
Flirting with Death

"I am death itself" He whispered and the girl beneath him on the bed clutched her dress in fear, which made him chuckle deeply. "And although I want to have you, it is forbidden for the living to copulate with the dead" .... It was her last assignment before her promotion as a secret agent- to find out everything she could about Mr. Dominic Grey. A man who was rumored to be darkness itself. What will happen when Marianne Quinn finds out more about this darkness than she is supposed to and the darkness enchains her in a way that her life is now linked with his?

Silksiren · Fantasie
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13 Chs


"I'll go.. Yes, I will go with you, Master Dominic Grey. I request nothing in return," Marianne suddenly interfered, and for the second time that day, Dominic's eyes narrowed at her.

Everyone hung back as they stared intently at Marianne who in turn wondered what she had said wrong.

"Umm Marianne. Are you sure of what you're saying? You don't have to trouble yourself. I can look for someone to accompany him," Georgia commented. The air in the room had suddenly become stuffy.

"Georgia, the way you speak makes it look like I need a chaperone," Dominic rolled the words out of his mouth which led to Georgia letting out an awkward chuckle.

"Do not worry about me, Miss Georgia. Is it bad trying to socialize?" Marianne questioned with a raised brow. Marianne could feel Dominic's eyes on her. It wasn't a neutral stare but a hard glare. He was glaring at her.

"What do you say, master Dominic Grey?" Marianne asked, finally lifting up her head to look at Dominic. "Can I come with you?"

A smirk emerged on Dominic's face. He recalled her earlier silly action in the hallway and now.

"You can accompany me, as far you do not create a ruckus," said Dominic in his ever-flat voice. Marianne gave him a subtle smile and continued eating. The other two at the table couldn't help but have sweaty palms.

This girl sure didn't know what she was getting herself into. Dominic was a man who was really hard to please. A little mistake and he could detach one's head from his or her body. He needed everyone to be as flawless as him. And for someone like Marianne who knew nothing about this serene storm that could engulf her at any time...

Georgia and Oliver could only shake their heads in pity.


After dinner, everyone retired to bed. The night wasn't young anymore but Marianne found it strenuous to sleep. She wondered why. Sitting upright on the bed, she heaved a sigh. The sudden image of Dominic flashed through her eyes. The man was strangely different. He always had that aloof look lingering in his eyes. She couldn't deny that he was attractive, probably the most handsome man she had seen.. Yet, there was something about the man she couldn't place her finger on. Remembering what happened in his room, goosebumps began to form on her hand and almost immediately, her windows flung open. The sudden breeze hit her and she shivered. Turning her head to the window, she wondered how it got opened.

'I did lock it' she thought.

Walking up to the window she locked it and looked at herself in the reflector. Looking clearly into her reflection in the window, she saw someone standing behind her. Her heart skipped a beat and she turned around to find no one there. It was too quick to register the image of the person.. She sucked in a sharp breath. Turning around to the window, the person appeared closer and closer until she felt two hands grab her from behind. A scream erupted from her mouth but it wasn't enough to alert everyone in the house. She covered the window with the thick curtains and turned around. She was beginning to have second thoughts. This mansion was haunted!

What else could explain what she just saw?

Gulping, she ran to her bed and sat down. Biting her lip gently, she tried to keep her heart in check when she heard a knock on her door.

Her heart skipped some beats.

"Mari..Marianne are you okay?" Marianne heard a familiar voice. It was Georgia. Calming down, Marianne walked up to the door and opened it to find a worried Georgia. "I heard your scream. I was in the kitchen. Are you okay?" Georgia asked as she searched Marianne's eyes for an answer.

"Yes I am. Thank you. It was a crazy nightmare," Marianne said with a nervous smile.

Hearing Georgia sigh, Marianne chuckled before saying- "Do not worry about me, I am okay"

Georgia nodded and wishing Marianne a good night's rest, she walked away. Heaving her own sigh, Marianne closed her door.

She hadn't even taken two steps when she heard a knock on her door again.

What did Georgia want? Marianne questioned herself.

"Georgia," Marianne called and opened the door. The sight in front of her made her body go numb immediately. It was something she had never seen before- only read about it. It wore a hooded cloak and held a lantern in its right hand. The creature was no other than a grim reaper. It raised his head to glance at Marianne who had turned stiff. Opening its mouth, it whispered some things and Marianne's eyes which were green turned red immediately. It walked closer to her and flicked her forehead with its hand... Making her body fall limp on the ground.


The birds chirped and Marianne opened her eyes gently. She was on a bed- in a strange room.

"Oh, you're awake," Marianne heard a person speak. It was a man who had a grumpy look on his face.

"Yes I am, who are you?" Marianne asked as she tried to sit upright on the bed.

"I am Dictor Zean. And you're my patient who I presume to be Miss Marianne Quinn," he replied and Marianne became confused immediately. Doctor?

For what?

"You must be mistaken, Sir Zean.. I'm alright and need no treatment," Marianne replied.

The man sighed before speaking. "If you insist. I'll call Ma'am Georgia here now. A minute"

The room became quiet and Marianne finally had the chance to look around. This wasn't her room but it definitely was one in the mansion due to the familiar paintings.

'How did I end up here?' she asked herself trying to recall her last night.

As if remembering, her face turned white. The grim reaper. After she opened the door, that was all she remembered. Perhaps it was a dream.. But if it was how did she end up here?

She thought. The door opened and Georgia came running in.

"Marianne, how are you doing?" Georgia asked as she huffed. "I am alright, Good morning to you"

Georgia heaved a sigh knowing Marianne was alright. When the doctor came to tell her about Marianne who was awake, Georgia had gotten scared.

Last night, after leaving Marianne's room, Georgia made her way to her room. A lot was running through her mind and one of it was the sudden intrusion of the witches.

Witches- a term that had been forgotten in today's world. The witches were known to be cunning and their coming back meant no good.

Not too long after she lay on her bed did she feel an ominous presence. She ran to her door and got out of her room. She could smell it. It was lurking in the mansion. Georgia's brows furrowed when she heard a thud which came from the next hallway. Bolting there, she saw Marianne who lay cold on the floor. That wasn't all, Marianne was crying blood. Marianne wasn't a pale lady, instead she had fair skin. But here she laid, looking like all the blood in her body had been drained. It made Georgia panic immediately. What went wrong in a few minutes? Picking up Marianne in her hand, Georgia took her to a guest room before calling the doctor.

"Marianne. I was so worried. What happened last night?" Georgia asked as she clasped Marianne's hand.

"Oh that," Marianne said with a low voice. She wondered how to tell Georgia that she had encountered a grim reaper.