
Harry Potter System Gamer

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---------------------------------------------- Translation ----------------------------------------------

William777 · Filme
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263 Chs

Chapter 97

Activating his Unicorn Boost, Harry took off, picking up all the loot that had been dropped.


80 G

8 x Wiggenwald potions(Low)

3 x Dr. Ubbly's Oblivious Unction(Mental healing potion)

2 x Maximum Turbo Farts potion

Healing shrubs

20 ropes

12 spears

All Access Pass to a Michael Jackson concert

Harry sighed at the expired date on the concert ticket. Apparently, his luck wasn't all that good yet.

Running back to where he had begun training, Harry exited out of the ID into the moonlit night and called for Hedwig, who flamed onto his shoulder and nipped at Harry's ears in concern before dropping into his pocket. Harry had put some small shrunk cushions into the pocket to allow Hedwig a more comfortable time and the phoenix often just slept in the pocket while Harry went about his day.

They headed towards the castle under Harry's invisibility cloak, slipping around Mrs. Norris and moving towards the courtyard from where he could take the stairs up to the tower, when suddenly he heard an owl shriek out a loud hoot of pain.

Hedwig grew restless in his pocket.

"Quiet ye little pipsqueaks!" came Filch's voice. "You'll have your letters and be on yer way soon!"

Filch came around the corner and to Harry's shock, he had a massive cage full of post owls, all of whom had letters tied to their legs.

Wondering what was going on, Harry quietly followed him under his cloak.

To more of Harry's shock, Filch made a beeline to Quirrell's office, opening the door and going in.

Harry listened carefully from the outside. Dumbledore had implied that he could see through his cloak when they'd talked about the Mirror of Erised. He didn't want to take any such risk with Quirrell.

There was a loud thunk and indignant hoots that signified that Filch had placed the cage down.

"Are you sure you want to take tonight's batch as well Professor?" Filch said, his tone more polite than Harry had ever heard. Was Filch an accomplice of Quirrell's? Was that how he'd gotten hold of his letter to the DMLE?

"It's always a p-pleasure to h-help out our d-diligent caretaker Mr. F-Filch" came Quirrell's stuttering reply.

"Of course sir. Thank you sir," said Filch backing out of the room and closing the door, before walking away in the opposite direction.

Quest Alert!

Find out how and why Quirrell got hold of your letter and what was Filch doing.


10,000 exp

+5 stat disc



Potential destruction of the wizarding world.


He pressed yes to accept the quest. There was something really fishy going on, and it was related to how Quirrell got his hands on his letter. Harry needed to find out what.

The next night saw Harry in the library looking through the books in the Restricted Section for one single spell. He'd heard the incantation before, and he'd seen it performed before, but he hadn't ever learned it. Finding the right book, he memorized the instructions and started practicing the wand motions and pronunciation until the notification came.


Spell learned!

Obliviate/Obliviatus Obscura Revealus

This spell is used to erase the memory of the subject. If the user has a mind arts level of 5 or above, he can rewrite a fake memory above that erased memory. Counter Obliviatus Obscura Revealus can remove the obliviation by causing an extreme amount of pain to the subject.

-80 MP per use

Harry raised his eyebrows. The book had said that there was no counter to the memory charm. The fact that the game showed a counter to the spell, meant that someone somewhere had developed a counter and withheld it from the public. Or perhaps it was lost in time?

Either way, Harry wasn't too keen on learning this, but he felt that he had no choice.

He'd often thought of just going to Dumbledore and telling him everything. But one fact always stopped him. Harry knew no more than Snape did and Snape almost caught Quirrell trying to steal the stone! He obviously told that to Dumbledore and the headmaster still didn't believe him. Quirrell could argue that some falcon had probably killed the post-owl and he had just found the letter lying on the ground somewhere and Dumbledore would easily believe Quirrell over Harry.

It was becoming almost depressing how little he could trust the people in power.

The green-eyed boy shook his head. Now was not the time for such thoughts. He had a quest to complete. Pulling out his wolf skin jacket and activating his bloodlust skill, Harry prepared to use some serious interrogation tactics on the caretaker.

Dropping into an ID and running down to the third floor, where Harry knew Filch was going to be and dropped out of the ID. Seeing Filch just a few feet away, he stuffed his Invisibility Cloak into his inventory and ran at him at a human speed, tackling him into the ground and whispered "ID Create: Zombies". They were both pulled into the ID.

Before Filch could say anything at all, Harry knocked him out with a blow to the head, placed a hand at the back of his neck to avoid whiplash and used Unicorn Boost to whisk both of them to the patch of land in front of Hagrid's hut, just in front of the zombie filled forest.

There, he erected a massive wall of fire that would both attract the zombies and prevent them from coming too close. He pulled up a pillar of earth using Geomancy and tied Filch to it using the rope he'd got as loot.




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