
Chapter 46 - Apparition - Completed.

Felix had just finished his last class of the day, which was Charms with Professor Flitwick. He had done well in class, but he knew he needed to focus on practicing the Apparation spell, as it was an important skill for any wizard to have.

"Without apparition, I cannot be considered to have true freedom."

He walked toward an empty classroom, his mind set on perfecting the spell. He took out his wand and began to mutter the incantation. The first few attempts didn't go as planned; he appeared a few feet away from where he had intended to go.

"It is good that I am not making any mistakes."

But Felix was determined to get it right. He tried again and again, each time focusing more intently on the destination and the feeling of arrival. He was getting closer and closer with each attempt.

"Wait a second, I can use my hermetic understanding to work with the apparition."

He took a deep breath and recited in his mind: "As above, so below; as within, so without." He knew that the principles of hermeticism could be applied to many areas of magic, including apparition.

Felix closed his eyes and focused on the sensation of his body. He imagined himself as a point in space, connected to all other points in the universe by invisible threads. He felt the flow of energy around him and knew that he could manipulate it to move himself from one point to another.

He then focused on the space in front of him, visualizing his destination. He imagined himself appearing in that spot, feeling the ground beneath his feet and the air around him.

Felix took another deep breath and then opened his eyes, feeling confident in his ability to applaud. He concentrated on his destination and then felt the familiar sensation of being squeezed through a small tube. When he opened his eyes, he found himself standing in front of the Hogwarts library, having successfully apparated there.

He smiled to himself, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He knew that the hermetic principles had helped him to focus his mind and manipulate the energy around him to achieve his goal.

Felix decided to practice his apparition skills some more, using the Hermetic principles to guide him. He moved from one location to another, each time feeling more confident in his abilities.

As he walked back to his dormitory, Felix felt a sense of excitement. He knew that the knowledge he had gained from his studies in hermeticism would continue to enhance his magical abilities and lead him to new discoveries.


At that time, Dumbledore, who was still in his room, felt something weird, and then his eyes came to an understanding.

"True Apparition, The spell was too powerful and used with the highest mastery that he was able to bypass Hogwarts protection against Apparition."

It is a known fact that Hogwarts is protected against Apparition for extra protection against anyone with ill intentions.

Other than elves, who have different kinds of magic, other wizards should not be able to use apparate at all.


Dumbledore was at a loss for words at this point.