

The two of them had been silent for what felt like hours.. Trevor had clamed down and had returned all his focus back onto the road, with them now passing sandy shores..

Trevor knew this place, he had lived here for some time, but Keith had only been here a couple of times... but even with him not knowing much about the place he still found it odd that there were members of the lost mc around..

He knew of them trying to expand into the desert, but doubted they would be this successful.. Keith looked at a sideview mirror seeing some members of the lost trailing some distance behind them..

"Trevor.. is it just me or have we seen some of those bikers before.." Keith recognised a piece of clothing not to common, a spiked helmet with a American flag design wasn't something he saw everyday after all.

"Huh… they all look the same.. could just kill them to make sure.." Trevor looked at the couple of bikers riding behind them, he had noticed them before, but hadn't paid them any mind..

"We can't kill them all at once, meaning that they will just send more.. Just try slowing down a bit and moving to the other lane.. if they pass then we will be good right?" The bikers were behind them and seeing as how it would be difficult to hit them from the front, meant that they better let them just pass by..

Keith hadn't brought anything to heavy, just a pistol and a compact SMG, he could use them in a fight without a problem, but he would likely be hit by them as well..

Trevor followed Keith's suggestion slowing down quite a bit, with the bikers doing the same…  Seeing that they were likely following them for the cars Kieth shook Franklin awake..

"uh.hUh, What?!" at first Franklin seemed to be groggy then a bit mad at being woken up when nothing was going on..

"Some bikers from the lost are tailing us, either looking to get the cars or to get revenge.." Perhaps if Keith hadn't been there then they might not have shown up, he was expecting cops to show up and he certainly would be happier if they did..

The lost would get in on the action while the cops were on the scene, with their members trying to stay out of direct police scrutiny..

Franklins seemed surprised looking in the sideview mirror to confirm what Keith had said..

"Shit… I got it.. T just keep driving while I get the JB700 of the truck.." Keith didn't really understand what Franklins plan was with the car, but he seemed confident in resolving it with the car..

With Franklin out of the truck and now climbing the packer that was behind them, Keith and Trevor were left behind to continue driving..

"What is he planning?" Keith pondered aloud while getting his compact SMG out and loading it..

Franklin had left without any earpiece to communicate with and he couldn't exactly pick up the phone at the moment, seeing as to how he was scaling the side of the truck..

"Who knows, he couldn't bother to tell me, just like Michael!" Trevor's words were full of spite, while again tapping the steering wheel with his fingers..

"Man again with that.. can you just focus on the road." Trevor clicked his tongue but obliged not even responding while Kieth moved a seat over and opened the window.

No shot had fired yet, but Keith suspected the members of the lost to begin soon.. the original five members had turned into ten with even more bikers in the distance..

Franklin had made it to the car that he wanted and got in with a great amount of struggle.. Keith couldn't see it, but Trevor had a clear view from his side of the truck..

"Is franklin in the car?" Keith couldn't see Franklin anymore as he had already stepped into the car, wanting to make sure before distracting him with a phone call..

"I am keeping my eye on the road ahead of me like you said.. don't want anything to happen now do we.." Trevor looked somewhat smugly at Keith who had his back turned to him while looking out the window..

Before Keith could curse Trevor out for his behaviour he witnessed the car coming lose and launching of the trailer with Franklin inside the driver seat.. just as he was wondering what he was planning on doing he saw bullets coming from the front of the car..

It looked to be from a spy movie with Franklin immediately shooting down four to five of the bikers that were behind them.. the remaining once dodged and aimed their weapons at Franklin inside of the car…

Before any of them had made a clear shot Keith opened fire to the closest one hitting the driver and causing the bike to crash into another bike member, the two bikers rammed each other off the road with neither likely to survive..

Some of the bikers had changed their priority from Franklin to Keith trying to shoot him while Keith himself took coffer in the truck while reloading..

He heard some crashing sounds behind him and could see a bike being rammed off the road due to Franklin slamming the side of the car into them.. even releasing some spikes that tripped up the biker who had managed to brake just in time to dodge the ram..

Keith came out of coffer trying to shoot some remaining bikers, but missed because of Trevor.. he wanted to complain, but saw that it wasn't on purpose… so he let it slide… they had come to a bend on the freeway causing the cars to be in the line of sight instead of the bikers behind them..

He heard something explode, but looking through the cars found out that it was a bike who had gone off road and landed in a ditch..

"Trevor! Do you think police will get here before we are gone?" Trevor knew the area more than he did, likely also knowing how long it would take for police to come here..

"It depends… have any residence been hurt.. Nhaa what am I saying, they wont come.." He sounded confident, much more than Keith.. the last time they were in a gunfight was with police and even the army showed up then, so why wouldn't they come if there was a shootout just a bit further..

The gunfire behind them had slowed down until it finally stopped, all the bikers had either crashed or were killed in the spray of bullets coming from the two sides..

Calling Franklin, Keith received no response, indicating that he was already on the phone with someone else.. The most likely person Franklin would be talking to now would be their employer..

Eventually franklin came up beside them, signing for them to pay attention..

"Keith!." Franklin shouted at him to pay attention.. his window was already down so Keith just lend into the door a little more

"Yeah?" looking down on the car beside them Keith focused on hearing franklin talk..

"We dropping the cars off at the next truck stop!" The location could have changed because of the interference from the lost, but it seemed as though they were headed to the same place..

"We'll drive after you.." Keith pointed Franklin to drive in front of them.. Franklin knew the place and shouting at each other to find it wasn't the optimal rout.. he would have much rather preferred Franklin to just answer his phone..

"It's the next stop so we shouldn't be to far from the drop off… wanna drive back with each other or you getting someone to pick you up?"

"Ill go alone.." Trevor still seemed in somewhat of a sour mood.. the conflict he had with Michael must have been hard on him, even if he was resolute in the choice he had made..

"Fine.. guess ill also go by myself.." He rather drive himself, but getting a car here was difficult to say the least.. maybe buying a new one would suit his needs better.. he had the money, each week he made thousands just from his cinema, not to mention he had some cash from his other investments still lying about..

Sadly, Keith doubted that there would be any good car in the small town.. although.. thinking about it he remembered placing a getaway car for the job they did here.. he didn't use it in the end and neither did anyone else for that matter.. the chances of it still being there were not extremely great, but knowing that the cops were corrupt, meant that there would likely be no work put into removing a car that seemed abandoned..

He would still need to get to the car, but that would be simple, seeing as it was only a walk away from the town they would be near..

Franklin pulled into a sideroad with a truck stop near it.. Trevor followed and parked the truck a bit farther away.. there seemed to be no one at the stop, as the town was just a small drive away… the only people who where there were some men from Devin's company..

Getting out of the truck, Keith immediately noticed some of the men getting the car that Franklin used back on the truck.. they seemed to work efficiently, clearly showing their expertise.. Trevor already seemed to keen on leaving getting in a car that was previously used by the pair of employees..

Walking to Molly and Franklin, Keith heard something strange..

"He aint going to fall in love with your ass. Now where the fuck is my money?" Molly looked to be at a loss of words for just a second before becoming angry..

"The best thing that could have happened in this situation has happened.." She made her way to the car, getting in and preparing to leave..

"..he is going to hold your money, invest it in his alpha fund and make the fund available to you at a time where the transfer will not induce any undo attention.." Keith had made his way to the car where Molly was seated, clearly wanting to leave…

"So what you are saying is.." Before Franklin could say anymore he was interrupted by Keith, who now stood next to him holding the door open so that Molly couldn't close it..

"Don't worry about it Franklin.. ill try working something out.. or will you already be leaving?" He clearly seemed to want to talk more, but seemed to know that insulting Molly wouldn't get him his money any faster..

"Yes.. I have no more business here and I will certainly not halt the rest for something as immature as this.." Her words reinforced her position.. she wanted to leave, but Keith couldn't let her go so simply.. not when such a obvious solution was before him.

"Then you don't mind me tagging along for just this ride.. we can talk business while on the way to your next appointment.." Molly didn't seem to want Keith to come along.. clearly not seeing the benefit in having a in her eyes lunatic sitting in the same car as her…

"I cant be seen with you at my next destination.." Arriving with a man unannounced could cause rumours to spread, not to mention him being a criminal

"That's no problem.. I will just get out before you arrive.. or do you want to let them wait while we talk here.." Keith wasn't planning on letting go of the car door.. he needed to talk to her anyway and getting a ride for free anywhere that wasn't the here would be better for him..

Before she could say anything more, Keith had moved to the opposite side of the car, now having the other door opened..

Keith could see the immense dissatisfaction on Molly's face and decided to at least offer her something..

"Ill pay for the advise.. as I know your knowledge is something very rare even among the highest of circles." Flattery was something that everyone like.. even mob bosses appreciate it from time to time.. being a bootlicker wasn't his style, but the rare things were more appreciated in his mind..

Molly seemed somewhat more tolerant after his words, still a bit displeased by the situation, but not uncompromisable..