
Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox ( English Version)

The magical world has never been a safe place. Dragons, Trolls, Dementors, beings from the abyss, are just some of the dangers that inhabit it, not to mention the greatest terror in it, sentient beings. The fantastic and the extraordinary have always been linked to danger, but not everything has to be so bad. Where there is darkness, there will always be light. In this alternative reality, a variable is born, he was not meant to live, but he lives, slowly changing the gears of this world. When the broken fragments of a life in a different reality merge with the young Extimum at 5 years old, his perception of the world changes and he realizes where he is or isn't... Fighting to maintain the status quo is no longer an option when the world he thought he knew shows him that it is not exactly what he believed. A mysterious background, a complex destiny and a gift along with his arrival that promises to take him to the top of this world if he is willing to put in the effort. Join me in this coming-of-age story where both the young wizard will learn how to live and the author will improve in his description of his adventures. --- This version is an automatic translation with Google, I try when I can to improve the errors that may occur in the process, but as a non-native there can always be a problem or two, so I hope for your understanding. If you want to read the original version (Spanish), you can enter my profile or follow this link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/harry-potter-el-zorro-celestial_21135401405306205 - the original image on the cover is not mine, just modify it, if the owner wants me to remove it, he can tell me. --- This is the first story / fanfic that I write so I will upload some test chapters if you like it, constructive criticism is accepted - R18, R*p3, Reincarnation, Harem, Harry Potter, AU, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Dark.

Zeroz7 · Movies
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60 Chs

•The origin of the wand

The next day, the morning passed normally. Today Extimum did not join Harry and the others for breakfast, but rather spent it with his friends at the Ravenclaw table.

Steve: "hey guys, you heard some Gryffindor students took on the troll yesterday."

Mitchell : "What? Who told you that, I haven't heard anyone commenting on it."

Steve: "hehehe, I'll just tell you, some students heard Professor Snape complaining to another teacher about the recklessness of the students who searched for the troll."

Trudor: "Wow, sure those Gryffindors have big balls, I wouldn't dare go near a troll even if they gave me 100 galleons."

Mitchell : "ehh, how can you say that, it's 100 galleons, if they gave me 100 galleons, I would go face it myself, speaking of which, Steve, do you know who they were?"

Steve: "Unfortunately the person who told me did not hear who Snape was talking about, however, I do hear Snape say that among those who were there seemed to be a Ravenclaw."

Trudor: "There is no way, we were all there yesterday, besides, who among us would be so crazy to go see a troll that could kill you?"

While his friends argued, Extimum remained silent and praised Steve's contacts a bit, until now no one knew about the troll, after all, it just happened last night and yet Steve already has the information, naturally no one thought it was him, after all Extimum like Hermione had a good reputation for being quite applied.

Steve: "Among other things, they know that today will be the first Quidditch game of the year, it will be Gryffindor vs Slytherin, I also heard that Harry Potter, played as a seeker."

Mitchell : "What, but that's cheating, I heard the freshmen couldn't play, how come he can."

Steve: "I just heard that Professor McGonagall recommended it, speaking of which, Extimum , you're not a friend of Harry Potter? Don't you know anything else?"

Extimum : "Actually, Harry can play because Professor McGonagall saw that he had a talent for it in a flying class, so she recommended him to the team."

Mitchell : "Boy is he lucky, I did well in flight class too and no teacher came to recruit me."

Extimum : "It's not like you can't go to Professor Flitwick and ask him to consider you, you know?"

Mitchell was silent, seemed to be really considering the option.

Mitchell : "ok, I'll go after the morning classes to ask him."

Trudor: "Are you really going?"

Mitchell : "but of course, why shouldn't I go?"

Trudor: "huh, fine if that's what you want."

The truth is that, although Mitchell was good at flying, he was not good enough to try to enter the team as a search engine, after all he would be competing against students of higher years, as for other positions? It would be even more difficult, but He did not want to tell him his opinion when he saw him so energetic so as not to discourage him.

Extimum : "Okay, today I will not join you in the game guys, I will be in the Gryffindor tower".

Mitchell : "Traitor".

When Mitchell finished his words, everyone looked at him.

Mitchell : "Okay, sorry, I got into the role a lot." Mitchell immediately cowered from his act of house nationalism by being intimidated by everyone's stares.

Although they were all from Ravenclaw, they had promised each other that they would support their house but would not allow themselves to be carried away by the patriotic fanaticism of their peers and thus avoid problems, after all, Extimum had friends in Gryffindor and spent a lot of time with them, Steve had to have friends everywhere if you wanted to have access to the best information and Trudor had an older sister in Hufflepuff , who was a year older; So if they got too serious about it, they could damage their friendship.

Mitchell : "changing the subject, Extimum , what is your wand made of ?, I have seen the wands of other students and although there are variations, most of them are quite common in their appearance, only a few personalize it, since they do not know how to do it or they are afraid of damaging them, however, yours seems quite special on its own ".

Hearing her question, Extimum took his wand out of the case in his left hand and placed his wand on the table.

In fact, Extimum's wand is quite particular, it is made of a 'beech' wood, a wood not so rare in the magic circle, however, it is its core that makes it so special, so special that in fact the Extimum himself doesn't know what it's made of, which makes him remember the time he went for his wand.


It was a dark and cold morning on the streets of London. In an alley away from the traffic, there was a little lighting and with a big twist and two people appeared. The first was a woman, she was tall, with light skin and wore custom black robes, she enjoyed great beauty and figure that despite Seeing himself hidden under her tunic still left the impression of what would be under them, but the most remarkable thing about her was perhaps her hair, her hair was a vibrant dark green color, however it did not seem inappropriate to the eye, it was what you would call made for which, next to her was Extimum who was currently 10 years old, as she was the mother of Extimum, Ava Shadowless.

Today, Ava accompanied Extimum to get her wand, although the age to obtain the wand was 11, wizarding families were allowed to obtain them earlier if they wanted, as long as they only used it at home.

As for why his mother led him to get his wand despite their cold relationship, one of the reasons was that, as the heir of a great and noble family, he must be familiar with her wand and the other was of course to keep up appearances to the public.

Ava: "Are you ready? Then let's go." Ava asked more out of politeness than out of curiosity about her condition after the apparition.

Extimum just kept silent and followed her into the leaky cauldron nearby.

???: "Ah Ms. Shadowless, I haven't seen you around here in a long time, do you go to Diagon Alley on business?"

Ava: "Yes, today I accompany my son to get his wand." Ava showed a slight smile and answered.

???: "Ah, the choice of wand, certainly an important moment for a magician, well, I will not bother you anymore, have a nice day."

After entering the establishment, Ava greeted and had small conversations with some of the people present at the bar and then guided Extimum through the wall passage to Diagon Alley, after which she led him in front of a shop that had like tag " Ollivander's wand shop ".

Ava: " enter the store and get your wand, I'll go do some business and wait for you in the dripping cauldron."

After Ava finished speaking she went in another direction.


As you approached the door of the store you could see some golden letters that announced " Ollivanders: makers of fine wands from 382 a. C. "

Across the door a store with two floors was observed, in front there was a reception desk and a chair in the corner, in addition to being full of shelves with thousands of boxes containing wands that reached up to the ceiling.

Following his entrance an old man appeared from inside the store, who was wearing a brown suit with a tie, had white hair with a little gray, his expression was a smile along with a playful look in his eyes.

Ollivander: "Ah, someone from the Shadowless family… I can see it, there are not many metamorphmagus today, not at least in this area. Hmm, It makes me remember the day your mother and her sister,Lauren, came to choose their wands, a bit unfortunate what happened to her. Well let's hope and get lucky finding a wand that's right for you too. " As Ollivander spoke, he was looking at different boxes trying to find a wand according to the Extimum character .

Extimum was a bit curious about what Ollivander was referring to with his mother's sister, as far as he knew, he had no aunt, even in his house there is no photo or sign that he had one, however, he decided not to ask for the moment.

Ollivander: "Here, let's try this one." Ollivander handed over a wand which he removed from a box after a pause to deliberate.

Extimum approached and took the wand and then shook it, however, to everyone's surprise, the tip of the wand exploded destroying half of it.

Ollivander: "that is ..., a result that I had not seen before, generally the rejection tends to be more ... friendly, let's try others".

Then, Ollivander presented to Extimum another 3 wands, but all without exception exploded and were thus destroyed.

Ollivander: "I must say, that you, Mr. Shadowless, are one of my most difficult clients so far and perhaps the most expensive, however, it will be an interesting experience to discover which wand is the right one for you." Ollivander commented after observing the destruction of 4 wands; when he commented "the most expensive" he could not help but look with regret at the 4 destroyed wands.

As Ollivander pondered which wand to choose, Extimum spoke for the first time since entering the shop.

Extimum: "Do you make custom wands to order?"

Ollivander: "mmm? Yes, I do, but generally for wizards who have lost their wands and are rarely the ones who have asked me to make one for the first time, why? Do you intend to order one? ".

Extimum: "If possible I would like to know if you can make a wand out of this." Reaching into his pocket, Extimum pulled out what looked like a white fang the size of half his palm and presented it to Ollivander.

Ollivander took the tusk and began to inspect it.

Ollivander: "This is indeed a material eligible to create a wand, however, it is quite peculiar, its essence is adequate to make a quality wand but its attribute seems indiscernible and I find it difficult to determine the creature to which it belongs; I am sure I will have fun creating a unique wand with this power core, however, since it is a custom wand the wand will naturally be more expensive, although I don't think it will be a problem for you; If you prefer, you can come back later for it or wait a few hours until you finish doing it ".

Extimum:" I will wait ". Extimum had no problem waiting, maybe only his mother was waiting for him and he didn't know when he would finish with his things and if she finished first she could come and get him.

Speaking of the fang, Extimum actually didn't know what or who it belonged to, he just appeared next to his table the night after he found out that he was going out to buy his wand, he suspected it was another gift that came with reincarnation and the words of Ollivander's description of the tusk increased his confidence in this theory.


After 3 hours, Ollivander emerged again from inside the store with a box.

Ollivander: "Here it is, a finely made wand, I must say that the experience did not disappoint me until the end and I can say that this wand will match you perfectly; It is not only peculiar in appearance like its owner, but it is also made of beech wood. The true companion for a beech wand will be, if he is young, wise beyond his years, and if adult, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands also work in an extraordinary way for those who possess serenity and tolerance; accompanied by a nucleus of great power that will drive a young magician to achieve his goals and being a material of unknown origin, it perfectly complements the mystery and hidden veil of his family ".

Extimum was impressed by the description of the wand given by Ollivander, because it was actually quite accurate.

Extimum took the wand and waved it and this time only a few illusory lights of a myriad of colors could be seen in front of the wand before disappearing.

Ollivander: "I must say, it has been a pleasure to provide you with a suitable wand and I look forward to seeing the great things that you and your wand have to show us."

Extimum: "Mr. Ollivander, I wonder if you could tell me what you mean when I talk about my mother's sister, as far as I know, my mother has no sister and I have never seen or heard of her."

Ollivander: "Oh, it's no problem, however, I don't know much about her either, on the other hand, what if I know is that your mother had a twin sister named Lauren, she was also metamorphmagus, that at least was a point that helped them to distinguish themselves, with a peculiar orange hair. Like her sister, Ava, Lauren also married Callum Shadowless, with what happened to her, it is not clearly known, but about 10 years ago, she disappeared and her family reported that she had died in an unfortunate accident, that it is all that I know". "

Extimum thought about it, but now he had no more information, so he would make sure to investigate further in the future.

After paying for his wand and damage overruns, Extimum left the store, only to find that his mother, Ava, was coming here, it is likely that she did not find it in the dripping cauldron and decided to come looking for it.

Ava: "did you get your wand?" Ava asked when she arrived in front of Extimum , she didn't seem bothered to come for him herself.

Extimum : "Yes".

Ava: "Well, being like this, we have nothing else to do here, let's go."

-End FlashBack-

Extimum's wand is generally black and thin, however, along its wand there are several shiny silver cryptic patterns, in addition to the tip of its handle there is an inlay of a purple gem.

Extimum : "it is made of beech wood and as for its core ... I do not know".

Mitchell : "What, how come you don't know what your wand is made of?"

Extimum : "just another mystery". Extimum just shrugged and didn't comment further.

Seeing Extimum's attitude towards the question, they didn't ask any more and after finishing breakfast they went to the incantation class together.


In a spacious room located on the third floor, there was the room of enchantments. Currently in the room were the Slytherin and Ravenclaw students and Professor Flitwick was in the center of the room, standing on a mountain of books.

Flitwick : "Very good class, today we will do something different, in the previous time, we have practiced some basic and essential spells for every magician, however, today we will talk a little about the magical theory of what we are doing, something that very few books bother to explain ".

Flitwick : "tell me, does anyone know why it is that, when casting spells, we say the enchantment? Or do we move the wand in a specific way? or even better, do you know why we use wands? ".

A student raised his hand and Flitwick gestured for him to speak.

Student S1: "well, we say the enchantment because our magic reacts to the words, we move our wand in a way because that is how the spell flows and we use wands because without them we could not do magic."

Flitwick : "well, your answer has some truth, but not everything is correct".

Flitwick : "Let's start with the chanting of a spell, the chanting of a spell has two reasons for being; The first, is as you said, our magic reacts to our words, but why is it like that? The answer is by magic itself, you see, although magic in the world is not an entity, but it has always existed and has witnessed the path of thousands of magicians since ancient times, from what she remembers, she remembers the struggles of the magicians, their efforts and their struggles, with which they once made their way into the world, that is why when a magician says the words of a spell, the magic remembers and is partially activated or directed based on it. The second reason is quite simple, magic is something that requires imagination, but it is not always easy to concentrate our mind on something or we simply cannot fully conceive it in our thinking, so when we say the words, our mind unconsciously focuses on said idea and it is easier to bring it to reality, it is wonderful, isn't it? ".

Student R1: "But Professor Flitwick , if so, then we are not really doing magic, just ordering?"

Flitwick : "ah, there you are wrong, as I said magic only gives a slight answer and at most it will help a bit, but the direction and the execution of the spell depend entirely on the magician".

Flitwick : "Now, let's talk about the movements that we do with our wands, as the student said earlier, in fact, the movements are performed to help with an invisible flow in which the spells flow, with this the situation is a bit similar to The previous one, when we make the specific movement, the magic also reacts a little and subtly helps with the control of the spell, likewise when we make the movements we allude to a certain nature of the spell that allows us to obtain a finer control over what we want to do. If we combine chanting and movement when performing a spell, we get to have a basic structure that supports our spell and it is particularly easy to cast it, so much so that basic spells can be cast immediately even if you have little knowledge of it ".

???: "but Professor Flitwick , what happens then with magicians who can perform spells without singing or making movements."

Flitwick : "Ah, Miss Greengrass , that's an excellent question. When a magician acquires a certain mastery of magic, they can correctly focus their thoughts and skip the use of chanting, in terms of movements, when a magician has precise control of their magic, they can skip the use of movements and direct your magic directly and manually with your intention, naturally they are not things that are acquired overnight and require a magician to dedicate a lot of time, although sometimes magicians with exceptional talents are born to whom it is natural to control magic " .

Extimum : 'This is certainly valuable information, even in the family library books there was only a little mention of magic control, but Professor Flitwick can explain it in depth.' Although Extimum explained himself like this, he himself knew that the library he had access to was only what could be considered a public library, he had not gained access or even seen private books or family magic.

Flitwick: "Finally, we will talk about the role of wands in the life of a magician, wands as some of you know, are actually a magical tool that focuses magic and power, in this way a magician can perform magic with greater ease and greater power, but wands are after all a tool, so the true magic does not come from them but from ourselves ".

After that Professor Flitwick resolved several more doubts on the subject.

Flitwick: "Well, that will be it for today's class, you can drop out."

Extimum and his friends chatted in their free time and then continued with the rest of their morning classes.


The Quidditch game was scheduled for the afternoon after lunch, so when classes were over, Extimum and his friends headed there, on the way they had to put up with Mitchell's complaints that he had been rejected by Professor Flitwick to join the house quidditch team.

Luckily for Extimum when he got close to the quidditch fields he had to take a different path and was saved from continuing to listen to his complaints, but not before receiving glances from Trudor and Steve when he saw that Extimum could escape from Mitchell who looked like a heartbroken wife.

Heading to the Gryffindor spectator tower, Extimum set out to search for Ron and Hermione.

Honestly speaking, Extimum was not so interested in Quidditch, he had nothing against the game, in fact, he really liked the feeling of flying, it's just that he was not interested in it, but since Harry would play today and it was his first game, he decided to go Besides, he would hang out with Hermione and could ruin Quirrell's plans by the way.

someone wants to be an editor for fun xd?

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