
Summer before Senior year part 3

"Now that those problems were removed we can have some real fun." laughed Sam.

Everyone cheered they spend hours playing volleyball, Waterpolo, Marco Polo, and so much more.

"Who is starting to get hungry?" asked Samantha.

Everyone nodded and Brittney picked up her phone and called the cooks.

"Hey, when will dinner be ready? Actually, I have a good idea why don't you have the rest of the weekend off you guys have been working so hard. We'll just go to a restaurant to eat. I want you to have a relaxing time at the pool or the beach. Don't worry you'll still get paid." explained Brittney.

Everyone could hear the staff cheer.

"What about the other staffers?" asked the cooks.

"Tell them they have the weekend off too. Also, tell the guards they can have the weekend off too but just tell them don't be too far in case something happens," explained Brittney.

They agreed to tell the others the good news then they hung up.

"Ok I may have lied to them about going to a restaurant tonight, but tomorrow we are going to one. Tonight we will be the ones cooking for you guys. Go get washed up and ready for dinner." said Samantha smiling.

The guys watched as the twins walked away and they asked each other what they thought they were going to eat tonight.

The guys got ready for dinner and they could smell something amazing coming from the kitchen. When they walked into the kitchen the table was set and the twins were working hard at the stove and oven.

"What are we having?" asked James.

"Cedar-Plank Salmon with a side of Ceasar salad or house salad. If you don't like the sound of that we have something else you can have too. The other option is either steak or prime rib with mashed potato or mixed veggies." explained Samantha.

"Oh my, that is a lot of food. Where did you learn how to make this?" asked Oliver.

"We taught ourselves how to cook." laughed Brittney, "We rarely get the chance to do it though since we have professional cooks that work for us."

"Can you help us put this on the table?" asked Samantha.

They rushed to help the girls get the table ready. After they said the prayer they made their plate. It didn't take them long to finish their plates and get seconds.

"Since we made dinner could you guys please clean up?" asked Brittney.

They nodded and the girls left the table quickly.

"They didn't look like they felt good," said Oliver.

"I know I wonder what is going on," said Chris.

After they cleaned up the dinner plates as well as the table they went looking for the girls. Oliver found Samantha and Brittney playing COD in their room.

"Hey you guys can come to join us if you like." laughed Samantha.

"Dope that would be a lot of o fun." laughed Liam.

After a few hours of playing that they started to get bored of the game.

"What do you guys wanna do next?" asked Chris.

"What about truth or dare?" asked Oliver.

Mak, Harry, Will, Owen, Tyler, James, Kyle, Greg, and Liam nodded grinning.

"Who will go first?" asked Kyle.

"Oliver since it was his idea." laughed Samantha.

"What version of truth or dare is this? Is it going to be the clean version or the grown-up version?" asked Oliver.

"We don't care which one just ask someone already." laughed Brittney.

"Ok ok." laughed Oliver.

Samantha rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Samantha, truth or dare?" asked Oliver.

"Dare," she said with a grin.

"I dare you to kiss the hottest guy here," replied Oliver.

She looked around the room grinning then walked up to him and french kissed him deeply. He used all of his willpower not to grab her by the back of her head and deepen the kiss. As if she read his mind she grabbed the back of his head and deepened the kiss. He let out a soft moan and then she broke off the kiss.

"Wow did not expect that." gasped Oliver.

"My turn." announced Brittney, "Chris, truth or dare?"

"Dare." laughed Chris.

"Make out with the hottest twin," said Brittney.

He looked back and forth between the girls. He thought real hard and walked up to Brittney picking her up and placing her on his lap. She giggled then he lightly grabbed her by the throat and pulled her in for a kiss. She let out a soft moan and that made him go crazy. He started to kiss her down her neck. It seemed like they were both in their own little world.

"Ok you two should stop before it goes any further." laughed Samantha.

They both quickly stopped and blushed backing up quickly from each other.

"That was hot," whispered Chris.

She nodded breathlessly.

After truth or dare, Samantha and Brittney told the others that they were starting to get tired. The boys said good night and watched as the girls left the room. A few hours later Brittney woke up screaming and Chris ran into the room to find her in a small ball crying. He walked up to her and held her until she stopped crying.

"Do you feel better?" asked Chris.

She nodded and he stood up to leave but she grabbed his shirt pleading for him to stay.

"I don't think that is a good idea. We have had so much sexual tension between us since you know," he explained.

She nodded sadly and let go of his shirt. Seeing her sad broke his heart so he decided to stay for the night.

"Well it's just for tonight no harm in it," whispered Chris.

She hugged him and opened the blankets for him to step in. That whole night he held her tightly in his arms while she slept with her head on his chest.