
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 111: A set of playback machines

Flipping pages, flipping pages, flipping pages...

This editor is the fastest reader in the entire editorial department. At this moment, he has already reached a crucial chapter in the first volume of "Jade Dynasty," where the Seven Peak Martial Arts Competition of the Qingyun Sect is about to begin. However, his mouse is almost worn out, and the next chapter has yet to appear, making him anxious.

Is the first volume ending here?

Chu Kuang is truly a master of leaving readers hanging!

However, finishing the chapter doesn't mean other editors have finished reading. Everyone is engrossed in the story. Suddenly, they hear the noisy complaints from this editor and look up disapprovingly, threatening him with their eyes.

"Shut up!"

"I was just..."

"Dare to spoil, and I'll kill you!"

The editor dares not provoke the collective anger and can only obediently close his mouth. However, his words have reminded other editors who are still reading.

Everyone is now reading while silently praying:

"Please, hold on to the progress bar!"

As everyone knows, the progress bar is something that can never hold on forever.

Editors naturally read faster than ordinary readers. Even if everyone tries to be careful, the progress bar will eventually perform the legendary disappearing act.

So when everyone finishes the pitiful first volume of "Jade Dynasty," the editorial department erupts. Each editor seems to have a repeated refrain:

"Oh god, is it over?"

"Oh god, is it over?"

"Oh god, is it over?"

It's as if they are not editors but a set of playback machines.

Perhaps the essence of humanity is, in fact, a playback machine.

The first editor who finishes reading finally dares to speak, "Reading too fast is our professional ailment."

Everyone feels the same.

What bothers everyone the most is not just reading fast but the abrupt ending of the first volume of "Jade Dynasty":

"Chu Kuang! Why is this so short?!"

"It's stuck in such a position!"

"I want to see Zhang Xiaofan show off a bit!"

"Being neither here nor there is too tormenting!"

"Just when it was getting exciting, it suddenly ends!"

Chu Kuang's first volume is not actually short.

An update of two hundred thousand words is quite substantial.

Most novels are published volume by volume. Some novels dare to be published as a volume with just over a hundred thousand words. Publishing a content-rich volume of two hundred thousand words can be considered a conscientious move in the industry.

In the end, everyone's frustration stems from complaining about the abrupt ending.

The Seven Peak Martial Arts Competition of the Qingyun Sect is obviously a major climax. Who would want to stop before a climax?

"How is it?"

Yang Feng smiles and speaks, appearing indifferent.

In fact, Yang Feng was more excited than anyone before. But now, looking at everyone's reaction, he suddenly feels a strange sense of superiority.



"Mind blowing!"

The vocabulary to describe it is very limited. A simple 'wow' seems inadequate for the editorial profession.

Two minutes later.

People's rationality gradually returns, "This book is simply redefining the words 'Xianxia.' Chu Kuang is setting a new pace!"

"Turns out Xianxia can be written like this."

"I even smell a hint of Wuxia in 'Jade Dynasty,' but in terms of artistic conception, it's clearly superior to Wuxia. Chu Kuang's work might lead the market trend again."

Wuxia was once popular.

Fantasy Department, this group of old men, more than ninety percent of them have had the martial arts dream of wielding a sword in the rivers and lakes, so many people have such feelings.

Unfortunately, the era of martial arts has passed.

Just like the Heavenly Kingdom on Earth.

Wuxia classification was once the pillar subject in the book market.

The popularity of this genre was even more exaggerated than the current most popular fantasy adventure.

But today, no one can bear to read Wuxia novels anymore.

Seen too much.

Readers are tired.

But today, after reading "Jade Dynasty," everyone felt the long-lost martial arts sentiment. However, this novel is not Wuxia but a Xianxia world with even higher martial prowess.

"No wonder he doesn't want to continue writing sports competitions."

"So, Xianxia is the true romance for men!"

"Chu Kuang really understands. This book has swollen my face."

"Who could have thought that Chu Kuang's Xianxia would turn out like this."

"Although it's the Xianxia genre, the content and structure are completely different from 'Immortal Demon War.' This is a completely new creative approach to Xianxia."


Back in the day, "Immortal Demon War" simply applied various mythological legends to write a story of the struggle between righteousness and evil.

It's essentially a disguised Wuxia story.

The author just elevated the power level of Wuxia a bit.

But Chu Kuang's "Jade Dynasty" has vividly depicted a lifelike cultivation world!

When everyone reads this book, there's even a feeling that this world truly exists.

Clearly mysterious, the entire worldview can still be self-contained, and everyone's pursuit of cultivation is profound and exquisite.

This world emphasizes chance and coincidence, emphasizes the cycle of cause and effect, and emphasizes the magical artifacts.

Especially the occasional mention of the "Jade Dynasty Sword Formation" in the book is an unprecedented point of great anticipation!

Although Chu Kuang didn't describe how terrifying the Jade Dynasty Sword Formation is in depth, just the words "Jade Dynasty" make everyone irresistibly yearn for it, feeling that it's majestic and vast!

Thinking back.

The opening sentence, "Heaven and earth are ruthless, treating all things as straw dogs," is not simple at all. Laozi's words are almost tailored for this story, and the more you think about it, the more thrilling it becomes.

Just at this moment.

The chief editor, Old Xiong, entered. Seeing the editors whispering, he roared loudly, "What are you gossiping about instead of working!"

Bear sighting!

[T/N: Xiong translates to Bear]

The editors were shocked and quickly shut up, pretending to be working seriously.

As the chief editor of the fantasy department, Old Xiong still has a lot of authority.

Last time, Yu Rong's "Interesting Reads" secretly arranged a meeting with Chu Kuang, and Old Xiong directly caused a ruckus in the magazine department. This incident left a deep impression on many people.

"That's right."

At this time, only Yang Feng dared to speak, "Chu Kuang's new book is out, and I think the company can promote it early. We can publish it directly next month."

"Chu Kuang's new book?"

Old Xiong's expression softened a bit, "Is he writing about tennis again, or is it another sports project?"

Yang Feng said, "This time he's writing Xianxia."

Old Xiong's expression stiffened for a moment, "Are you kidding me?"

Yang Feng wasn't surprised by Old Xiong's reaction and quickly said, "Just take a look first. I've already sent the manuscript to your inbox."


Old Xiong walked towards the chief editor's office with a puzzled face, couldn't help but turn back before closing the door, and asked Yang Feng again, "Are you really not kidding me?"

"You can see for yourself."

Yang Feng smiled.

The others remained silent, but their expressions were a bit strange. They stared at Old Xiong, secretly anticipating, what would be the chief editor's reaction after reading "Jade Dynasty"?

The answer was revealed.

In the evening, just before the end of the workday, Old Xiong suddenly rushed out of the office, stepping with the force of two hundred catties, completely ignoring everyone, making the floor rumble!


Not a word was spoken. In the blink of an eye, Old Xiong's mountain-like figure had already disappeared at the door, leaving only the door that was violently pushed open creaking.

"This is the first time I've seen Old Xiong run so fast."

The editors marveled, exchanged tacit glances, and this is what a true bear sighting looks like.