

“What makes you think you can leave? She whispers to my ear and I smile .

“And how do you sleep after murdering your first grandchild? I said and break the embrace and I can see  line formimg in her head , and the way she was staring at me and I stare at her disgust and I greeted Kunle’s father, I know they are both birds of the same  feathers but  I crouch down on my knees so that she would know that I knowingly not go down on my knees to greet her.

I walk  back to my mom trying to hold back my tear , each time my tears wants to fall down, I will push it back. I walk to my mom.

“Mom, Kunle’s mom” I said standing in front of my mom.

“Oh, our future in laws , my mom smiled and she goes to welcome them in.

“I am so sorry, I didn’t know you are our in laws” My mom says. I look at my mom and I shake my head that my mom is the only one in the dark.

“Please come in my in laws” my mom said smiling but I could see they were reluctant to come in.

I wanted to tell my mom that we should entertain them outside but I felt they need to enter if they cannot sit then they should let I and Kunle be.

They had no choice so they entered and Kunle’s mom stared into our sitting room and she stopped , she didn’t enter. she look at our living room disgustly and she uses her handfan to fan herself.

“Oh, actually, we have somewhere we need to go after this place , so there won’t be a need for us to sit down, we decided to just come and know where our bride to be had come from and seeing you her mom we can really says she has come from a respectful mom and it really shows that you really train her well” Kunle mom says.

We also made our intentions known that we can’t wait to make your daughter our bride because she is such a special and beautiful girl and we can see she got those qualities from you and that Is exactly your carbon copy, we came with the first gift to tell you we would like to know if it is possible to have the wedding introduction this week because we can’t even wait to take her back with us” My mom look happy, she looked at me, I can see she feel proud of me but I could see one person isn’t looking happy , Peju she was just calm but while the PR was making coverage of everything with her Ipad,  that’s not my problem, I can’t wait to see this woman leave this place, everyone thinks she is being nice even my mom must be seeing her as a nice person.

“Even if we are going to agree to whatever wedding introduction please come in and sit” my mom said.

“Oh, you are right, we just thought of not bothering to enter but we don’t want you to think otherwise” she says and enters to sit.

I get her it’s all for the camera’s , I know when she leave here she would put everything that happened here on the internet.

My phone rang and it was Kunle.I excuse myself to the backyard and I pick his call.

“Hello” I said over the phone.

“Bassey told me he saw a post online that my parents posted few hours ago that my parents are on their way to your place and a new post just came in and I can see them at your house doorstep? Are they at your  place ? he asked.

“Yes, they are here? I replied.



When Bassey told me that my parents posted a picture on their handle that they are on their way to  Shade’s house, I didn’t believe it, I pull out the phone from Basseys’s hand to check for myself and it was true.

I screamed out. “ To do what?! Oh my God , they will only go there to make things worse! I became disorganized, I didn’t know what to do , then what came to my mind was to call Shade’s line and confirm.

When I called her she confirm they are there, I didn’t say any more words.

I screamed my driver’s name to get the car ready, I didn’t even bother changing into another dress, I just climb down the stairs and straight to the garage while Bassey follows me .

My convoy were already prepared , I got into the car  while I my PA  got into the front seat and my convoy drove out of my compound, I couldn’t wait to get to the village , if the car could fly , I would ask the car to fly down to the village , my mind keep going through so many things like what has my parent gone to at Shade’s place ? have they gone to warn the Shade? I don’t trust mom anymore since the day she forcefully abort our baby.

I kept checking my time.



Stupid girl, she knew my game but played along, imagine her asking me how I sleep after I murdered my grandchild? What does she mean by my grandchild? Who says I want a grandchild from her or I count the foetus in her tummy as my grandchild but I will make her pay for talking back at me, she should have made some little investigation about me before dealing with me.

I didn’t tell her to plant herself into my son’s life, she wants reap were she did not sow but with me it is not possible. 

She cannot be my daughter in law ever, I thought. Their house look so disgusting, stepping my feet  on their pavement makes me want to throw up. When her mom invites us into the house, I try to give excuses not to enter into the house but her mom still insisted we enter but because of the camera , we had no choice than enter into the house and when we enter, I couldn’t breathe properly, the sofa’s were looking so horrible.

I quickly rush said everything we wanted to say so that we can get out of the place.

“We would like to come and have the wedding introduction this weekend which will be in three days time so that we can fix the wedding date” I said.

Excuse me ma” her mother sais.

“ Shade please go and buy our visitors some drink” her mom says and I quickly stop her from going because eating or drinking anything in this hose will be the last thing I will do.

“Oh don’t bother , I had enough of that drink from home already, we all don’t even drink softdrink, we drink smoothie, I know they can’t get that in their village.

“Okay, maybe some water will do” She says.

“I have my water, I mean our water inside the car” I said. “Look let’s finalized everything right now about the wedding introduction” I said.



I didn’t know why Kunle hanged the call immediately he knew is parents were here , I can’t even wait for them to leave but why did he hang, I tried his line about two times , he wasn’t picking , so I just walk to back to the living room thinking what could be the problem but at the same time, I need to  be in the living room to know what their discussion is all about and how it ended I entered and my mom told me to get them soft drink, she quickly said I shouldn’t bother and when my mom said water she said they had their water .

I knew all her excuses is because she doesn’t want to eat or drink anything from our house, how I wish I could just walk her out of my parents house but I will look disrespectful, I have to thread carefully with this woman because she is very cunning.

And because everything is on the camera , I do not want anyone to see me as a disrespectful person on that video because I don’t know if it is a live video or not.

Kunle’s mom was suggesting a date and my mom was telling them I have a father and father’s relatives , they told them that we have to speak with them first before having the wedding introduction, I could see Kunle’s mom felt disappointed when my mom said it can’t be possible.

Then my mom said if they can wait that she would ask me to go and call my dad’s older brothers who also resides in the village.

I don’t like those uncle of mine because they never wished us well , they never love my mom but because their presence is needed and my dad is no where to be found , we had no choice than to invite them to the discussion , I walked out of the house and I saw my aunt, the one that took me to Lagos to work as a maid and her daughter coming into our house.

When she saw me she smiled at me and I gave her a cold shoulder even her daughter also gave me a cold shoulder too. Then I could see her staring at the cars and the bodyguard standing, I could see her look at her daughter.

I greeted an just go to where I was going. As I was going to my uncles place, I began to wonder what my aunt has come to do. 

I turn back and I could see both of them rush in. I became the central attraction of the villagers, each side I turn too , people are talking of how lucky I am and how those people are in the village, I could see some people going towards our place , catching a glimpse of the car discussing while I met my both uncles on the way discussing.

“Uncle” I called them and they stopped.

“We are coming over to your parents house , we heard your politician in laws are around” one of my uncles says.

“Yes, I was coming over to call you “I said.

“You and your mother just know that it is now that you will come and call us, haven’t they arrived over thirty minutes? He asks in an anger tone and hissed.

“ Like you people deserves to be called” I said inside of me. “ I know the only reason they were coming to our house was because the have heard Kunle is a governor aspirant and his parents are politicians , they only want to come and collect some money from them, they want to come and reap where they did not sow, I remember many times my mom would run to this people but instead they will laugh at my mom, my dad will go to their midst and talk ill of my mom, my dad didn’t know how much they wish to have a wife like my mom.

I stood and watch them rushed towards our house , I look at how dressed they are, they wore their best faded dress, I walk behind them, they disgust me as they were walking in haste.

They do not know how far we have talked with Kunle’s family, they just want to go there and talk without asking  me of anything.

I walked behind them, I picked my phone and dial Kunle’s line again, he wasn’t picking. I became worried, I know Kunle , he would have called me but it’s been close to about an hour now, he hasn’t called.

I walk into our house and I could see my uncles sitted , smilling appily , tey stood up and introduced themselves as my uncles and that I am just like their daughter and my aunts daughter Racheal who was suiting on the bench in the hall way saw me trying pressing my phone while she was pressing her phone to , she looks up at me and our eyes met and she eyelashes me and hissed.

I was startled because I do not understand the meaning of that because as far as I know we have never  had a deep conversation before and we have never fought before , because she does not find me fitting into her class because she had the opportunity to go to the university and study while I do not even get the opportunity to finish my secondary school.

I walk past her because I don’t even have the time to think too much about her, I am still worried about Kunle not long I heard the sound of cars and I rush out and Racheal too rushed out and  I stood and stare at the car.

I was surprised to see the car , I smile happily and he came out of the car and because of Rachel that eyelashes me , I jumped at him and he cupped my face and he kissed me.

“ I miss you baby” he said in between our kisses .

“ I miss you too” I said and we kissed again.

“ You didn’t say you were coming ?  I said looking into his eyes and he uses his hand to pull my cheek.

“ I came as soon as Bassey told me my parents posted they were coming here, I wonder how they got the address” he said.

“ Hope you are fine? Hope my mom didn’t try to hurt you? He asks.

“ Is that why you are here ? I ask.

“ I will do anything to protect you “ he says and I place my lips on his lips and kissed him, he places his hands around my waist and put my hands around his neck and we keep kissing, a deep kiss, we forgot about people around us, it felt like our world only.


Tears dripped down my face seeing those two kissing , I am supposed to be in that place because he was my target until she got to him before me that night? How was she able to make it to the hotel room that night? Imagine her shining with my glory.

I was the one the opposition party member paid to cause scandal for him and I agreed to it that it can help me become a baby mama for him just as I and mom planned but now she is the one being celebrated, may be I would have been the one being celebrated this way. 


I was covering their discussion inside the house but suddenly I looked out of the window because I was standing to cover the whole thing with Simi’s mom Ipad and I turn the phone to them and I covered them kissing, I love their love, they have a mutual understanding just like I and Simi.

At that moment, I began to miss Simi, he has been sending text emoji’s and messages but I haven’t been able to read his messages.


What’s going on in there? I asked Shade after we broke the kiss.

“ They are having some talks about the wedding introduction date, my uncles and aunt and mom are there with them” she says.

“ And my family is here as well “ I said.

“ Yeah” she says looking into my eyes and trying to figure out what I want to say.

“ Let’s have our wedding introduction today “ .