
In Defense of Harry

"Leave James and Lily out of this, if you please. Because I definitely disagree with you about that but it's not the focus of this discussion.

And I never again want to hear you insinuating he's somehow being given special favors by having a room outside of his tower. That room wasn't given to him as any sort of a favor from Albus and you know it. It's an isolation chamber. A punishment room meant for students who can't be expelled but have seriously done wrong during their schooling and endangered either themselves or another student.

In essence it's a prison cell here in the school. Students assigned to one have no freedoms all the other students enjoy because they are being punished. Which is why we had to escort him to his meals, showers and classes during his second year. He wasn't allowed to move freely through the school."

"And if I recall the matter correctly it was you who demanded he be moved into it when Albus refused to expel him simply because he'd displayed a talent you considered to be unworthy of a Gryffindor. Yes, he threw a firework into Mr. Malfoy's cauldron causing an explosion that injured Mr. Malfoy. But that wasn't why he was put into the isolation chamber.

He was placed into it because your proud brave little lions forced him out of the tower because supposedly they didn't feel he was Gryffindor enough to remain there. Something about being able to speak to snakes making him unworthy of wearing the red and gold. As if he had a choice about that. You are either born with the ability or you're not. The excuse of having hurt Draco was just that. An excuse they used to explain to the rest of the school why they evicted him from the tower and that Albus pounced on."

"He was not born with that nasty ability. James would never have had a child who could speak to snakes," Minerva bristled angrily. She ignored what he said about the private room her lion was moved into because she knew he was right in that first year, Harry's second year. She refused to believe Albus hadn't changed the nature of the room.

She'd convinced herself he'd been given a private set of chambers within the school in his second year as an indulgence of Albus as was his right as Harry's magical guardian. No matter what anyone said she refused to believe Albus wasn't in any manner Mr. Potter's magical guardian as he claimed he was. Or that Severus was Mr. Potter's only guardian of any kind in the magical world.

Severus snarled angrily. "Like Potter Sr had any choice in the matter. This Potter is a Beast Speaker, Minerva. Not a simple Parcelmouth. Parceltongue is just one of the many animal languages Potter can speak and understand. Beast Speakers can speak to all sorts of different animals. You heard him speak to both the dragon and his owl last year.

Dragons aren't snakes, you know. If they were every parcelmouth in the world would be working at a Dragon Preserve and would be renown for their unique talent. Yet they aren't and they don't. Why? Because they can't understand and speak to dragons. Not like Potter can and did. How much more proof do you need that he isn't a mere parcelmouth? Snakes are just one breed of animal he can speak to if he chooses to."

She blinked in surprise never having stopped to realize that. She like everyone else in the school had heard Harry speaking to both the dragon and his owl during last year's Tournament but when Albus claimed he'd used parceltongue to speak with the Dragon she'd never given it another thought. And by the time she heard him speaking to his Owl, she'd been too involved with other things to stop and realize what it meant.

After all, Ms. Granger had been the surety for a foreign student that had died in the challenge. She was upset and needed her to comfort her and assure her she hadn't been the cause of his death. Mr. Weasely had also needed her because he idolized Mr. Krum. So he'd needed her as well.

Nor had it ever occurred to her that Albus had lied to her about the language Potter had been speaking. Why would he? It wasn't like she could speak to the animals herself or would know what language it was. It never entered her head that was exactly why Albus had lied to her. Because she wouldn't realize he was.

"I also seem to remember a lot of complaints about him behaving dishonorably over the last three years only for it to be proven at the end of each year he wasn't the problem in the school or your tower. And almost all those complaints came from those very lions you claim are now missing him so very much.

What? Do they have something else they need a fall guy for and no one else to blame? maybe someone came to school with inadequate supplies and books so your brave good lions want to raid his trunk for what they need and failed to buy?

 Perhaps it's just Mr. Weasely needs more sweets to tide him over between meals and thinks there'll be plenty in Potter's trunk?" He sneered at his fellow Head of House allowing his ire to show clearly. He was tired of her always badmouthing Potter on the word of Albus or the Triad without ever having actually talked to Potter and even attempting to get his side of the story.

When she did manage to talk to him, it was only when she had herself fully convinced she already knew the truth of the situation and anything he had to say that didn't confirm what she believed, was therefore a lie he was telling her. "More than likely if they actually do want him back in the tower, it's only so they can spy on him easier and have more things to tattle on him over," he snarled.


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