

She looks at him and folds her hand across her chest.

“I just think it’s better we both go our separate ways, I don’t want to get too hurt” She says.

“ You don’t want to get too hurt? I don’t get you can you please explain better? He asks.

“ Didn’t you hai have fiancee studying abroad that will soon return home? I looked at her in surprised.

“ Fiancée? Abroad? What Fiancée? I asked in surprise. “ Where did you get that crazy information from? 

“From a reliable source” she replies and a tear dropped down her face and I couldn’t stand the tears, I try getting closer to use my finger to dry her face and she moved back and use her finger to dry off her tears.

“ What reliable source?! Who is that reliable source? Yes I use to be playboy before now but I quit being a playboy since I realized I love you, baby listen you are not that kind of person I can toy with , I Love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I meant my words when , you are that different girl that I can’t joke with you” I said and walk closer to her and tears dripped down her face.

“ I don’t know what to believe anymore, I am heartbroken already when I heard you had a fiancée abroad and I am scared of getting hurt than this “ she says.

“ I can’t trade this our love for any thing, don’t listen to side talks and who told you have a fiancée? He asks.

“ Your mom did, she warned me not to catch feelings that you have a fiancée that will soon come back home” she says.

I was so pissed.

“ Why would she tell her such thing? I thought to myself. “ And what does she mean by a fiancée? Because as far as I remember I have always dated girls for fun and I have never taken any relationship for fun but when I met Peju, she was just that different girl that I never had an intention of dating for fun, why is mom always like this ? Alway trying to break the perfect relationships we all have? 

I use my fingers to dry her face and I held her hand , and I move the back of my palm on her cheeks.

“ You are that one woman no one can ever take her place in my life” I said.

“ I want the truth, is there a girl out there apart from me” she asked.

“ No” I replied. “ No, I date girls before you, I admit but me promising them marriage as never happened, you are the first girl I ever promised marriage and I meant it from the depth of my heart” I said. “ Baby can we go back to how we use to be? Please? I said and she looked at me and smile.

“ Promise me you won’t break my heart” she says.

“ I promise not to break your heart” I said and move closer to her and I cupped her face slowly and I tilt my head to the other side for kiss and I place my lips on her lips.

I didn’t care where we are she place her hands on the back of my neck as we kissed, we were so carried away with our kiss that we didn’t noticed the sound of car horns until a man came to tap us.

“ We need to drive to our home, you two get a room” he says and I laugh.

“ We will, thanks for the advice” I said and I move her away from the road.

“ Wait baby, I want to take you home myself” I said and I quickly rushes into the house and my mom looked at me.

“ Simi, is everything okay? She asked.

“I didn’t answer, I entered into my room and pick my car keys, I rushed go to

the garage and I start my car, I drove out of gate and she was still waiting, I pull up, got out of the car and she wanted to open the door , I stopped her, she is my queen and she deserves to be treated like a queen.

I open the car door and she blushes, I shut the door and I entered into the driver sit and she held my hand.

“ When I love , I love with all of me and I when I get hurt by love, I get broken, please don’t break me into pieces” she says.

“ I promise not to break your heart, I love you with all my heart” I  said and I look into her eyes and to her nose and to her lips and our met lips, I kissed her and she deepened the kiss.

I drove Peju to the restaurant we ate and I took her home, we kissed and said our goodnight.

I drove back home and busy the time I returned all the light in the living room were dimmed meaning everyone had retired to bed.

As I walk towards the stairs, I heard my mom’s voice.

“ Where are you coming from? It was dark so I didn’t notice her and then she turn on the light, she had a glass of wine in her hand and she took her steps one by one.

“ I am an adult and I can go anywhere I choose too” I said and turn to leave.

“ Ofcourse you are an adult, you can go anywhere you choose too my dear but you can’t choose just anyone to be your future partner, I just want to tell you that don’t make the same mistake Kunle made because you will end up getting that girl hurt instead maybe she needs to at least ask Shade what I can do” she says.

“ Whoa, that was why you lied to Peju that I had a fiancée in abroad? Mom what are you trying to do come between I and Peju? You can’t win in that game mom, you have always have your way in everything but not this long time , not with Peju, I love Peju and I am going to marry her, there is nothing you can do about it! I snapped.

“ Really son” she said mockingly and laughs.

“Son, Peju isn’t your type, when you want to marry bring me a rich, beautiful girl

from a very influential family and not a riff raft.

That word riffraff really got me angry, I know she came from a poor background but that doesn’t mean she is a riff rag.

“ Mom, please she isn’t a riff rag, she is my wife to be and you should start understanding that I don’t like you calling her such names” he said and his mom opens her eyes wide in surprise.

“ Then it will be fine if you beat me for her because I call her riff raff” she says.

“ Mom and I remember you said she should ask Shade right, mom don’t do anything nasty to my woman because I won’t take it easy on you” I said and walk into my room.



I woke up still yawning and my phone rang, I picked my phone while I walk past my siblings who were preparing for school, I walk to the backyard.

“ Good morning my Ebony beauty “ he says.

“ Good morning, did you sleep well? I asked.

“ No, I didn’t, Baby please just change your mind and come back”he says.

“ I want to because I couldn’t sleep I miss you so much bit I am scared of your mom” I said.

“ It won’t happen again, I won’t let such thing happen again, I would make sure no one hurt you again”‘ he says.

“ I will let you know if I change my mind” I said.

We had some other discussions  before we eventually hang up the call.


Peju arrived in the morning and I didn’t have her time, I will treat her issue later, I really need to deal with Shade’s matter first before coming to her.

When she came she greeted me, I didn’t answer her, I needed her to start getting signals that I will never accept her as my daughter in law.

My makeup artist came very early and I dressed up looking classy as ever. I made sure my PR team was ready.

Kunle’s Dad was also looking dashing as ever because I always want my husband looking dashing.

I told the maids to take all the gift items that I bought into the car.

Simi came to where I was , he greeted me and his dad, he was all dressed to work.

I knew he had come to see that girl Peju.

He held her hand and I could see she didn’t want to go.

I looked at my son in the eye expecting him to leave the girl and takes his leave but he didn’t, he instead he looked at me in the eyes and said.

“ Mom please I need to have a moment with your PA” I didn’t say a word, I was tapping my feet on the ground, I was boiling inside of me but I didn’t want to talk because of the make up artist, his Dad wanted to talk but I touch him and signal him not to talk.

They walk out of where we are with Peju looking back with fear visible on her face.


I tried pulling back because I knew I could loose my job because of this.

But he held my tightened his grip around my wrist and took me to the hallway.

We both walk out of where his mom were preparing to go to Shade’s Village.

“ What were you doing? I asked. He didn’t reply he just pull me closer and kissed me and I kissed him back, I can’t deny I want to keep kissing him but I pulled away.

“ Listen , This is my work place and you have to respect that” I said.

“ And it’s my parents home” he says.

“ I am trying to pass a message , I don’t want us doing this in the hiding, I want my parents to know we are an item, I want everyone to know” he says.

Peju felt happy and she kissed him .

“I also don’t want it in the hiding but here is my work place and I have to respect that, when I came this morning I don’t know your mom has been giving me some cold shoulders” I said.

“ Okay, I won’t let our relationship affect your work” he says and kisses her.

“ I have to go back to your mom now” I said and he kissed me again and I quickly return to his mom.

She scoffs as I return to her while the make up artist was done with her and the makeup artist left while she and Simi’s parents were the only one in the costume room.

She laughs and walk towards me.

“I like when a kid play with fire because I always love to make that child feel that fire so that the kid doesn’t come back, ask Shade and she will tell a bit of what I can do” she says fanning .

I became scared when she said I should ask Shade about what she can do, my heart began to race and I thought within me that I have to stop this relationship between me and Simi but I have loved Simi too much and when I love , I love with all of me, I just hope I can pull through walking out of the relationship.

I don’t know what she did to Shade but for Shade to leave and she boasting about it , it means she did something really bad to the girl because Shade is one strong girl unlike I who can’t even stand a little problem.

She walked out of  the costume room and I followed them, they both walk to their convoy while I followed and she ordered the driver to open car trunk, she took selfie with Simi’s dad and the the gifts they are taking to Shade’s Village and she transfer the picture to her PR team to post it on all social media.


My Pr team called me that I should check my profile which I ask Peju to check and it was tagged exactly with the right word I want it to be tagged with.

“Off to our future in laws village for the first official visit to have the wedding introduction talks , we can’t wait to bring home our bride” 

I smile happily for the tag that was on the picture and before seven minutes , it was all over the internet and everyone began to say lots of good thing about I , my husband and son Kunle.

“Honey we should go in” I said and we both go into the car and my PA sitting in the front seat and the convoy drove out of the compound.

At About an hour plus our convoy got to the horrible village, the village is so ugly and it has lots of horrible houses that I don’t even think I can step my feet into, if not for the power that is a must that come into my family , My son must become the governor of Lagos state , What will I be doing in a horrible place like this.

I hissed and find everywhere horrible. When the car finally stopped , coming out of the car was such a problem because I can’t even stand the environment.

Kunle’s dad got down expecting me to come down, I sat for a while before I finally come down of the car  and I look around while an elderly woman came out of the house and I look at her from head to toe and Shade came out, she stood beside the older woman.



I had just finish speaking with Kunle , who never stop calling to convince me to come back to the house and I was still considering going back to the house because I miss Kunle so much and I can’t wait to be back to the house but the memories of my baby being forced out of me is making me find it hard to make up my mind to go back to the house.

Then my mom stood up and peep through the window and she says.

“Who are this? She asks herself and I also walk to the window to peep while my mom had gone out of the house , she stood outside and I can see the way she looked at my mom from head to toe.

Then she greeted.

“Good afternoon ma” Kunle’s dad also greeted.

“Why are you standing there Shade won’t you even come and greet your mother in law? She says and I swallow my saliva and the forced abortion came flowing down my face but I didn’t want my mom to see my face and because of the love I had for Kunle I walked forward and bend a bit because I don’t find her deserving my going down on my knees fully and she smiles and embrace me.