Harry had enough after four years of playing Dumbledore's stupid game. He is not gonna be a puppet that dances to the tunes of that old bastard anymore. He is gonna take matters into his own hands. And his so called friends, who are nothing more than Dumbledore's spies will finally suffer his wrath. ==== Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything. I don't exert any ownership over anything.
"And we both know damn well you have personally endangered my well-being more than once over the years. You had a murderer sleeping in the dorm room with me all through our first year. You even admitted the damn rat liked to crawl up and snuggle down on my pillow when I was sleeping.'
"And when I was moved out of the dorm, how many times did I have to give that rat back to you in a class because he'd gotten out of the tower and made his way to my prison chamber? A rat that wasn't a rat at all. A rat that was actually a man in hiding. A man everyone in this world believed to be dead already. A murderous man who had fifteen kills to his credit that we know of. Fifteen people that included my parents! A man who framed another for his crimes. For his own supposed death just so he could escape his just punishment."
"And you think I should replace it for you why? Would you be happy if I found and turned Bellatrix LeStrange into a rat and gave her to you to replace the murderer of my parents? Would that finally satisfy you? I'm sure Neville won't mind having the torturer of his parents staying in his dorm with him. Though I do think she'd be a better snake than a rat. Maybe you think you can explain to Neville how his safety and mental well-being isn't as important as you having a pet to talk trash about and forget to feed or tend. Don't even try and claim you took care of that rat, Ronald because we both know you didn't. If you had I wouldn't have spent the next two years after our first year catching the damn thing in my prison here to return it to you."
"But you don't want anyone to know that do you, Ronald? Don't want anyone to know your rat was actually a man. A man who is a murderer many times over. A murderer who's claim to notoriety is being the true betrayer of my family and trying to cover it up by accusing someone else of it while killing thirteen innocent people to make his get-away."
"Yet, you actually wanted to spend my gold replacing that dirty, worthless excuse of a pet rat this year. With, if my understanding is right, a shaggy, black haired dog to torment Hermione's cat, Crookshanks. All because Sirius Black, my Godfather, who was a shaggy, black haired dog animagus, was after your pet rat. A rat that wasn't actually a rat at all, was it? And Crookshanks was trying to help him get it. Because Crookshanks knew her owner, a girl you profess to love and care about, wasn't safe so long as that man disguised as a rat was in the tower. So you wanted to get a replacement pet to torment both of us, didn't you? How is it you claim to love her again? When you openly claim to want a pet solely so that it will torment her pet?"
"Bad enough you tried to stake a claim to Hedwig immediately after we discovered the truth about that filthy rat claiming I owed her to you for your loss of him. But then to hear this year you planned to use my money to buy yourself a dog. A dog who'd grow to resemble my dead Godfather. . . You're disgusting, Ronald Weasely. Pathetic and mean-spirited. Jealous, spiteful, arrogant and cruel. Perfect Death Eater material provided you actually learn to use your brain well enough to survive the training they undergo."
"You endangered all your dorm mates having that thing in our dorm but that doesn't matter to you, does it? Hell, every person in this school was in danger because you had that thing here in disguise as your pet. A form of pet not even mentioned on the list of acceptable pets. Yet you wanted me to pay to replace it for you? All you care about was he was your pet and because of me, you lost him. Boo Hoo." Low growls filled the room as everyone came to understand the cruelty in what Ron's choice of replacement pet would have been had he been able to enact his desires. The future Death Eaters in the room ignored what Harry had said about the Dark Lord's followers believing he didn't truly know what being one meant.
"You betrayed me. Repeatedly. For no better reason but that you wanted an adventure you could brag about or fame that wasn't rightfully yours to claim. Yes, Ronald I'm well aware of how you and these two cretins have spent the end of every one of the last three years taking credit for my deeds while doing everything in your power to label me as the reason said actions needed to be taken to begin with."
"To hear you talk, it wasn't that girl you call a sister writing in the diary but me that endangered the school. As if I'm so stupid that I don't know my own name or am so poor I'd have to get a secondhand diary to write in at all. I'm not so arrogant as to write in a diary belonging to someone else."
"Only you or that girl would do something like that and believe your secrets safe within it's pages. Hell, with you and your girl here around, I'd never dare to write my secrets down anywhere. Because they wouldn't be my secrets for long if I did, would they? Neither one of you have ever had an ounce of respect for my privacy. Nor, considering I know she stole my short pants from my trunk when I stayed at the Burrow, does your sister. What ten year old right thinking girl steals a twelve year olds short pants from his trunk in her brother's room?"
Ginny, not realizing she could be heard, muttered, "I was eleven then. Not ten." It didn't help her any as several students sneered at her and the two adults merely rolled their eyes.
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