
Harry Potter: The bored Prodigy

A modern genius, who is bored with life and has no emotions for other people, dies. For his deeds he gets the chance to reincarnate with three wishes. See as he lives his life in hope to find some excitement. And who knows on the way he might find what it is like to feel emotions for other people then himself. Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Harry Potter in this fan fiction, except the changes and additions I did to the story. (Don't know if this is relevant but saw it a few times and just want to be safe)

Riri_san · Filme
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10 Chs

Chapter 10 - Diagon Alley

(August 1991)


"Brother come on or else we won't have enough time." I heard Olivia saying with excitement in her voice while she stood at the door of the living room. Meanwhile I was sitting on the sofa reading a book after my morning routine like every day.

"Sure sister on my way. Are you that excited to finally get your wand?" I said while standing up and walking towards her. Today is the day we visit Diagon Alley together and buy our own wands.

"Yeah, I can finally have my own wand." Olivia said happily with a smile.

I can understand why she and other wizards would be excited to finally get their own wand but in my case it doesn't really matter because I can do basic and some more complex magic without a wand and because of my affinity to nature I could use any wand to a certain extent. Despite that, an own wand would help in casting advanced magic which is why I will buy my own wand nonetheless.

"Taya, my sister and I will be on our way to Diagon Alley. I will leave the mansion in your care" I said while taking a jacket and the hand of my sister.

"Of course Master, Taya will take good care of the mansion until the Master and the young Mistress are back." Said Taya and with that I apparated both my sister and me to Diagon Alley.

(Diagon Alley)

After a short time we both came out of apparition and into a side alley of Diagon Alley. While I no longer had any problems with apparition, Ollivia still felt a bit nauseous because of it. So while I gave Olivia some time to collect herself I used my own metamorphmagus ability to change my looks in a more common and less noticeable way. After she regained her composure we made our way into the main alley which was crowded because of the coming new semester at Hogwarts.

"Look brother, why are there so many people standing?" I heard Olivia saying while pointing to the clothing store in front of us.

I followed her fingers towards the clothing store and took a look through the crowd to see what the commotion was about. At the entrance of the clothing store stood three people. A woman, a man and a boy around eleven years old. The woman has red smooth hair and beautiful green eyes while the man has messy black hair and hazel eyes. The boy has dark brown hair and bright green eyes from which you could directly tell that it was their son. After seeing them it was fairly obvious why there was such a commotion. The three were none other than the Potters. Lily and James Potter and of course 'The Boy who lived' Harry Potter.

In the wizard community it was impossible not to know them because they were mentioned at every possible opportunity and the most famous celebrities in the magic community of Britain.

"It's the Potters, or at least three of them." I said to my sister.

That's right the Potters in this world were not only a family of three. Because Harry Potter wasn't their sole child. Harry Potter had a twin named Ava Potter but despite being part of the Potter family she wasn't well known in the magical community. I read a lot of things about them and after discussing the Potters and what was written about them with Olivia our conclusion was that we don't like them one bit.

"Let's go to the bookstore first and get our book. I don't want to end up in the crowd of Potter fans." I said and with that we first went towards the bookstore.

After a short walk we arrived at the bookstore only to be met with another small commotion. In front of us are the Malfoys and the Weasleys and we could see the standart fight between Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley. Behind Lucius I could see Narcissa Malfoy, my aunt, whom I haven't seen since I was born. I don't know what to think about her because theoretically we are family but I don't know and wasn't one bit interested in her as well. So we decided to ignore them and made our way into the bookstore.

"Brother, can I look around for a bit before we get our school books?" Olivia asked me.

"Sure, let's look around for a bit and then buy the school books, we got enough time." I said to her, and with that we both split up to look around for a bit.

After I looked through the shop for a few minutes I turned around a corner into another corridor only to bump into someone. Because I was taller and well built I didn't even budge but the person I bumped into fell towards the floor and in the last second I could catch the person by the hips before falling to the ground. When I finally looked towards the person I held in my arms I was a bit surprised. I haven't seen her yet but I knew who she was. She has red hair with emerald green eyes and you could directly tell whose daughter she was. She is none other than Ava Potter.

"I am sorry I didn't see you there. Are you alright?" I asked in a gentle and calm tone after a short moment. But instead of an answer she just stared at my face and into my eyes as if in a small trance.

So after a few more moments and the situation becoming more awkward in cought a few times and with that she came out of her trance and had a growing blush on her face.

"Are you alright? Sorry I didn't see you there." I said again while bringing her back on her feet and taking my arms away so she won't be embarrassed.

"Ah! I am sorry!" She said embarrassed while turning face to the floor, realising in what situation she was in.

"No problem, it wasn't your fault. I should be more careful. Anyways, nice to meet you. My name is Mikael." I said while stretching out my hand towards her.

"Ah. Nice to meet you. I am Ava Potter." She said, still a bit flustered, while stretching out her hand as well for a handshake.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss Potter, or if it's ok with you, can I call you Ava? You can call me Mikael as well." I said while taking her hand. But instead of a handshake, I took her hand and placed a gentle kiss on the top of her fingers. After she realised what I did her face became extremely red and she became extremely flustered.

"Ah…Yes…Mikael, you can call me Ava." She said in a shy and nearly inaudible voice.

Before I could continue our conversation a house elf appeared in front of us.

"Young Miss Ava, Master and Mistress are waiting for you." The house elf said towards Ava.

"Ah, yes sorry, I must go. It was nice to meet you Mikael." She said in a hasty tone, while shaking off all the embarrassment she felt before.

"Well Ava it was nice to meet you as well. Hope to see you again." I said while taking her hand and placing a gentle kiss on top of her fingers again. Her cheeks became red again but she quickly turned away and disappeared with the house elf out of the bookstore.

Well that was a really interesting and unexpected meeting I guess. Don't get me wrong, some may ask why I was so interested in meeting Ava Potter or curious about another person I don't even know. That is because I found nearly no information or pictures about her despite her being a Potter, who are one of the most known families in the magical community. Which is why I became deeply curious about her.

Shaking my head to free me of those thoughts I made my way back to Olivia.

"Sister, did you find anything interesting?" I asked meeting up with Olivia, who was curiously looking at the books.

"Ah brother, no nothing in particular. What about you?" She asked

"Oh I didn't find an interesting book, but I made quite the interesting acquaintance." I said with a small smile.

"Really? Who was it? Tell me." Olivia asked curiously.

"I met Ava Potter." I said

"Really? How was it? How was she?" Olivia asked again with a curious tone. She knew that I was quite interested in Ava Potter because I had no information about her and became interested about her herself.

"Well I didn't really get the chance to start a conversation with her but I guess we will get that chance once we start our year at Hogwarts. Anyways, let's buy the school books and move on." I said.

With that we finished our business in the bookstore and processed with the rest of the shopping list for Hogwarts freshmen. After we bought everything on the list our last stop was Ollivianders to finally buy our own wands. Above the door to the shop we saw the famous 'Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.' sign.

After we entered the shop we saw rows of shelves with an uncountable number of small boxes in them. Every box contained a wand. While we both looked around the shop and took in the unique atmosphere we were interrupted by a small man coming from the back of the shop.

"Ah, welcome to Ollivanders. I am Garrick Ollivander and I guess you two young wizards are here to get your wands?" The man said in a polite tone with a twinkle in his eyes.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Mister Ollivander. I am Mikael and this is my sister Olivia, and as you have guessed we are here to get our wands" I said in a polite tone and with courtesy.

"It is a pleasure as well, young man. Well then who wants to get their wand first?" asked Ollivander.

"Me! Please brother, let me go first!" Olivia said with a voice full of excitement.

"Sure, you already know that I will need more time. Get your wand first." I answered because I decided to get myself a custom made wand instead of a wand choosing me. I already knew that I could use nearly every wand if they are not overly loyal to their user because of my high affinity to magic and nature which is why I want my wand to be custom made.

With that said, Ollivander started his work and measured Olivia and asked her some questions. After a lot of wands and around twenty five minutes she finally got her wand.

Rosewood, 11" inches and Dragon heartstring. An extremely loyal wand with a sweet smell and beautiful look due to the Rosewood but despite its appearance perfect for offence as well as extremely lethal.

"All right then, young man, you are next please come here." Said Ollivander.

"Ah. Mister Ollivander please excuse my rudeness but I would like to propose a deal we both would benefit greatly from." I said. And with that the wand maker eyes showed a bit of curiosity as well as confusion because what beneficial deal could an eleven year old probably make?

"Please tell me, young wizard, what you want to propose, but I doubt I would need anything from you." Ollivander said.

"Well before we start with my proposal I should first of all show you this." With that said I let a bit of my magic freely flow around the shop. After it spread through the room the boxes on all shelves started to shake as if the wands in them wanted to free themselves. Ollivander just stood there and watched everything in disbelief.

"What..what is that? … I mean could you please tell me what you did just now?" asked Ollivander with a voice of total confusion.

"Well you see Mister Ollivander how I did it is not of importance. What is important, as you must have seen, is that I can use nearly all wands in this shop, which brings me to my proposal. I would like you to build me a custom made wand with materials I provide you and in return you can keep some of them. How is my offer Mister Ollivander?" I said

"A costume made wand? I normally don't do custom orders anymore but as you are such a special case I can't really say no, can I?" he said after coming out of his shock. I could clearly see the excitement in his eyes, well I knew from my previous life that he loved challenging customers so I already expected this outcome.

"Then what materials do you have for me?" He asked with the lingering excitement in his voice.

And so I started to tell him about the materials I want my wand to be made off and after a few more discussions between Ollivander and me and a few experiments we finally came to an agreement. Two days later I could come and pick up my customised wand from his shop. With that every business Olivia and I had in Diagon Alley was done and we departed back to our manor.


Hey guys, the author here.

First of all I want to apologise for the short break because some of you seem to have the opinion that I dropped this fanfiction. Well as you can see I didnt drop it, I just didn't upload for some time.

I already said that I write just for fun in general and have many ideas besides this fan fiction. So during the time I didn't upload I worked on some other ideas of mine even if I don't know if I will upload them or not. Besides that I simply lacked the motivation to write and continue the story especially during christmas and new year. But now I am back. Still I want to remind you guys that I don't have an upload schedule. It's possible that I upload a few chapters a day or simply nothing for a few weeks, I just want you to know that I won't drop the fanfiction and even if I would drop it I would announce it as to make clear that the fanfiction is dropped.

But anyways let's come back to the story. First of all I am currently struggling if I should change the main character's last name from Lestrange to Black during the sorting ceremony just to flex the status of the main character a bit more and to make it more dramatic as well.

As you saw in this chapter my dialog writing skills aren't the best but I am currently trying to improve them. Until then I cutted some of the dialogues short, especially the last one in Ollivanders.

I originally planned to write a part where the main character and Olivia would meet Narcissa and Draco in the robe store or something like that and have a conversation or confrontation, but in the end I decided against it. Still I think it could be kind of interesting which is why I want to ask you guys if I should write a flashback of that scene during one of the next chapters when the main character meets Draco again or if such a scene is unnecessary.

With that said, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it and see you next time.
