by how you would react so I didn't say anything for the past year."

"You kept it to yourself for a year?  Oh, Olivia, We love you and that will never change."

"Thank you, guys."

"So no one catches your attention?"

"Heh you see I actually don't like anyone right now. People at our school are too mean and fake so I'll just wait until college or out of high school."

"That's understandable" I answer Olivia after keeping quiet for the last few minutes. "It's late and I still haven't done any homework. Gotta go!! Talk to you ladies tomorrow!!"

"Wait before you leave when is everyone coming to my house for Delilah's ears getting pierced?"

"Wait!!! I got a great idea! Why don't we use this as a set up to make a surprise birthday party for Alex!"

"Ohhhh I really like that idea! Let's go it!"





Another day another test is how I feel these days are going.

I've been preparing plans for Alex's birthday party but so far I don't know who to invite.

I could invite his group of friends but I want it to be a surprise party.

You know what! I'm going to invite his group of friends. Hopefully, they can keep quiet.

I look through my contacts for Noah, he's the leader of that group.

Ah found you!!!

I begin to dial

Brrrrr. Brrrrr. Brrrrrr. 

"Hello?" a tired voice answered

"Hey, Noah it is I, Eliza."

"Oh hey, Eliza. How have you been? Has anything good happened lately?" He asks me in a happier tone than before.

"Would you do me a huge favor?"

"Anything for you my dear Eliza."