
Chapter 47 - The New Spell - Asparation -

Felix was excited about mastering the Hermetic Apparition spell. After practicing in the classroom, he decided to test his newfound skill in real-life scenarios. He took a deep breath and recited the first law of hermeticism in his mind, "As above, so below." With a focused mind, Felix concentrated on the intention of the spell.

He closed his eyes and felt a warm sensation envelop his body as he began to disappear from the classroom. He felt a sudden jolt as he reappeared in his dorm room at Hogwarts. Felix let out a sigh of relief and took a moment to catch his breath. He had done it. He had successfully used hermetic appearance to transport himself to another location.

"Plop !"

Feeling confident, Felix decided to test his new skill even further. He closed his eyes once again and recited the first law of hermeticism, "As above, so below." He concentrated on the intention of the spell and thought of the Forbidden Forest. Felix disappeared from his dorm room and reappeared in the midst of the Forbidden Forest.

"I do not feel any kind of side effect at all. It is said that apparition takes some time to get used to.

The air was thick with the sounds of rustling leaves and chirping birds. Felix had been to the forbidden forest before, but not like this.

He felt a thrill of excitement rush through his body.

The beauty of the forest mesmerized him, and he took a moment to appreciate his surroundings before heading back to Hogwarts. Compared to the dark hours, in the morning, Forbidden Forest was not that scary-looking.

Felix was feeling bolder now, and he wanted to test his limits even further. He recited the first law of hermeticism in his mind once again: "As above, so below." This time, he thought of The Burrow, the home of his friend Ron Weasley. Felix disappeared from the Forbidden Forest and reappeared in front of the ramshackle house.

The Weasleys were surprised to see Felix at their doorstep, but they welcomed him with open arms.

Felix was thrilled with his success and the possibilities that the Hermetic Apparition spell opened up for him. He knew that with practice, he could become even better and master other forms of magic. He left The Burrow feeling content and eager to see what other adventures awaited him.

"I should name it Asparation Spell; I do not want to recite As Above, So Below every time I want to transport."

After Felix decided on the name of his own understanding of Apparition, he went back to the Forbidden Forest by using Asparation.

He did not want to bother and make it look like he is some sort of oddball invading the burrow.

"Plop !"

Felix took a deep breath and started walking out of the forbidden forest.