
Heart shades

There are two different heart shades that's white and black .When the two heart shades meet they repel so white can only go with white and black can only go with black . What happens when coincidentally the two heart shades attract ? Join me in this tourney of Noor and Zayyad in HEART SHADES

_H_O_V · Teen
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16 Chs

Chapter 7

Noor spent more than a minute trying to apologize to her mother for not answering her .     

      Zainab accepted the apology but Noor kept on apologizing regardless.

     'Mama I'm really sorry , I swear I won't do it again I promise . ' Noor apologized while kneeling on her knees .

       'How many times will I tell you to get up ? ' Zainab asked and that's when Noor got up and hugged her mother gratefully.

Munir has woken up since and is now eating in-front of Noor who had to force him to eat food .

'I swear ..when I'm done eating I'll go there and beat that boy ! What did you say was his name again ? ' Munir asked in between spoon full of food .

'Zayyad ? ' Noor asked , she's couldn't believe that Munir is saying all this but she knows he is just saying it , she knows he's just embarrassed to accept the fact that he has been beaten up .

'Munir..' Noor called and he answered 'what ? '

'Will you break up with Fatima now ? I mean her brother just beat you ' Noor said in a whisper so that Zainab and Aminu won't hear her .

'My enmity is with her brother , not with her ' Munir replied

'So..that's a NO ? ' Noor asked

'Obviously ' Munir answered and got up to go to his  room.

      Noor sighed and left to her own room . Noor prayed isha and laid on her bed ready to sleep .






~ Abu Hurayrah told that Prophet Muhammad said: "When Ramadan enters, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hellfire are closed, and the devils are chained". ~