
Harry Potter: The art of divination

In 1972 Hogwarts receives a new and mysterious professor. The class of Divination was never the same after. The journey of Morpheus will be long and daunting can he finally reach his goal? - Au: there will be many changes to the world of Harry potter, such as some Gods will exist, and so will demons and angels. Not a Fix it fic, of course, some futures will change but the main focus will not be on fixing the future. SI: Mc is not reincarnated into this world Timeline: some characters might be younger or older disclaimer: So, most of this obviously belongs to J.K.Rowling. I'm just writing a fanfiction out of it. The cover art is sadly, not mine. ————- (P) (A) (T) (R) (E) (O)(N) LINK: patreon.com/Boogie324

Booggie · Bücher und Literatur
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*Morpheus pov*

I sat inside my divination room with a bowl of clear liquid in front of me. The liquid was from a waterfall in the Amazon that was luckily right on top of a magical hotspot.

This caused the water to be enriched with magical energy, making it one of my favorite ingredients for what I call wave gazing. Using this technique I can bypass the draconian enchantments being used to block my sight.

I focused my gaze on the water's surface, ripples began to form, distorting the reflection.

A faint image emerged – a swirling mist that coalesced into a landscape. The bowl became a portal, revealing a dark, daunting alleyway. My eyes widened as I recognized the alleyway immediately, it was the passage to the Russian magical underground.

Curiosity compelled me to reach into the vision I must learn more specific details on where he is. Slowly, I dipped my fingers into the water, feeling the cool energy emanating from the magical water. The reflection responded, allowing me to touch, to traverse the boundary between reality and the mystic vision. The people traversing the alleyway didn't notice anything amiss.

With a deep breath, I poured the water over my face. The liquid embraced my senses, pulling me into the dark alleyway. I found myself standing amidst the bustling crowd of dark wizards and witches.

As I walked through the alley deeper into the underground, whispers of the past and glimpses of the future surrounded me. The visions unfolded like petals in a timeless dance, revealing truths hidden within the threads of fate. Embraced by the watery vision, I walked toward the pull I was feeling.

Moments later I found my vision changing, I was suddenly in front of a bar called 'Bukhta' Russian for Cove. Walking forward I seemed to phase through the door, and my vision instantly got blurry. I could make out the outline of a tall man seemingly giving orders, this interference means one thing.

This is my target.

Taking my eyes off him I looked for a different figure, I spotted three men cleaning the tables.

I memorized their faces.

Moments later, I emerged from the vision, blinking as the room came back into focus. The silver bowl now held calm water, reflecting the serene aftermath of my divination.

I now know where my target is and how I will approach my target, Anthony Silverstone will die shortly.


I walked through the bustling nightlife of the Russian wizarding underground.

Finding the bar was easy, now I just have to sit and wait.

After hours of waiting under my spell of invisibility finally, one of the men I made sure to remember stepped out of the bar.

Slowly I walked in his direction as he headed toward a shop, as I approached him I mumbled a short incantation.

*pah* "Watch where you're going," he sneered at my disguised face

Now visible I sneered and rejoined the crowd.

I made my way to a small little inn. The inns in places like this are always regarded as neutral grounds.

"One room, two nights," I said passing over a couple of coins

"No free food, see yourself to your room," the innkeeper an old man said with a grunt

I took the key and let it levitate in front of me, guiding me to my room.

Inserting the key I walked in and immediately set up some protective wards. Tonight will be the start of one giant nightmare.

*Narrator pov*

Morpheus sat cross-legged on his bed, his lips moving at a rapid pace be spoke in a language hardly anyone knew anymore. As the words flew seamlessly from his mouth the blood-red Ruby in his chest began to shine softly.

In another part of the Russian wizarding market, the young man from before was getting ready for bed.

Suddenly, he felt even more tired. As if his bed was calling for him to just lay in it and let his mind wander.

"Ugh, why am I so tired," he mumbled sleepily while pulling his sheets up

As soon as his head hit the pillow the young man felt as if his body weighed heavier than a brick.

'I better not be getting sick' he thought before drifting off into the realm of dreams

The young man dreamt of himself looking into his bathroom mirror, his reflection seemed to morph forming a small almost familiar smile.

"They are plotting against you," his reflection said softly in a gentle almost helpful tone

"What?" The man said in confusion his mind felt blurry

"Anthony is planning on disposing of you soon, I can help you," the reflection continued

"I can guide you,"

"What are you talking about what's going on?" the young man tried to back away but he felt as if his legs weighed a tone gluing him to his spot

"Let me help you, help us," the reflection said gently

"Just go to work, and pat your co-workers on the shoulder, but make sure to say the incantation before,"

"Simple right? Then you will be free,"

"Free of the traitors, the betrayers,"

The words kept repeating and repeating.

All Night.

"YAWNN," The young man rolled out of bed with no recollection of his dream

As he left for work he couldn't help but think of strange words, he mumbled them subconsciously.

"Viktor! Have a good night?" he asked his co-worker while patting him on the shoulder

"It was alright, I didn't get the best sleep what about you Ivan?" Viktor asked

"I slept great," Ivan replied with a giant smile

Ivan went on to greet every one of the co-workers be had on that shift.

While everyone went home to sleep and the night shift came in, the day shift workers who greeted Ivan that day felt heavy and tired.

They all passed out as soon as their heads hit the pillow.

That night they dreamt of an uprising, their deaths, their life, their ups and downs. The ups were contorted into downs and the downs made worse.

Whispers seemed to fill their dreams, whispers asking them to follow simple instructions.

As they woke up and headed to work their eyes seemed out of focus, and their heads filled with whispers.

Slowly, every worker began to have a small familiar smile on their face. As they stepped into the bar the door was closed behind them and then warded shut.

Ivan then activated the anti-portkey and Apparation wards. Everyone moved as a well-oiled machine.




Footsteps sounded from above, "What's going on why did you activate the wards," Anthony asked angrily

Viktor looked at his 'boss' with a small smile still on his face, "Just following orders boss,"

"Whose orders!" Anthony asked angrily while stepping forward

Anton one of the other workers who was cleaning the tables stopped, he took out a silver dagger someone gave him on his walk into work.

Without any hesitation, he stabbed forward directly at Anthony's back, *swiissh* Anthony quickly dodged but was faced with five other spells headed directly for him.

Anton jumped forward hugging onto Anthony's body effectively holding him in place for the spells to hit.

Anthony flung Anton off with his demonic strength just mid-air Anton smiled "Morpheus says hi," *BOOOMB* he exploded sending Anothy flying back

Dmitry another worker pounced on Anthony, *BOOOM!*

All of the workers ran like puppets at Anthony. One by one they self-destructed leaving Anthony no time to react.

He was consumed by the explosions.

After all, he was still in a human body.

Blood and gut filled the bar, the old wooden walls painted in Gore.

No one was left alive.

A pale man stood outside the bar, a small smile on his face as he felt the demonic presence extinguish like a flame.

A/N: Patre on : patreon.com/Boogie324

a more 1 on 1 fight soon hope you liked this chapter tried to make it creepy