Harry had enough after four years of playing Dumbledore's stupid game. He is not gonna be a puppet that dances to the tunes of that old bastard anymore. He is gonna take matters into his own hands. And his so called friends, who are nothing more than Dumbledore's spies will finally suffer his wrath. ==== Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything. I don't exert any ownership over anything.
Parvati nodded and said, "We, Lavender and I that is, tried to warn you not to play games with him and his reputation. We told you he was much more than you knew to our people. But you wouldn't listen to us because we're too old fashioned for you. Not muggle enough to realize how backwards our caste system is. To realize no one honors a betrothal contract any more. Not muggle enough to want to destroy our world for more rights or some such nonsense.
But you should realize what you're trying to do now, and have done in the past, to Harry is exactly why the Dark Lord gets so many volunteers when he schedules another raid into the muggle world or the people hear he has targeted another family of a muggleborn. People who'd never actually join him in his crusade never for a minute think those victims didn't deserve it. No one even considers it because, for the most part, all of you try to destroy our society to one degree or another."
Cho Chang, who had stopped to wait for Padma, agreed with the twins. She told the Triad flat-out, "If you had done that to someone like him in my native country, things wouldn't have gone this far. But then in my native country, the first time you betrayed him would've also been the last. Someone in the State Department would've been watching over his funds and the person in charge of them.
The first time you stole from him would've been the last time. All three of you'd be fortunate if all that happened was having your hands cut off and your tongues ripped out, the wounds sealed so new appendages couldn't be regrown for you. Of course, even death is better than what my countrymen could do to you for what you, Ginerva, have done to him. Until you three, I always felt my native people were cruel to do those things. But now I understand. You're without even a shred of decency or honor and there is no punishment too great for the likes of you."
Only a very pale Ginny had the nerve to ask what she meant and Cho told her, smirking slightly as she spoke. "You could have been named as his personal property. His slaves. Especially you since the life debt you owe him is so very clear and impossible to deny." Cho said pointing a long well manicured finger at Ginny. "You have walked around this school bragging how you own him. How he belongs to you and how he has to do whatever the three of you tell him.
Merlin knows, there isn't a student here outside of the firsties that hasn't heard it more than a time or two. But reality is you belong to him. He owns you. Because you took his coin to hold yourself available to him for him when he has a need of you. But you didn't follow through on that did you? Michael Corner ring any bells for you? In my native country, that would be literally. He would literally own you for the rest of your life. The government there would hand the three of you and your relatives to him on a silver platter and there'd be nothing you could do about it. In my native country, your behavior would've doomed your entire family."
The twins nodded. "In India as well. Because magic found you guilty, there would be no questions asked."
Cho continued. "He could've given you to anyone he felt like giving you to and done as he wished with any offspring you might someday have produced. Of course, he could also have chosen to have each of you sterilized and Ronald here castrated before giving you as door prizes to someone he wished to make a deal with or appease in some manner."
"Because everything about a slave belongs not to them but to their master including the children and mates. And no. Those children could never inherit from his estate because they'd be a part of the estate. But that's if the master decides to let the slave have a mate at all which he doesn't have to do."
Lavender spoke up quietly from her place next to Parvati. "And all three of you would've deserved it. No one would've spoken up for you or asked for leniency. Because you took his coin and then tried to kill him to prevent him learning of your treachery. Don't bother denying that's why you were setting him up on all those end of the year events. You wanted him dead before he could learn what you were doing behind his back."
"You told him he owed you for the rest of your lives because he stayed under your roof for a few nights and dined at your table. But I'll bet you anything the food he ate under your roof was food he paid for. So he'd every right to eat it. I'd also hazard a guess and say the clothes on your backs are clothes he bought and paid for while he walks around in rags. What makes it worse is, I know for a fact he takes better care of his rags then you do your clothes."
Su Li, a shy, quiet Ravenclaw, who had been attracted by the size of the gathering decided to weigh in with her own opinion. "Because of him, you are receiving one of the best educations money can buy so you have a chance to make something of your futures. And what are you doing to repay him for his generosity? You, Ronald, take only the easy classes as electives and don't even bother to actually study so you can pass them with decent marks."
"You, Ginerva, spend all your free time daydreaming of the day you become his wife and have open access to all his vaults, property, and power. But you study nothing worthwhile. Nothing his wife will need to be adept in. He'll move in the highest societal circles. He needs a wife who can easily navigate those waters. You say you'll hold that position but from what I can see, you don't deserve it. All you'll do is disgrace him."
"And you Hermione, are no better. You tell everyone how he's your best friend and how much he cares for and about you but what have you actually done for him? When have you ever truly been worthy of the things he's done for you? When have any of you? He's put his very life on the line for all three of you and you repaid in by a knife in the back."
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