Harry had enough after four years of playing Dumbledore's stupid game. He is not gonna be a puppet that dances to the tunes of that old bastard anymore. He is gonna take matters into his own hands. And his so called friends, who are nothing more than Dumbledore's spies will finally suffer his wrath. ==== Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything. I don't exert any ownership over anything.
Cornelius Fudge was the Minister and he used the office to do exactly what he wanted to do, introducing laws according to his whim and his whim was decided by whomever paid him the biggest bribe. He hired people to run departments they weren't qualified to run based on their bloodline or because someone with deep pockets wanted them in that position.
Then he stood aside as those unqualified people threw out anyone in their new department who's bloodline didn't live up to their ideals. Never mind if the person they were discarding was the only person in the department who could actually do the job the department was designed to do. And if the person was replaced, which it wasn't a guarantee they would be, it'd always be by someone the new Department Head felt had a more suitable bloodline. Competency to do the stated job was never even a passing thought of the new boss.
Witness; allowing Delores Umbridge to take over as the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor here at Hogwarts. She was highly unqualified to even be a teacher of a primary reading and writing class. Let alone a secondary educational institution classroom. She might work on the preschool level but definitely nothing higher. While she might be an able administrator and schedule coordinator, she certainly didn't have the qualifications of a teacher. Yet Cornelius had felt he needed someone he could trust here to inform him of everything the Headmaster said or did and no one was more devoted to him, Cornelius, than Madam Umbridge. So here she was. Teaching a class she had barely passed in her own fifth year. A class she hadn't qualified to study as a Newt student and therefore didn't have the required Newt to teach.
Amelia Bones was the Head of the DMLE. She functioned as the Courts Prosecutor but she wasn't really interested in serving justice. No, she was only interested in serving the Ministry. That meant she only insisted on cases going to court when someone told her it was necessary to prove their guilt or innocence. Nor, when a case was in doubt, did she insist on using the tools at her disposal to find out the full truth of the matter before allowing the court to render it's verdict. Which again often depended on who had the deepest pockets.
With magic on her side and Veritserum available to the courts, not to mention pensieves where the jury could actually see the events for which the defendant was on trial, there was no reason why she could not have a 100% conviction rate with only the guilty actually going to Azkaban.
Yet, she didn't use the tools available to her or even prosecute all the crimes brought to her attention. She was said to be an impartial woman who truly only saw the law as an absolute but Harry didn't agree as he knew for a fact she allowed the Minister and the Wizengamot tell her who she could bring to trial and when a trial was over. She also allowed them to apply the law willy nilly whenever the accused was someone they didn't like or dismiss it when the accused was a friend of the Ministry. Therefore, she wasn't a fair and impartial woman sworn and dedicated to upholding the law absolutely as the Ministry claimed. He wouldn't go so far as to say she was for sale like so many of her colleagues but under her authority not everyone received justice either. Justice was for sale to the highest bidder.
Albus sat here in his ivory tower playing games with the lives of children and the people applauded him for it. He openly brought danger into the school where their children were defenseless against it. Then sat back in his tower wringing his hands and claiming he had no idea what the problem was while he waited to see who if any would fall victim to the menace he'd unleashed on them. And when Harry found and fought the danger he'd allowed in, he took the credit for it as if he'd done the deed himself. Safety was an undervalued commodity and Albus Dumbledore didn't have the going price to buy it.
In the courts, he decided who was guilty from who wasn't just like he did in the school when two or more students had a difference of opinion. Because he was Albus Dumbledore, he was able to ram his views down the throats of the others. Though there really wasn't much ramming involved. Usually all he had to do was point and talk, smile a bit and twinkle his eyes, talk some more and the people fell in line. He openly told bald faced lies and the people ate it up, accepting it as truth without question even when his words made no sense and weren't based on anything substantial. Truth was in the ear of the listener and the people of Britain were listening to a liar.
Case in point; he told Cornelius and Amelia at the end of the Tournament that Harry had been whisked away from the school grounds to take part in the rebirthing ceremony of the Dark Lord. Yes, that is what had happened but he hadn't talked to Harry at that point so how did he know? Where had he gotten his information and for how long had he had it?
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