
Harry Potter System Gamer

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---------------------------------------------- Translation ----------------------------------------------

William777 · Movies
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263 Chs

Chapter 96

The giant monster stumbled, and proving true the age-old expression 'the bigger they are the harder they fall', fell like a diva wearing a high heel, right onto its face.

Critical Strike! Fire Arrow- {100+(10x10) +10%(200) +30%(200) +100%(280)} x 300% = 1680 Attack!

Throwing an Observe at the health of the legion zombie that was struggling to get back onto its feet, Harry quickly used his speed to jump across the trees and onto another one with a better vantage point.

HP: 13520/15200

Harry had worked out soon after the last battle that the legion zombie's speed was its biggest weakness, so if he could make him even slower, he'd be able to rapidly attack it at its weak points and take its HP down to zero.

Reaching the required spot on a taller tree, Harry aimed another fire arrow at the other Achilles tendon of the Legion and sent it back into the ground.

Critical Strike! Fire Arrow- 560 x 300% = 1680 Attack!

And from then it was child's play. Harry came closer to the zombie, using his speed to dodge the flailing arms, and started shooting fire arrows at the weak spots in the legion's body.

One arrow to each of his armpits, removing the risks of the arms hitting him at any point.

Critical Strike! Fire Arrow- 2x (560 x 300%) = 3360 Attack!

And five arrows point blank into its neck.

Critical Strike! Fire Arrow- 5x (560 x 300%) = 8400 Attack!

Taking another look at the remaining HP of the legion, which was only at 80. He decided to end it with a final move from his skillset.

Iron Fist, Lv-1 (40%)

A single, hard as all heck, punch with a 100% accuracy. Remomancy may be used to enhance the punch.

Special moves:

Pyro Fist - A flaming fist of fury to destroy opponents. 50% chance giving Burn status to enemy.


Geo Fist - Earth covers your hand, causing damage to be devastating to the opponent.


Choosing Pyro Fist, he yelled as he drove his flaming fist into the head of the legion and turned it into dust.



Harry looked behind him, only to that another legion zombie had formed in the black lake clearing as soon as the first one had fallen, and was advancing to where Harry stood covered in the golden dust that was all that remained of its fellow legion.

Deciding that it was time to test out that concept arrow he had in mind, he notched an arrow.

He focused a high density of dry air around the tip and used a thin spherical covering of earth to enclose the dense pressurized air around the tip completely, making the arrow look like it had a ball at its tip. Then he lit it the ball on fire and let the arrow fly.

Hopefully, if the skill accepted it as a new type of special arrow, the bow's arrow spawning powers would take care of doing all the work of making such a complex arrow for him.

The new arrow hit the legion zombie right in the face, shattering the earth film and allowing the fire to come in contact with the high amounts of oxygen.


The resulting explosion took out half of the new legion's face.

Critical Strike! Explosive Arrow- 680 x 300%= 2040 Attack!


New Arrow created: Explosive Arrows - Arrows made with a delicate combination of finely controlled elements. They explode upon contact with target.

60% Damage

Seeing that his mana was almost fully depleted, Harry popped another chocolate into his mouth and chewed on it while running as fast as he could and snapping off arrow after explosive arrow at the giant zombie.

It wasn't so much the explosions as the sheer force that the bow snapped off arrows with that was doing the real damage. There were thin holes all around the giant zombie's body and occasionally, a critical strike window would pop up.

Harry ignored it all, focusing only on destroying the Legion.

With a final explosive arrow to the face that made another critical strike window pop up, Harry finally destroyed the legion zombie.


You have gained a total of 21,958 Exp!


You leveled up!

Harry Potter



The Gamer

Title-The Boy who Lived

Level-11 Exp-77773/153600









MONEY- 2025 / 1997G 188S 56K

Harry Potter is a wizard, the son of Lily Potter and James Potter. He is a new fledgling wizard at Hogwarts. He likes hanging with his new friends and divides his time between figuring out insanely complicated political manipulations and honing his unusual magical skills as the Gamer in secret. Harry loves his parents, and wants to help the world they died protecting.

Status- wizard, giving Harry +4 VIT, +4 DEX and the ability to control magic, talk to snakes, control his appearance and look cool.


Skill leveled up!

Archery, Lv-12 (40%)

You can shoot an arrow, it may or may not hit its target.

Accuracy- 12%

Special magic arrows:

Fire Arrows - Its arrows with their heads on fire. What do you want me to describe about that?

+10% Damage

Explosive Arrows - Arrows made with a delicate combination of finely controlled elements. They explode upon contact with target.

60% Damage


Skill leveled up thrice due to excessive use!

Critical strike! Lv-4 (60%)

A precise strike that can cause 450% damage to the target.

Chance of success- Luc+Dex

Harry noted that the game had given him a new description. Looking around him, he happily realized that his higher luck stats got him much better loot!





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