
Harry Potter: The art of divination

In 1972 Hogwarts receives a new and mysterious professor. The class of Divination was never the same after. The journey of Morpheus will be long and daunting can he finally reach his goal? - Au: there will be many changes to the world of Harry potter, such as some Gods will exist, and so will demons and angels. Not a Fix it fic, of course, some futures will change but the main focus will not be on fixing the future. SI: Mc is not reincarnated into this world Timeline: some characters might be younger or older disclaimer: So, most of this obviously belongs to J.K.Rowling. I'm just writing a fanfiction out of it. The cover art is sadly, not mine. ————- (P) (A) (T) (R) (E) (O)(N) LINK: patreon.com/Boogie324

Booggie · Book&Literature
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205 Chs

He who sees all

*Narrator pov*

In a dimly lit office adorned with ancient tapestries, Pierre LeMystère, a French wizard with a pointed hat and a cloak embroidered with magical symbols, sat at a polished oak desk. He scrutinized mystical reports, his wand occasionally emitting sparks as he delved into the arcane details of enchanted scrolls. The air was thick with the scent of potions, and the room seemed to hum with the residual magic of countless spells.

A scowl seemed to slowly form on his face and the rooms ambiance turned dangerous. Pierre looked outside of his window, his office was located in the French ministry, and he was an advisor.

"They are being hunted," he said softly while looking at the reports

He let out a hollow laugh, "If he's after me too, I have nowhere to hide just how did he find out about our new infiltration method? No, we should have assumed he would find out, Morpheus is known to see all," his voice laced with anger

Standing from his seat Pierre left his office and headed toward the exit, his steps were leisurely and calm as if he had no care in the world.

"Ah, Pierre a letter came for you," one of the mailmen said while holding out a letter

Pierre looked at the letter his eyes narrowing, "Hold onto it for me," Pierre replied exiting the building

'He is already after me, I can't afford to be caught up in one of his traps. The best way to deal with Morpheus is to face him head-on.' Pierre thought with a scowl

As he left the ministry, Pierre felt as if someone was watching him from the shadows. His demonic instincts were lowered in this human body but not gone.

As he walked further down the road people seemed to become less and less, fog began to roll in.

Pierre slammed his mental shields at full force, holding his head in pain the fog disappeared and he saw passer-byes looking at him weirdly.

'H-how!' Pierre thought frantically while scanning the area

Gritting his teeth Pierre knew what he needed to do with a pop he disappeared from his spot.

Time to make use of this body's connections.

He arrived at a giant mansion, seemingly knocking on the air he said, "It's me, old friend,"

The gates swung open and he could feel the wards welcoming him in, walking through the courtyard he entered the house.

"Hello?" no one was there to greet him

Pulling out his wand Pierre walked into the dining room, the door slammed shut behind him.

Inside Morpheus sat at the head of the table with a small smile on his face, "Hello, Morthrax, or do you prefer Pierre?"

"Morpheus, how did you know?" Morthrax replied while taking a seat on the other end

"I knew you wouldn't fall for the letter when I realized it was you who possessed Pierre. I figured you would want to fight me head-on, and wouldn't fall easily in my traps. These people were your body's biggest allies, you could convince them to help," Morpheus explained

"And what of them?" Morthrax asked not really caring if they lived or were dead

"They will wake up after having a beautiful dream," Morpheus replied taking a sip of his wine

"I assume I'm trapped, for so long I've managed to evade your trickery but this human body really dulls the senses," Morthrax sighed

"No, we will have a proper battle. Staked on honor and blood what do you say?" Morpheus said with a gentle laugh

"Giving me a chance? I'm in a weakened state it would be hardly fair," Morthrax replied

"Shed the skin, I know you can do it," Morpheus replied bluntly


"Tell me what you are planning in Britain," Morpheus replied

"That's a heavy ask, but doable you would figure out anyway. My ask is simple before I kill you tell me how to weaken the veil," Morthrax said with a small smirk

"Your ask is heavier,"

"What do you say?"

Morpheus thought for a moment, he could kill Morthrax easily right now but, he must learn the exact details of what would happen in Britain.

"Deal, let us confirm the stakes," Morpheus replied holding his wand to his head and pulling a silver whisp out

Morthrax did the same, "You are bolder this time around," he observed with an odd look

Morpheus just smiled.

"By the old laws of magic, I ask you to judge this duel Magic,"

"By the old laws of magic, I ask you to judge this duel Magic,"

They both said Morpheus using the voice of the world and Morthrax forcing his human body to speak the language of temptation.

Morthrax massaged his throat, "I can't wait to shed this shell,"

Magic began to form around the two whisps of memory forming an unbreakable shield that would not shatter until one of them was dead.

Walking into the backyard a wide field greeted them, "Shed already," Morpheus spat

Pierre's human form contorted in agony. His eyes, once vibrant with life, now glowed an eerie crimson as an otherworldly force surged through him. Veins pulsated beneath his skin, which began to crack and warp like molten wax.

As Pierre convulsed, a dark manevolent energy enveloped him. Dark tendrils of shadow slithered across his body, tearing away the human facade. A guttural growl escaped his lips, distorted by the emerging demonic essence.

His hands, now clawed and talon-like, shredded the remnants of human flesh. A pair of leathery wings burst forth from his back, unfolding with a grisly elegance. The air thickened with the scent of sulfur as Pierre's transformation intensified.

Amidst the grotesque metamorphosis, his once-human features morphed into something malevolent. Horns protruded from his forehead, and his eyes became pools of abyssal darkness. A sinister aura emanated from him, causing the very air to shudder in trepidation.

Finally, the ordeal subsided, and Pierre stood transformed—a demonic entity with a twisted visage and a palpable aura of malevolence. The remnants of his human skin lay in tatters around him.

"I can sense it now, your rage. It hasn't extinguished in the slightest no it has gotten larger, more dangerous. How is it you hold that smile on your face Morpheus, Do you really hate us that much?" Morthrax asked regaining his demonic strength

"My anger is what allows me to continue living," Morpheus replied ominously his wand firmly held in his hand

Morthrax, the Abyssal Reaver, unfurled his shadowy wings, casting a foreboding silhouette against the arcane-lit sky. Across from him stood Morpheus, the executioner.

The clash began with a surge of magic. Morthrax lunged forward, his claws slashing through the air as dark energy crackled around him. Morpheus, quick on his feet, summoned a barrier of shimmering light to deflect the demonic onslaught. Arcane sparks danced in the air as the opposing forces collided.

Morpheus retaliated with a burst of ethereal bright golden projectiles, each aimed with precision. Morthrax, undeterred, dodged and weaved through the magical onslaught. With a sweep of his wings, he unleashed a wave of shadow, forcing Morpheus to conjure a protective shield to withstand the encroaching darkness.

With a flick of his wand, Morpheus took control of the shadows and attacked Morthrax with his own power.

Morthrax dodged through the air his wings slicing through the shadow spears.

As the battle intensified, Morthrax's eyes glowed brighter, channeling the infernal power within. He conjured tendrils of shadow that snaked towards Morpheus, attempting to ensnare the wizard in a suffocating grip. Morpheus, however, countered with a brilliant burst of light, dispersing the encroaching darkness.

The ground beneath them quivered with each clash of magic. Morpheus, sensing the ebb and flow of the mystical energies, chanted an incantation that summoned a swirling vortex of dark bone chilling wind. Morthrax roared as he struggled against the tempest, his wings buffeted by the magical gale.

In a final, desperate maneuver, Morthrax unleashed a torrent of dark flames, engulfing the battlefield. Morpheus, standing resolute, erected a protective barrier, warding off the infernal blaze. The clash reached its crescendo as the opposing forces wrestled for dominance in a spectacle of magic and malevolence.

The battlefield fell silent, the aftermath leaving scars of magical residue. Morthrax, weakened but not defeated, retreated covering his wounds with shadows.

His body began to pulsate with a blood-red flame, he was ready for the second act.

Morpheus smiled softly.


A/N: Patre on : patreon.com/Boogie324