
Summer before Senior year part 4

The next day Brittney woke up to find Chris gone. She thought it was all a dream until he stepped out of her bathroom in nothing but a towel. She grinned and he blushed.

"I thought you were still asleep," mumbled Chris.

"Well I just woke up." laughed Brittney.

"How did you sleep last night?" he asked.

"Like a baby thanks again for coming to my aid," she said smiling looking him up and down.

That is when he realized his towel fell off and he quickly grabbed it running back into the bathroom. Minutes later she heard odd noises coming from the bathroom and went to go investigate it. She found him jacking off while moaning her name. She gasped he turned and accidentally exploded all over her. When he saw what he had just done he quickly apologized for it. She just laughed it off and pulled off her nightgown throwing it at him.

"Go put that in the laundry basket please." laughed Brittney.

He pulled the gown off his face just in time to see her step into the shower. Turning before she could see how his body reacted to seeing her naked. Stepping out of the bathroom once more placing the gown in the basket.

"Is it ok if I join you so I can clean up my mess?" asked Chris.

"Sure just make it quick," yelled Brittney.

He raced into the shower and ran right into her causing her to nearly fall. He caught her before it could happen. His arm around her naked waist.

"Are you enjoying this?" she asked smiling pointing at his erection.

He blushed hard and nodded.

"I am glad you like what you see," whispered Brittney in his ear.

"What am I supposed to do about this?" he asked in a whisper.

"I know a few ideas." she purred in his ear.

He looked at her confused until she pointed at herself and grinned.

"Wait are you saying you want to have sex with me?" he asked confused.

"Duh." she laughed.

His eyes lit up and he grinned wickedly then said, "You have no idea how badly I've wanted to do this."

He picked her up placing her on top of him. She gasped at the size of it. It didn't take him long to have her screaming and cumming on him. They went on like this for two hours. He accidentally cummed inside her four times. She was glad she was on birth control. They took turns cleaning each other then stepped out of the shower to find Samantha and Oliver grinning at them.

"So we had similar nights and mornings," whispered Oliver.

"Wait you two?" asked Brittney.

They nodded grinning.

"Did you cum inside her?" asked Chris.

Oliver nodded blushing.

"Wait are you two on birth control?" the guys asked at once.

The girls nodded laughing.


The summer went by in a blur. Everyone could easily say this was the best summer ever. Not only because of the sex but because it was just so much fun. They went to the beach every day and had the best time of their life. No one telling them what to do or what not to do. Just pure freedom and they enjoyed it very much.