
Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox ( English Version)

The magical world has never been a safe place. Dragons, Trolls, Dementors, beings from the abyss, are just some of the dangers that inhabit it, not to mention the greatest terror in it, sentient beings. The fantastic and the extraordinary have always been linked to danger, but not everything has to be so bad. Where there is darkness, there will always be light. In this alternative reality, a variable is born, he was not meant to live, but he lives, slowly changing the gears of this world. When the broken fragments of a life in a different reality merge with the young Extimum at 5 years old, his perception of the world changes and he realizes where he is or isn't... Fighting to maintain the status quo is no longer an option when the world he thought he knew shows him that it is not exactly what he believed. A mysterious background, a complex destiny and a gift along with his arrival that promises to take him to the top of this world if he is willing to put in the effort. Join me in this coming-of-age story where both the young wizard will learn how to live and the author will improve in his description of his adventures. --- This version is an automatic translation with Google, I try when I can to improve the errors that may occur in the process, but as a non-native there can always be a problem or two, so I hope for your understanding. If you want to read the original version (Spanish), you can enter my profile or follow this link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/harry-potter-el-zorro-celestial_21135401405306205 - the original image on the cover is not mine, just modify it, if the owner wants me to remove it, he can tell me. --- This is the first story / fanfic that I write so I will upload some test chapters if you like it, constructive criticism is accepted - R18, R*p3, Reincarnation, Harem, Harry Potter, AU, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Dark.

Zeroz7 · Filme
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60 Chs


After climbing the Gryffindor observation tower and looking around the seats he saw Hermione greeting him.

Hermione: " Extimum , over here."

Ron: "friend, you are very slow, the game is about to start."

Extimum : "I was just taking it easy, besides, look, Harry hasn't even come out yet."


After a while the game started. At first Gryffindor played splendidly and had scored 2 points, leading the game, but then Slytherin got to playing rough and easily manages to tie the 2 points, although they injured some Gryffindor players in the process. Among the entire game, Harry hadn't moved much, after all, it was his first game and he just had to catch the Golden Snitch .

The quidditch was a dangerous game, even if you ignore the balls that are flying at full speed and that could easily knock you out if they hit you, the fact that players can fall from a considerable distance while speeding on their broom already raises the danger level by several levels, in addition the players would constantly collide to try to snatch the ball to pass it through the ring and score points, and if that were not enough in the end it all comes down to the team that has the luck and the ability to catch the snitch to win the game. Extimum I would not say that it is boring, but you must be willing to break a bone or even get knocked out, luckily it is a wizard sport, can you imagine Muggles playing a similar game?, although there are probably some similar ones too, You just don't heal and you go back to playing so soon, right?

Returning to the game, at some point Harry seemed to perceive the snitch and flew after her to try and catch her, only to have his broom start to spiral out of control midway.

Public: "Ah". Gryffindor fans and guests exclaimed as they saw Harry's broom go wild.

Hermione: "It's Snape! He's casting a spell on Harry's broom, I saw him muttering as he kept his gaze fixed." Hermione who was looking with her binoculars around said.

Ron: "Spell the broom? and what do we do now?".

Hermione: "I will break her spell."

But before Hermione could leave Extimum stopped her.

Extimum : "stop, you don't need to go, besides, I'm sure it's not Snape"

Hermione: "but Harry needs help and besides, how do you know it's not him?"

Ron: "Yeah, who else could want to hurt Harry?"

Extimum : "just trust me, as far as helping Harry, just watch."

Hermione seemed to have more to say, as she had clearly seen Snape acting like he was casting a spell, but hearing the confidence with which Extimum claimed to be able to help, she decided to wait and see what he would do.

Extimum had already thought about it before, naturally he could not interfere with the spell cast by Quirrell, It mean, Snape could barely contain it so that the broom wouldn't get worse, so he planned to interrupt Quirrell to damage his spell just like Hermione planned to do with Snape, only that his method would not only be faster, But it will also allow you to display suspicions about Quirrell.

Extimum : "You two, use the binoculars and look over Snape, who do you see there?"

Ron: "I think ... I see Quirrell, he's a bit hidden."

Extimum : "Well, Hermione, you focus on Snape and you, Ron, don't leave your sight of Quirrell, the moment I act they will see Harry's broom stabilize."

Ron and Hermione just nodded and followed her gaze.

Extimum concentrated and tried to perform a spell of his own creation, although it was extremely crude and limited, after studying the space magic books he managed to learn a little and create a little trick, given his little knowledge it was not really a great spell and In addition to its limitations, it was also very exhausting to launch, however, for situations like this, it is perfect.

Extimum : "Foraminis in spatio ". Extimum pointed his wand in Quirrell's direction and imagined his spell before casting it.

Suddenly the seat Quirrell was sitting in broke.


In one of the Slytherin towers in the teachers' section, Professor Quirrell was sitting and secluded in the corner while small, almost inaudible murmurs seemed to come from his turban, his wand was hidden inside his robe and its tip was slightly illuminated. while pointing it in Harry's direction.

Suddenly, Quirrell seemed to feel a small tremor under his seat and the next second, his seat broke, being trapped between the seat below and the rubble of his seat.

Quirrell: "ahhh, could a-someone help me?" Quirrel was trapped in a position where his arms and legs were now pointing upward and his body was sunk in his seat, showing the hand with which he held his wand.

The other teachers and guests were surprised by the sudden destruction of the chair, but still helped him up. Nearby Snape also paid attention and after making sure to stabilize Harry's broom by removing Quirrell's spell, he turned to look.


Ron: "Wow, Quirrell's seat exploded."

Extimum : 'Heh, I finally got my revenge, you bloody fake stutterer.'

Extimum : "Well, tell me, do you see something else?" Extimum asked after taking a breath, the spell was quite demanding for novice magicians.

Ron: "Yeah, Quirrell had his wand out and Harry doesn't seem to have a problem with his broom anymore."

Extimum : "See, doesn't it seem strange to you that he carried his wand outside when he should just be watching the game? And your Hermione tell me, what happened to Snape."

Hermione: "He kept muttering even when Quirrell fell, but Harry's broom was fine already." Hermione didn't ask because Extimum knew it was Quirrell, after seeing what it really was Quirrell and then the amazing spell, just put aside asking about it

Hermione: "but wait, what did you do? What spell was that?"

Extimum : "well, that was a trick I invented, or at least an attempt to perform one."

Hermione: "did you make up a spell?"

Extimum : "well, yes, but it's not that impressive, just modify some things from other spells and the result is still not good."

Hermione: "still very impressive."

Ron: "even I think it's impressive."

Although it might sound a bit arrogant, Extimum's spell did not actually complete, however, Extimum already knew it would be like this; the true objective of the spell was to open a small point in space that would allow spells to be cast from difficult distances and angles through it, but since his understanding of space was so poor and its power was not enough, the only thing it could do, is cause a small explosion. In the mechanics of the process, the small portal actually opens, however, its stability is broken almost immediately so it explodes, although the explosion cannot be consider mortal, if it can cause considerable damage, so Extimum took advantage of this effect of his spell and focused it under Quirrell's seat, the best part is that since the strong point of this spell is to open a point in space anywhere on sight, he was able to do it without having to go to the Slytherin tower.

(I mean, you can put the portal while the place is in sight, you don't have to see the exact point, that's what the magician's imagination is for, that said, it's limited to the viewing area, it's not like you have a photo and send a spell there just because you saw and imagined it. Now of course a spell like this is mainly for surprise attacks, due to the difficulty of establishing it, so there will be no spam Op from it in the future until mc masters it.)

Hermione: "back to who sabotaged Harry."

Hermione: "Looking at the situation, in fact, it is very likely that it was Quirrell and not Snape who attacked Harry."

Ron: "But why would Quirrell want to hurt Harry? He has no reason to."

Hermione: "well, not none that we know of."

Ron: "huh, well, but Snape is still very suspicious, they could have worked together and the spell was only broken the moment one stopped."

Extimum : "but with Snape's ability, if he wanted to he wouldn't need any help to sabotage Harry, furthermore, although Snape is quite harsh and biased negatively towards Harry, he also doesn't have an exact reason to sabotage him or not at least to a level where he could get seriously hurt and less with Dumbledore around ".

Hermione: "Well, they are both suspects, however, for now the main suspect is Quirrell."


Continuing the game, after Harry regained control of his broom, he was able to once again follow the Snitch into a close match with the Slytherin Seeker.

Thanks to the fact that he was not so dizzy because his broom only went berserk for a short time, it was easier for him to reject the Slytherin seeker, landing on a direct flight towards the Snitch,in which Harry performed a maneuver by standing on his broom and chasing the Snitch, only to lose control of the broom and fall off it, ending up propelling himself forward and swallowing the Snitch while it was still in the air.

That last part was especially fun for Extimum , although most of those present could not observe the exact moment until Harry vomited it after getting up from the ground, but Extimum with his superior physical senses could observe the moment in which Harry lost the control, only for him to head headlong into the Snitch, swallowing her on the impulse and then falling head first into the sand.

Extimum : 'Now that I think about it, maybe it's really fun to watch Quidditch games again, I could see a crowd of players planting their faces in the sand, ugh, forget it that sounded very creepy, maybe I'm just still stressed about the troll. '.

After Harry caught the Snitch, Gryffindor was declared the winner and the entire stadium celebrated his victory.


After the game ended, Extimum , Hermione and Ron went to meet Harry and after that they left the Quidditch pitch together , on the way they met Hagrid and Harry took the opportunity to introduce them all properly.

Seizing the moment now that they were together, Hermione quickly recounted what happened while they were in the stands to Harry and his suspicions.

Harry: "Are you saying you think Quirrell is to blame for making my broom go crazy?"

Hermione: "That's right, it was most likely him, the other suspect is Snape, but given the moment it doesn't seem that he was the culprit."

Harry: "But why would Quirrell want to hurt me? If someone cast a spell on my broom, it was most likely Snape, you've seen how he behaves when he's with me, it's like he's his enemy."

Hagrid: "Nonsense, Snape is a Hogwarts professor, why would he threaten the safety of a student?"

Harry: "I don't know, but then why did he want to evade that three-headed creature?"

Hagrid: "who told you about Fluffy?"

Ron: "Fluffy?"

Hermione: "Does that thing have a name?"

Extimum : 'poor cerberus, being named that way is really very regrettable, luckily for him, his appearance is still very threatening.'

Hagrid: "Of course it has a name, it's mine, I bought it from an Irishman I met in a bar a year ago, I lent it to Dumbledore to take care of ... I shouldn't have said anything, don't ask another question, I can't say anything" .

Harry: "but Hagrid, no matter what it is, Snape wants to steal it."

Extimum : "why do you say that Snape wants to steal it?"

Harry: "because the night of the troll attack, I saw his injured leg and it is likely that he used the troll attack as a distraction to go and steal what the dog is keeping."

Extimum : "but wait, that doesn't explain why Snape is guilty, you're just deducing that based on what you saw Snape hurt his leg and his suspicious attitude, besides, wasn't Quirrell the one who first saw the troll and then passed out being He, the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor ?, even if Quirrell is pretty useless, he couldn't get the job if he doesn't have at least a little bit of skill, so based on what you're saying, Quirrell might as well have pretended to pass out and go to see the dog, as for Snape ?, He could have been hurt in any other way ".

Ron: "Huh, Harry, I think Extimum is right, we have no proof that Snape actually did what you say."

Harry: "Okay, you're right, it's just that Snape always gives me this bad feeling, and I can't help but suspect him."

Hermione: "don't worry Harry, besides, what Extimum is trying to tell you is that you shouldn't draw such hasty conclusions, not that you don't suspect Snape".

Hagrid: "Listen, this is serious, you should not redound in all these conspiracy theories, you are getting into something that you should not mess with, it is dangerous, what that dog takes care of is the property of Professor Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel ".

Harry: "Nicolas Flamel ?" Harry seemed to have a slight aftertaste of the name, but he couldn't tell from where.

Hagrid: "I shouldn't have said that, I shouldn't have said that, me and my big mouth."

Ron: "Do you know who Nicolas Flamel is?" Ron asked Hermione.

Hermione: "No." Hermione then turned her gaze to Extimum to see if he knew, after all, Hermione had noticed in the time they were together, that Extimum was also very diligent and spent time really studying.

Extimum : 'Huuh, this question is difficult, very difficult, on the one hand, if I told you, you could put the pieces together faster, but on the other, this will put Ron and Harry really studying, hahaha, alright, that's Decided, I'll have them study for the next few months. ' Extimum didn't have much thought about telling them, except for the fact that they would get to the answer faster, but since Quirrell would only act when Dumbledore left and didn't necessarily even know how to unlock all the traps; telling them what he was hiding wouldn't really help, on the other hand, if he didn't tell them, it would condemn Ron and Harry to seriously studying stacks of books just to find a clue.

Extimum : "mmm, no, I don't know." Hearing his words, Hermione looked a bit disappointed, but nothing more.

Since Hagrid didn't want to talk anymore and they were approaching the castle entrance, they stopped talking about it, although they would clearly ignore Hagrid's words and investigate further.


Upon reaching the castle, Extimum broke away from them and headed towards the Ravenclaw common room, on the way, however, while heading towards a passageway on the first floor, he encountered a small group of 3 girls.

They all wore the Slytherin uniform, the first was a girl with brown hair and hazel eyes, she wore thin-framed glasses, from a distance she seemed to have a bubbly personality, while still being demure, although she was young she had certain features that even with her glasses denoted that she would be quite pretty in the future; the second was a girl with brown hair and black eyes, unlike the first, she already had large features that made her very beautiful, however, her beautiful features were clouded by her haughty and arrogant expression; The third had blonde hair and blue eyes, she had a slightly superior beauty than the previous one except for the fact that her face showed a cold and serene expression, perhaps a little haughty too, however, this did not seem to underestimate her charm at all and on the contrary, it only highlighted it. All this, of course, enclosed in a childish face.

When the girls saw Extimum they slowed down a bit until they stopped in front of him, with different expressions on their faces; the first was the clear image of curiosity and appreciation; the second, on the other hand, seemed to have a bit of caution and considerably reduced the arrogance on her face; the third on the other hand, although she still looked with her cold expression, but she seemed a little warmer and more approachable than before.

Pansy Parkinson : "Shadowless…". The first to speak was the second girl, who was to the left of the formation.

Extimum : "Oh, Miss Parkinson, Miss Greengrass and you must be ...".

Tracey : "Tracey Davis". The first girl quickly responded with a bit of enthusiasm. Tracey's introduction was more casual as she did not belong to such a prominent family that they instilled a flamboyant presentation, yet she was still considered a pure-blooded witch.

Extimum : "Miss Davis. It is a pleasure to meet such charming ladies on my way, I introduce myself to you in case you do not know me, I am Shadowless, Extimum Shadowless ".

Pansy: "Oh please. Leave your chivalry for others, Hmp, I've seen you hanging out with the Gryffindors, especially those half-bloods and blood traitors, and you seemed pretty close. " Parkinson said with a little annoyance in his voice, not hiding his contempt when he mentioned who Extimum was talking to.

Extimum : "Miss Parkinson, you shouldn't be so biased, we are all Hogwarts students after all." Extimum responded in his usual calm voice, albeit with a bit of familiarity.

The two of them were in fact no strangers to Extimum , in his father's meetings, children were naturally not allowed when serious matters were discussed, so the children of different families who attended, gathered in an area to fraternize and foster. friendship between families.

Not all children were from noble families so parents brought their children who already had a certain understanding of relationship politics, Extimum naturally was not exempt from this and although the Shadowless family was not an active player in such matters. , he always made sure to maintain good relationships and be always present.

At such gatherings it was not uncommon for him to meet the heirs of major families who were of a certain age group, such as the Parkinson family, Malfoy, Greengrass, Abbott, Nott, etc. Some others also like the Longbottoms or the Weasleys, however, Neville did not attend because his grandmother did not consider him suitable for such meetings, as for the Weasleys, they were not very frequent, and the rare cases in which Extimum saw them did not bring to their children, after all, the Weasley family has been in decline for the last generation and their children were not well suited to participate in political struggles. Lower-ranking families such as the Crabbe , Zabinni and other less well-known families also attended .

Extimum in general did not establish much closeness with any of the other children, but that did not prevent him from becoming known among those present, not when his appearance always made sure that he could not go unnoticed, for which, Extimum had to talk and relate to all those who wanted to get closer to their family or simply maintain good relationships. In such situations she met Pansy and Daphne, her relationship with Pansy could be considered good, a little better than Draco, maybe it had something to do with her appearance being quite effective with the opposite gender even if the girls had no thoughts about it. Daphne on the other hand, was more of a situation where they felt comfortable together, generating a small spark of chemistry between them.

They both preferred silence and were stoic about the situation, so sometimes they were left alone, even if they did not speak. That said, Daphne's personality was like this for different reasons than Extimum , unlike Extimum which is the result of her isolation and cold childhood, Daphne is what you might call a victim of magic, after all , in some noble families it is customary to teach children the use of occlumency from a young age so that they have a more serene disposition and establish the foundations for their mental defenses, however, for young people or children it is not good to learn this art, since they do not have a good control of their magic and their emotions, they end up with an indifferent temperament that they have no control over and although with time they can fix it but it still leaves consequences if they do not actively practice showing their emotions.

Even Extimum had the same problem when he tried oclumency, luckily for him his temperament was already like that, so he didn't seem to be affected much, even if it was.

So, although Extimum's relationship with them could not be considered that of friends, given the little time they shared and the atmosphere of said encounters, they had still met on several occasions and could be considered close acquaintances from long ago.

Daphne: "Pansy, you shouldn't be so hard on him, after all, it's important to have good relationships with others." Daphne said breaking her cold expression a bit, slightly surprising Tracey who was always with her, although Daphne in general could not show many emotions, when they were strong enough, they still showed a little on her face, since her practice with oclumency was not yet at advanced levels, so the side effects of poor art learning or control were minor.

Extimum : "In fact, it is as Daphne says, maintaining good relationships is one of the keys to success, you on the other hand Pansy, you should consider your attitude so contemptuous, lest you end up creating more enemies than you can bear." Extimum said the last part in a voice a little more serious than usual.

Pansy: "Hmp, they are just dirty half-breed wizards, they are destined to lead mediocre lives. You on the other hand should be careful not to sink too low and damage the honor of your family ". Although Pansy seemed to maintain a friendlier demeanor towards Extimum , her words were still equally poisonous.

Speaking of relationships between families and consideration with Muggles, the Shadowless family, in general, did not hang out much with those issues, after all, being considered as blood traitors like the Weasleys would not be good for them, therefore, the family Shadowless used to treat such matters with utmost seriousness and indifference, leaving no room for doubt in the more purist part of the circle, while not leaving a bad image in friendlier circles, even if it did not foster their relationship.

Extimum : "mmm, that is the difference between us Pansy, although I also think about the superiority of the lineage, I consider that true talent is not limited to it and therefore it would be a real shame to belittle others because of their origin".

Extimum actually had some logical and other preconceived ideas about the nobility and the lineage, it was an inevitable point, after all, Extimum was born and raised in the magical world in a pure-blood noble family and although he did not interact much, They took care of at least making him understand basic things, although Extimum also has certain knowledge of the world of his past life, but those do not contain nothing of his identity or personality, so such knowledge was only added to a child who had already been living in this world for a few years, Furthermore, it should be noted that Extimum has never been to the Muggle world and everything he knows about it is based on books, images or memories of an alternative and future version of it, at best Extimum does not have that repulsion or contempt for mongrel magicians because the knowledge of his past life gave him a broader view of the world and that Extimum tries to be objective with such controversial topics.

Pansy: "Hmp". Although Pansy still maintained her tough demeanor, she seemed to be slowly savoring Extimum's words .

Tracey: "oh, Shadowless ...". Tracey was about to speak when she was interrupted

Extimum : "you can call me by my name".

Tracey: "Okay, Extimum , I can ask you, is it your natural hair? It looks fantastic, is that its natural color? Do you use any hair elixir? If so, which one do you use? And why What is its color so peculiar? Tracey enthusiastically accepted the suggestion and quickly threw a series of questions consecutively, it seemed like she had been holding back to avoid asking.

Pansy and Daphne seemed a bit embarrassed by their friend's lack of discretion, even if it was hardly noticeable on Daphne.

Extimum only raised his eyebrows a little at Tracey's intensity.

Tracey noticing the situation a bit and seeing the reactions of the people around her, had at least the modesty to be a bit embarrassed and apologize.

Tracey: "hehe, I'm sorry, it's that sometimes when I get really excited or something really catches my attention, I can't help expressing myself this way."

Extimum : "Okay, after all it's part of who you are, you should just try to moderate it a bit so as not to make people uncomfortable. As for your questions…, it is my natural hair, I only use the common elixirs that are in my house and yes, it is my natural color, I am a metamorphmagus , so I can control it a little, although that is its natural color " . Extimum answered slowly as if he were answering something routine, it is not as if he had not asked him those questions before, just not with the same intensity.

Tracey: "Thank you, as for elixirs, you say you use a common one? What is it called? I'm not sure that common elixirs have such good results, besides, what is a metamorphmagus?". Tracey thanked Extimum's understanding comment and this time asked more slowly so as not to sound too overwhelming.

Before Extimum could reply, Daphne intervened.

Daphne: "The metamorphmagus are magicians who have the magical ability to change their physical appearance by sheer will , as for the details ... I'm not very clear on them."

Extimum : "I think the name of the elixir was 'Latish', I really didn't pay much attention to it, because it's the only one available in my house."

Pansy: "Oh yeah, my mom uses it too, it's really good for her hair."

Tracey: "What!!!"

They all looked at Tracey who had screamed.

Daphne: "What's wrong?"

Tracey: "but a bottle of Latish costs 8 Sickles , that's almost half a galleon."

Pansy: "And ...?"

Tracey: "Hmp, rich spenders."

Tracey: "So ... can you transform into anything? Can you show me?" Tracey's mood change was quite fast, one moment she was grumbling and the next again full of excitement and curiosity.

Extimum : "Mmm, it's okay." When Extimum finished speaking, his previously silvery-white hair with purple lines transformed into a brown color and lengthened to his waist, his previously purple and predatory eyes turned normal and hazel in color, his height reduced to match Tracey, her body took on certain curves and her face was transformed to finally look exactly like Tracey.

Tracey: "Ahhhh, he transformed into me, I'm going to be replaced, Daphne helps." Seeing another Tracey standing right in front of her except that she did not have glasses and was wearing the Ravenclaw uniform, Tracey first became alarmed and screamed and then regained her calm and already in a slightly playful tone she took Daphne's arm and hid in her back.

Pansy: "It serves you well, for being so loud." Pansy commented from the side jokingly.

Extimum : "jem.jem. How rude, how could I, replace someone like you, clearly I am the original and I am much better, instead we should just discard you ". Extimum first tested his voice to match Tracey's and then responded in the same playful tone. Although Extimum wasn't the type to joke around, but since she was transforming into her she decided to play around a bit too.

After finishing the little joke, Extimum reverted to his original form, Being a metamorphmagus had many advantages, not only did it give you an affinity with transfiguration magic, but even more importantly the ability to transform into any living being, Extimum had proven. With this ability when he was little, until now it was not a problem to change parts of his body into animals or other people, although he had not tried a complete transformation into an animal, but he supposed that it was possible if he could change only one part, in addition to performing such transformations did not need the use of a wand, it is the perfect skill for espionage or when you simply do not want to be found, of course if you do not leave clues that reveal your identity, for example, Extimum could have transfigured his clothes into Slytherin's and transform an item on some glasses or get some and it would be the same as Tracey, however, I do not consider it necessary, but if I had I would be It was difficult for someone to discover him as long as he followed the performance of his personality well.

Extimum : "Well, ladies, I say goodbye for now."

Tracey: "Okay, you have to make time to visit us."

Pansy: "well, watch your steps on the road."

Daphne: "See you later." Daphne nodded slightly and said.

uff, each time the caps are longer, xd more time to review them.

Here we are slowly sowing small changes in the story and introducing new characters that will be interested mainly in the future, I noticed that Pansy left me a little Tsundere, it was not my intention, I tried to fix it xd, but it still feels a bit like one

Zeroz7creators' thoughts