
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 110: I won't allow you to speak ill of Teacher Chu Kuang!

The closing time of the Silver Blue Library was at eleven in the morning, and work resumed at one in the afternoon, leaving a two-hour gap for lunch or rest. However, few people went home; most preferred to take their lunch break at the company.

Eleven fifteen.

The editors of the Young Adult Fiction Department finished their lunch in the company cafeteria. They returned to the office in groups, only to find Yang Feng sitting motionless in front of his computer, as if he had lost touch with reality.

Shaking their heads, the colleagues couldn't help but sympathize with Yang Feng.

His situation was truly challenging. Just when he finally had a bestselling author, Chu Kuang, under his wing, "Tennis Prince" serial ended abruptly in less than six months. Now, Chu Kuang had chosen an inexplicable theme for his new book.

Not to mention Yang Feng, any editor in the department would find this situation difficult to handle. Yang Feng was probably pondering how to persuade Chu Kuang to choose a different theme. Colleagues took turns patting Yang Feng's shoulder:

"Let's go eat first."

"There's still room to maneuver in this matter."

"When you get a chance, talk to Chu Kuang. Help him understand the conventions in our circle. Encourage him to continue writing sports competitions with his skill. Even if he can't reach the heights of 'Tennis Prince,' I believe he won't fall far behind."

"Xianxia is definitely not the way to go."

"The theme is just too ancient."

After a few pats on the shoulder from colleagues, Yang Feng, like awakening from a dream, suddenly stood up from his seat with a flushed face and a vigorous posture. He loudly declared:

"You guys understand nothing!"

After exchanging glances, the colleagues began to suspect if Yang Feng had been mentally affected by the setbacks. Instead of blaming him for the outburst, they sympathized even more:

"Brother, take it easy."

"This isn't your fault."

"It's all Chu Kuang's problem."

"The sudden end of 'Tennis Prince' already showed that Chu Kuang is a very whimsical author. Writing a book with such an unpredictable author is filled with uncertainty. Don't be too disheartened."


Everyone thought that after this round of comforting, Yang Feng's mood would improve. However, to everyone's astonishment, Yang Feng became somewhat angry and glared at them:

"I won't allow you to speak ill of Teacher Chu Kuang!"

Colleagues: "..."

Yang Feng, gesticulating animatedly, seemed like a fish returning to the embrace of the lake after a drought, filled with the passion of life:

"You people don't understand what Xianxia is! Teacher Chu Kuang's talent is beyond your comprehension and imagination!"

Yang Feng was truly excited!

When it came to Xianxia, people's recent memories could be traced back to the "Immortal Demon War" eighty years ago. So, when many editors heard that Chu Kuang wanted to write Xianxia novels, their initial reaction was that this theme was outdated.

Yang Feng had the same thought initially.

However, ten minutes ago, after thoroughly reading the content of the first volume of "Jade Dynasty," he realized how absurd his previous judgment was. Chu Kuang's imagination surpassed all the editors' expectations—

So, it turned out that Xianxia could be written like this!

Under the grand and novel worldview, scenes of Qingyunmen's Dazhufeng unfolded slowly, like an immortal landscape painting enveloped in ethereal mist. Zhang Xiaofan and his ordinary-looking fire stick, the mischievous yet charming apprentice sister Tian Ling'er, and the strange yet kind senior brothers along with the mysterious master—almost every character seemed to come to life on paper.

Blood Devouring Bead!

Three-eyed Spirit Monkey!

The Battle of Buddhism, Taoism, and Demons!

Qingyun's Seven Peak Martial Arts Competition!

Every unfolding plot made Yang Feng's heart surge, every introduced element left him in awe. Especially witnessing Zhang Xiaofan's initial struggles and the upcoming Qingyun Sect's Seven Peak Martial Arts Competition, the pacing of the story always seemed to hit the most emotionally resonant notes.

Yang Feng was completely won over.

Ignoring his colleagues' attempts to console him and refraining from explaining the intricacies of the novel, he directly sent the document of "Jade Dynasty" to everyone's email.

He believed that after reading it, they would understand his feelings.

Having done these things, Yang Feng went downstairs to have lunch.

Today, Yang Feng was truly acting out of character. Colleagues stood still for a moment, then each returned to their seats. Soon, they noticed "Jade Dynasty" lying quietly in their respective inboxes.

"Chu Kuang's new book?"

"Did Yang Feng send it to us?"

"Let's see what Chu Kuang has written."

People hesitated for a moment, exchanged a few words, and then curiously clicked on the book. After all, it was Chu Kuang's new work. Even if it belonged to the somewhat bewildering Xianxia genre, there was still some interest, especially since Yang Feng took the effort to send it to everyone's email, hoping they could help take a look.

People began to read.

Albert Einstein once gave a whimsical interpretation of relativity. When someone is bored, time seems to pass very slowly. However, during a date with a beautiful girl, time seems to fly by.

Here on Blue Star,

The editors of the Fantasy Department were unfamiliar with Einstein, but for them, an excellent novel was like a beautiful girl. If given the choice, they might even prefer a novel over a girl. This was akin to some otaku ignoring goddesses for the sake of games.

Continuing the analogy of relativity:

Reading a boring novel, editors felt time passed slowly. However, when reading an excellent novel, they felt time passing very, very quickly. It was as if the two hours of the lunch break had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Everyone even forgot about their lunch break.

Lunch break was a daily routine in the editorial department. If they didn't take a break, it could affect their work in the afternoon. However, the Fantasy Editorial Department has no such concept today. Even when the afternoon shift began, everyone was still engrossed in the first volume of "Jade Dynasty."


Not important.

Everyone's attention was completely absorbed by "Jade Dynasty." They read diligently, creating an unprecedented silence in the editorial department. Even the footsteps of Yang Feng returning to start the afternoon shift were unheard.

Yang Feng smiled.

He understood his colleagues very well because he spent his morning the same way. "Jade Dynasty" must be published. Even if Chu Kuang changed his mind and said he wanted to write sports competitions, Yang Feng wouldn't agree. Chu Kuang should just write Xianxia!

Write what kind of sports competition?

At this moment, a few company leaders passed by. Seeing the editors of the Fantasy Department focused on their computers, they nodded approvingly.

"The Fantasy Department's enthusiasm for work is high. They've entered into the state right after starting the afternoon shift."

"Not bad."

"That's the way it should be."

"Better than other departments."

Under normal circumstances, it takes time for these editors to get into working mode because they might still be a little dazed from just finishing lunch. It usually takes a while for them to shake off the drowsiness and get back to work.

The leaders left satisfied.

What these leaders didn't know was that shortly after they left, an editor suddenly shouted at the computer with a tone of regret and anger:

"Damn, is it over just like this?"