
Heart shades

There are two different heart shades that's white and black .When the two heart shades meet they repel so white can only go with white and black can only go with black . What happens when coincidentally the two heart shades attract ? Join me in this tourney of Noor and Zayyad in HEART SHADES

_H_O_V · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
16 Chs

Chapter 8

The next day was no different, Noor is to go to her university yet Munir claims to he has other place to go to so she had to so she had to walk again .


   Noor carried her green bag and the memories of what happened that day flowed into her head.

        Noor left the house waiting a heavy heart not wanting to cross path with Zayyad and co . But it looks like she has to .

       Noor started walking and when she was passing Kabir's house , all of them turned to stare at her and she felt uncomfortable.

          Noor was surprised when she didn't see Zayyad among them . Noor looked more carefully but there's no traces of Zayyad .

     She quickly passed them in an almost jogging step when she saw Kabir following her .

       Noor turned back to check if he's still following her and She saw that he is just some meters away from her so she starts to run .

     Noor clutched her bag as tight as she could and turned again to see if Kabir's still following her  and he is .

      Noor walked and ran to cross the busy street of the junction and that's when the unfortunate event happened.

    A bus hit Noor while she was crossing the road . Noor stumbled back and fall to the floor while the bus driver wisely sped off to prevent police attacks .

       Kabir quickly ran and help Noor intending to help the unconscious Noor ,  he was running as fast as he could . Soon enough the news that Noor got hit spread so fast and everyone in the area heard about it .

         Kabir was running with the unconscious girl in his arms to the hospital that's just some minutes away , Kabir stopped dead in his track when he saw the person in-front of him now .

    Zayyad heard about the news and was rushing to the scene when he saw Kabir holding the unconscious Noor.

    Zayyad pulled Noor but Kabir refused to let go .  'Give her ! ' Zayyad said and tried to pull again but Kabir refused to let her go .

       'Zayyad this is not the time for this ' Kabir said and then before you know it , the two of them were pulling the unconscious Noor .

   If one pulls , the other one also pull .

    'What's this ! You fools ' Munir shouted .

    He quickly came and carried his sister .

'Leave my sister alone both the two of you and so t you dare touch her again ! ' Munir said breathing in and out heavily.

        'Then leave my sister too ' Zayyad said and Munir just left the place without replying Zayyad.

      Munir placed Moor in the backseat of his car and got into the driver's seat with Fatima on the passenger seat beside him .




