
Summer before Senior year part 2

Everyone nodded and quickly introduced themselves.

Christopher pointed at his friends saying, "The one with curly red hair is Lexi, the brown head next to her is Luci, and the black head next to her is Jade. Now to the boys the one who is staring at you as he wants you is Mak, the two next to him are Harry and Will, and the last one is Owen. Now it's your turn Oliver." explained Chris.

"The guy to my left with black curly hair is Tyler, the one next to him is James, on my other side is Kyle, and next to him is Greg, oh and how can I forget Liam," explained Oliver.

"Nice to meet all of you. The maids will show you to your rooms. The girls will sleep in the west wing and boys will sleep in the East Wing." said Sam.

The maids nodded and showed the guests where they will sleep.

"What about us?" asked Oliver and Chris.

"You already have your room here. It says your name on the door," said Sam.

Both men laughed and went looking for their rooms

When everyone was done locating their room and putting on their swimsuits they followed the butler to the beach and pool.

"They will either be in one or the other." said the butler.

They thanked him and the butler left.

"Come on the water is warm kinda." laughed Brittney.

Chris's female friends decided they wanted to get a tan instead of going swimming.

"Please tell me you didn't just come to get a tan?" asked Chris.

"What if we did," yelled Lexi.

"Excuse me if you're going to have an attitude then I'll have my men escort you off our property and you will find your way home," said Sam.

"You wouldn't do that." scoffed Lexi and her friends.

"Try us!" yelled Brittney getting up in the girl's faces.

"You think you can scare us." laughed Lexi.

"Oh you shouldn't have said that." laughed Chris.

Sam and Brittney snapped as a hoard of bodyguards arrived pointing guns at the girls.

"Oh you were saying." said Sam laughing, "We don't need them to protect us but seeing your reaction makes it so worth it."

"I told you on the ride here don't mess with these girls. They know how to protect themselves," growled Chris and Oliver.

"So either shut your mouth and change your attitude or I will have our men escort you off this beach and you will have to find another way home." said Brittney, "What will you choose?"

No response from the rude girls made Sam and Brittney smile.

"Good choice." laughed Sam.

"Keep your eyes on them please," whispered Brittney to the security guards.

They nodded understanding.

"Well she is a buzzkill." groaned Jade.

A finger tapped her on the shoulder and she looked and squeaked like a mouse when she saw a gun pointed at her.

"Don't disrespect our masters. We don't take kindly to people like you." said the guards.

Jade nodded turning back to her friends.

"Let's just leave before they get trigger happy," whispered Lexi.

The rest of the girls nodded and Brittney nodded for the guards to take them away along with their suitcases.