

“Wedding introduction? Uhmm, you know we have no say in all of this , I mean it’s all fake even though I want it to be real but your mom and the whole political party thing is…………” I said and he places a finger on my lips .

“’Shsssh” he says and he look into my eyes, he held my face with his two hands and he lean his head on my fore head. 

“No one will come between us , I love you, I love everything about you, this wedding introduction is not fake to me, I am doing this from the depth of my heart for us” he says.

“Your loyalty to your party, This is not about your family alone , it’s a decision your parent took for you in exchange of you being the party flag bearer and you becoming a governor and I know you will make a good Governor to the people” I said.

“I know ,I know I am in a very difficult situation right now but one thing I know for sure is that I am not letting go of you no matter what” He said and he lean his head over and he tilt his head and he kissed me.

He held my hand and we walked into the house and  we walked past Racheal and into where the family were having talk and we both stood and his mother and his dad were surprised to see him.

“Good day ma, Good day Sir” Kunle says and I look into his eyes and he gripped my hand tighter.

“Sir , ma , is it possible we have our wedding introduction today? He asked looking in to my eyes.

I look into my mom’s eyes to my uncles eyes who were shocked sitting down and my aunt was shocked too even his parents was shocked but that was what they wanted.

“Yeah since the two of them are here we can have the wedding introduction” she fanning herself with the handfan in her hand.

I can see lines forming in my mom’s head, I know she is worried about the money, I shouldn’t have allow Kunle to asks my mom and family members that we can have our wedding introduction.

“We are not prepared for this , introduction is not what we would just agree just like that we all have to be prepared” my mom says.

“Exactly” my aunt says. “ We the bride’s family are supposed to decide everything and not you the groom deciding” My aunt says.

“It’s not a problem for us if you are willing to take responsibility for it and also pay some money to us” my shameless uncle says and I was disgusted as what they said.

“I will take responsibility of everything from the food  to  dressing and whatever is needed to do the wedding introduction” Kunle said and I look up.

My mom look to my face, I couldn’t say no because even I want the wedding introduction to take place too , I want to be with Kunle , I am just scared of what will happen to us after our marriage, now that I find myself falling deeper into this ocean of love or am I just here to enjoy the moment of being his wife till he becomes the governor or will he be able to fight for this our love? I fear his mom because she is so wicked, if the time comes for me to leave this marriage I have to leave.

“Mama Shade, we cannot just let them take this decision, we should be the one taking this descision not them” My aunt says.

“As far as I am concern, we this two men are the head of this family, this man said he will sponsor this wedding introduction and we have giving a go ahead.

“I am thinking we should have this wedding introduction tomorrow, everyone needs to be relax , we all need to talk about this , you and your family can always lodge to an hotel around  then we can all have our own meetings , you alone cannot shoulder the responsibility of carrying this wedding introduction , every one as to participate in it even I” I said.

His mom scoffs. 

“We are capable, we are rich and can spend that money, we want to take full responsibility of the wedding introduction , it’s just little money for us and I am thinking that this family needs to be evacuated from here , this isn’t a good environment, I can’t let our in laws continue to live in a place like this , it’s not hygienic” she says and my mom was so happy , I could see my aunts mood changed because she wasn’t expecting such about Kunle’s mom.

“Although I know Kunle’s mom is doing this for the news, she wants to use all of this to trend in a positive way but it’s fine afterall even though Kunle divorces me , I will still gain, I will still give my family a better life with all of this even though I know I can never love anyone like I love Kunle but I know all of this is under maybe.

“If you say so , let’s have the wedding introduction tomorrow, whatever you say is fine” he says.

“Yes , they are the couple , so let them decide” Kunle’s dad says and Kunle looks into my eyes.

“Yeah , that is our decision”

After so much discussion , Kunle’s Family took their leave while I followed Kunle to his convoy. 

“We need to discuss “ he says and we walk into his car and he pull me closer and he cupped my face.

“I am scared, so scared  of all this , I know we love each other but so many circumstances stands between us, if you become the governor of this state you have to divorce me because you have to lead the people and you have to respect those that got you there or they will pull you down and I don’t want you to be pull down, the people needs someone like you to lead them.

I have been a deep thought over this ? Are we going to be a real couple? Remain a fake couple or are we just enjoying this moment together? I have asked myself this question several times and I haven’t gotten answer to it myself’ I said.

“I also have been thinking about it but I have decided to fight for both my ambition and love, I have met with so many girls but you are different and no matter what I won’t let go of you” he said.

“You know it’s easier than said, the power, fame and money is involved, I do not want to be heart broken, I want to be able to move on when the time comes so, I am suggesting all of this shouldn’t go beyond the kiss” I said.

“ We can fight this , once I am governor, no one can pull me down and you will become my first lady, we can build this family together” He said holding my hand and looking into my eyes.

“I am not sure of this fight? From what your mom did to me , she would do anything to tear us apart at any cost, the party Chairman will tears us apart no matter what, it would be better we prevent hurting ourselves in future rather than getting hurt then, whatever we are doing now , let’s agree we are doing it for your ambition and when you are governor and you think we can work, we will continue and make it real then, look at me , I have lot’s of responsibilities , my siblings and my mom needs me , You can see our life? It’s been a real struggle for my mom to raise I and my siblings to this stage and she wants to be proud of me , she doesn’t want to loose and I don’t want to die, your mother who forced a baby out of me can do anything to put us apart and I do not want any of this, I am sorry I had to say all of this , I am just saying everything according to how scared I am” I said.

“We are human, I can also think that far, you shouldn’t be sorry for saying your mind, I will respect your wish and prove myself to you that even if I become the governor of this state , I will fight for this love and you will be by my side, you just gave me a proving task which I will do at all cost to show you that our feelings is made from heaven, we were match from heaven”he says.

I look into his face and the fear of me not being with him after he becomes governor grips me and tears almost dropped down my eyes but I managed to push it back, I want to be strong with my decision, I want a situation where I can walk away from whatever fake marriage we are into.

“Are you mad at me for saying everything I said.

“No, You said your mind and I am happy you are considering my ambition but I won’t put my love for you aside for my ambition, you are that one woman that went through a lot for me in this journey and you will remain that woman that I will always love for life” he says  and he held my hand and places it to his chest.

“And you will always be my hero, that one man that made me realized that love could happen anywhere , You made me realize love don’t cost a dime , that not all men disrespect women and not all rich men dislike the poor, you made me realize not every rich person looks down on the poor and that one shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover” I said.

“And do you know I learnt so much from you that not everyone you see as a maid that isn’t brilliant or dullard, some did that job because they had no choice, you or my hero too because you help boost my career” he says.

‘Today everfyone like me more because I have you by my side, I love you even though we have to try as much as possible not to get hurt like you said , you still mean the world to me and you will forever be that woman that I want to stay hurt for” he says.

“I love you too with all my heart” I said.

“Are you sure we can pull through that stage that you are talking about that we should remain fake couple , I believe I can’t do it but I will try like you wanted but I just hope I can” he says.

“Let’s give it a try” he said and he pull me closer and he embrace me so passionately that I do not want to leave his arm, I just want to remain in his arm that way. He kissed my forehead.

“Are you lodging in the hotel or are you going back home” I asked.

‘We are lodging in the hotel, give me a call on how everything goes and I will transfer some cash into your ATM for all arrangements” he said. He stare at me.

“I just wish you would even stay with me here but we would be together soon” He says .

“As fake couple” I said .

We embrace and he kissed my forehead. I got out of the car and I passed through my  aunt and Racheal walking out of the house.


I didn’t speak to my mom , till we got home, I walked in a haste till we got to grandma’s home.

We had come to see grandma because she wasn’t feeling alright.

We were not even aware that they were talking marriage today or whatsoever, my mom just told us to come and see Shade’s mom and told her how grandma is fearing only for us to be shocked to find out that Kunle’s parents were talking Marriage with   Shade’s mom.

It was supposed to be marriage that we are talking about today. I screamed in my head. I was sweating , my head felt like someone was hitting hammer on my head.

Racheal! Racheal!! My mom yelled my name.

I heard her as I walk in a haste to grandma’s house and I didn’t answer her.

I got into grandma’s house , I sat down, I didn’t even bother checking grandma who was ill, I stood up pacing around and my mom came in.

“ Why was I calling you that you didn’t answer? My mom asked .

“ Really? Mom is that the question you should be asking or the solution to how my plan to become Kunle’s baby man would work out? I yelled at my mom.

“ So am I supposed to be the one thinking about that for you? Her mom asks. “ Can’t you use your brain just as Shade used hers” She asks.

“ Mom, she didn’t use her brain she is just an opportunist. And if only you gave me the small change I asked for that you were not being too greedy that day, I had to go and sleep with a man before I could get money to go to that hotel that day, I would have been the one getting married today but my mom wouldn’t help because she is so stingy and greedy” I yelled at her and the next thing I felt her hard palm on my face, I held my face and she hit me the second time in my cheek.

“ Let this be the first and the last time you will call me names and let it be the last time you will yell at me! I am gave birth to you and I am still your mom! She yelled at me.

Tears dripped down my face. I would have made it that day to get to him and finish up my task but I was stuck in traffic because I had to go and sleep with one of the guys that usually pays me to sleep with him, he pays three thousand Naira, something like run girls things.

I quickly go to him, I had to beg him to have sex with me because mom didn’t give me anything she use the money for herself and told me she no more has money that I should find a way to get money to go to the hotel myself.

she was the person who came home and tell me that she joined the opposition party of Kunle and they need someone to help them cause a serious scandal for Kunle that would help him pull out of the Gubernatorial election and I saw it as an opportunity to move closer to someone I have always loved from the day my mom started working for Kunle’s parent.

I have always loved him since we were teenagers but he didn’t even try making friends with me not to talk of me being attractive to him.