
Harry Potter: The bored Prodigy

A modern genius, who is bored with life and has no emotions for other people, dies. For his deeds he gets the chance to reincarnate with three wishes. See as he lives his life in hope to find some excitement. And who knows on the way he might find what it is like to feel emotions for other people then himself. Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Harry Potter in this fan fiction, except the changes and additions I did to the story. (Don't know if this is relevant but saw it a few times and just want to be safe)

Riri_san · Movies
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10 Chs

Chapter 9 - Finally Eleven



Finally, it's 1991 and the start of the original plot. During the last three years a few changes happened again.

First of all, Olivia decided to permanently stay with us and after around one and a half years I decided to officially make her a part of my family. So as the Lord of House Lestrange I gave Olivia her full name, Olivia Lestrange. She is now my adoptive sister or child? I'm not so sure about that but I guess I will go with adoptive sister. Anyways, after I brought her home we first had some start problems if one could call it that. She was very shy and anxious about everything. It took over a month before she finally started to speak in a normal way and even longer before she started to initiate conversations herself. After those three years her body fully healed with the assistance of potions and magic. Now her body started to develop normal as well and she looked like a normal nearly eleven year old child.

After I decided to integrate her into the family, she first wanted to tell me her story and so she started to explain everything to me. From her birth, how she lived and suffered over the years and how she nearly gave up on her life until she met me. At first I was angry and wanted to kill those people that let and made her suffer, but she told me that she no longer had any feelings towards any of them and that she just wants to start over with me as her family. It took her some time to convince me to not go after them, so in the end we decided that we wouldn't hunt them down but if they came and looked for her we would kill them without mercy.

And again, you might have guessed it, I felt more and more emotions. Excapically after Olivia told me her story and I became angry. I never felt anger after hearing the story of anyone else. And even now not only have my emotions and feelings towards Olivia deepend but even towards my mother, and as it seems it is the same for her.

Throughout the years I learned from my status that my mothers affection for me started to increase each year and my affection for her increased as well as I got more emotions and accepted them. Which is why I decided to write her a letter after I arrived at Hogwarts. You may ask, how can you send a letter to Azkaba, when it's one of the most secure prisons in the magical world. Well let me tell you this, it isn't even an effort or a magical thing because with enough money you can save yourself all those efforts.

Another major change is that, two weeks after I picked up Olivia, we moved into the Black Manor and for the last three years as well as the future it's our new home. It was a big difference from the wooden shack we lived in the years before or even the Lestrange Manor where I was born, but I guess that was to be expected. The Black Manor and its estate was huge, bigger than all estates I owned in my previous life or had seens as well as more luxurious. One could directly see how noble the Black family once was and still is with its history of nearly a thousand years. The manor itself was well kept and you couldn't tell that it wasn't used for over a decade because a few house elves took care of it. In addition to Taya and them I bought two more house elves and named them Merry and Pippin to take better care of additional things as well as Olivia.

During those three years and especially with the training grounds in the Black Manor I made a lot of progress in magical combat, one of the reasons as you might have guessed is that I still trained and researched magic most of the time because it was the most interesting subject I could imagine with nearly infinite possibilities. But not only did I train myself, I of course trained Olivia as well, and even if she had not the same potential as me, in comparison to other wizards of the magical world she could still be called a genius and extremely talented.

The last major change or development during the last years were the investments Arkrat did in my stead in the wizarding world as well as in the muggle world. I now own around 48 percent of the Daily Prophet which is an enorm advantage because I can basically interfere in what should be published and what not, as well as publish articles on my own if I wanted to. In addition I now own a lot of properties and shares of major stores and companies in both the magical and muggle world.

And with all these changes during the last three years time quickly flew by and now we only waited for our birthdays, the Hogwarts acceptance letter as well as the start of Hogwarts in September.

(14th February 1991, Black Manor)

Today is my birthday. Normally I wouldn't be excited for something as simple as that but today is special, it will be my eleventh birthday and with that I will receive my Hogwarts acceptance letter.

As usual I woke up early in the morning together with Olivia, we trained our magic, ate something, trained our body, washed ourselves and started to read something. I still had nearly the same daily routine during the last years just with Olivia as an addition.

In the early afternoon Olivia and I were sitting in the lounge and enjoying our afternoon tea when we heard a soft knocking sound from the window. And on the window ledge we saw an owl sitting with a letter bound to its body.

"It seems that the owl from Hogwarts finally arrived." I said while standing up and making my way towards the window. Arriving at the window I opened it, let the owl in and took the letter off. On the front of the envelope I could see the words 'HOGWARTS SCHOOL of WITCHCRAFT and WIZARDRY' and after looking at the letter for a moment I started to open the envelope but was stopped shortly after.

"Come on brother let me see it as well" I heard Olivia's sweet and childish voice coming from the table.

"Sure my sweet little sister." I said with a little teasing smile, while making my way towards her and sitting down to her right.

"I told you to stop calling me that. I am not little anymore." Olivia said with a small pout while hitting me with nearly no strength on the shoulder.

"Sure, sure." I said while taking out two pages out of the envelope.

When I took the letters out of the envelope the contents were the same as I remembered them from the movies. Two pages, one page written in green ink accompanied by another page with a list of required textbooks and materials for the upcoming school year.

The first page went as followed,


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorcerer, Chief Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confederation of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Lestrange,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

And on the second page you could see the standard list of requirements for first year students.


First-year students will require:

1.Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2.One plain pointed hat (black) for …


Students may also bring, if they desire an owl OR a cat OR a toad.



Yours sincerely,

Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus

Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

After going through the contents of the letter I felt kind of happy. It was finally time to go to Hogwarts. Even if I didn't need the education anymore I still felt excited because I knew the plot would finally start and the next years would be full of excitement.

"Say brother, when will we go to Diagon Alley and buy the things needed for Hogwarts?" Olivia asked

"Hhm, let's go to Diagon Alley around August. That way we can buy our wand together and it should be the most interesting around that time." I said.

"Ok, then in August." Olivia said with a smile on her face and I could clearly hear her excitement because she would finally get her own wand.

Why August you may ask? Well that is because I remember from the movies that most wizarding families would go to Diagon Alley around that time and it would definitely be interesting to meet the Malfoys, Potters and other families. And it wouldn't be hard to find the exact date because as popular as the Potters are, the date when the Boy-Who-Lived and his family would go to Diagon Alley would surely be posted in the Daily Prophet.


Name: Mikael Lestrange

Age: 11 Years

Titles / Claims:

-Lord of the Ancient family of Lestrange

-Lord of the Noble and most Ancient House of Black

Special traits:

-One with nature (Deep connection with nature and magic that gets stronger as the magic power grows)

-The strongest (The best potential possible for body, mind and magic)

-Book of all (A book binded to the consciousness with every knowledge in the world)

-Looks out of Heaven (Due to the traits 'one with nature' and 'the strongest' as well as the wish to be extremely handsome this trait was acquired)

-Metamorphmagus (Due to the traits 'one with nature' and 'the strongest' as well as the wish to be extremely handsome this trait was acquired)

Magic Power: 95 (near high level Auror)

Abilities: (for the start in Hogwarts standards from first to seventh class)

-Charms: 7th Class level

-Transfiguration: 7th Class level

-Potions: 5th Class level

-Herbology: 4th Class level

-Ancient Runes: 5th Class level

-Defense Against the Dark Arts: 4th Class level

-Dark Arts: 4th Class level

-general Knowledge: early Professor level (over 7th Class level)

-Occlumency: Master level

Contracted creatures:

-Taya (house elf)

-Sabra (Thunderbird)

-Merry (house elf)

-Pippin (house elf)


-Bellatrix Lestrange (mother): 75 (starts to acknowledge her love towards you)

-Taya (house elf): 160 Favorability (extremely loyal / would never betray you and die for you)

-Narcissa Malfoy (aunt): 15 Favorability (good impression)

-Sabra (pet): 100 Favorability (loyal / would never betray you)

-Arkrat (account manager): 55 Favorability (through your character, genius and money the goblin has a favourable impression of you)

-Olivia Lestrange (adoptive sister): 180 Favorability (extremely loyal / would never betray you and die for you / obsessed with you)



Hey guys, the author here.

This time a relatively short note because I just wanted to say a few things about the chapter.

This chapter was the last summary or chapter about the years before the main character interacts with the plot and the original characters.

As you can see I edited a few things in the status. First I cancelled some relationships out of the status but of course I will add them again if they become important for the story (example Rodolphus Lestrange). The second change is that I cancelled the 'possessions' part completely because I honestly didn't know what to write there without it becoming too much.

At last a few ideas of mine. I am not sure but I was thinking if I should write Olivia with a kind of obsessive and yandere type character where she will only be nice and friendly in front of the main character and cold to others. I included it in the status for now but I might change it again so it would be nice to know what you guys think.

I must say I am extremely hyped to write the next few chapters so I hope I don't screw them up.

With that said, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it and see you next time.
